I Won't Let This Build up Inside of Me

He Has A What?!

My phone vibrated, signaling that I had a new text. I opened up my phone to see it was from Jamie.

Wait there. We're going over.

I knew by we, she meant the girls. Now usually we aren't all gossipy and what not, but when we see something as revolting as that, we get gossipy. The girls came over and we all sat in the semi-round booth.

"Can you believe that? Matt out of all people!" exclaimed Sara. I glared at where Matt was.

"Who in the world would've believed that Matt would be one to pick up some whore in a club?" spat Jamie. It was obvious she wanted to kick Matt's ass.

"Well, you know he hasn't had a girlfriend in awhile. He could just want some female attention," I pointed out, mildly defending Matt while sipping on my drink.

"Oh please. He gets enough 'female attention' from you," scoffed Denise.

"Don't go there right now. We have more important issues at hand." The guys came over. Matt was still busy. Ugh.

"What are you girls chatting about?" questioned Zacky as he sat down and pulled Amber onto his lap. Us girls exchanged glances with one another. Sara simply pointed to where Matt was.

"He's just with a girl. What's wrong with that?" asked Jimmy.

"It's a stupid skank! Are you seriously blind?" yelled Jamie, scaring Jimmy a little.

"Now that you mention it, she does look a little skanky," agreed Brian.

"Thank you!"

"Don't I get anything for agreeing with you?" She pecked him on the lips. And as if he heard everything we were saying, Matt stood up, grabbed the hand of the girl I have dubbed The Skank, and walked over to our table.

"Tired from dancing?" laughed Matt.

"No," simply replied Johnny. He grabbed Sara's hand and dragged her back onto the dance floor.

"Everyone, this is Tiffany." We all tried to smile in return. I knew mine was obviously fake. But Matt and Tiffany were too oblivious to it.

"I'm going back to the bus. I don't feel to good," I lied, getting up.

"I'll go with you," said Jamie. With that, we walked out to the bus.
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Ooooohhhh..... Matt has a girlfriend. I wonder if Olivia will get jealous.... Well, you'll have to wait. Comments are loverly. =D