I Won't Let This Build up Inside of Me

Holy Shit!

I had already finished performing and the guys were almost done with their set. Jamie, Denise, and I were standing in the wings, near Zacky. Amber, Sara, and The Skank were sitting on the couch behind us.

"Zacky!" I called. He looked over at me and I motioned him closer. "Start playing 'Demons'. I'm sure Matt will go along."

"You are evil!" Zacky yelled back at me. I grinned. He did as I said and started playing "Demons."

"Whoa, whoa, Vengeance. What are you doing?" asked Matt, stopping the conversation he was having with the audience.

"That one told me to do it!" replied Zacky, pointing at me.

"Traitor!" I yelled. Matt looked at me and I gave him puppy dog eyes. He grinned, flaunting his dimples. They started "Demons." I clapped like a spazz.

"I thought I told you to stay away from Matt," spat Tiffany from behind me. I turned around as did Jamie and Denise.

"Am I near Matt? No. There is at least a twenty foot distance between us," I retorted.

"Don't be a smart ass."

"I'll be whatever ass I want to be. Whether that be a smart ass, dumb ass, or just a plain ass. I will be an ass towards you."

"Now do you really want to let Matt see you fighting with his girlfriend?" She smirked.

"If it means exposing you for the whore and gold digger you really are, I will risk that."

"Oh, I'm the whore? You're the whore. Shaking your ass out onstage and what not." I narrowed my eyes, my rage just begging to be let shown through violence.

"Are you calling me a whore?"

"Yes, skank."

"That's it!" I lunged at her, tackling her to the ground. She screamed. I socked her in the jaw. Thank you Matt for showing me how to hit. I punched her again, this time on her nose. Then she decided to fight dirty and attempted to scratch at my eyes but ended up scratching my forehead. But damn! Those fake nails of her hurt like a bitch! I clamped a hand to my forehead. Tiffany took my distraction as an opportunity to attack. She pulled my hair.

"Holy shit!" I heard Johnny yell. I ignored him and decided to copy Tiffany's tactics. I pulled on her fake ass hair.

"Fight! Fight! Fight!" Jimmy chanted. I felt two arms wrap around my waist and pull me away from The Skank. Which was quite hard due to the fact I was pretty strong due to my preforming.

"Don't hit me!" Zacky yelled. He was dodging my still swinging fists while still trying to keep a hold on me. I fell limp, breathing heavily and glaring at Tiffany, who was being held back by Matt.

"What the hell is going on?" demanded Matt.

"She called me a whore," said Tiffany. He looked at her then at me.

"Because she is a whore! But she called me a whore too!" I argued. By the look in Matt's eyes, I knew he wouldn't believe me no matter what. I glanced at Jamie. She wasn't moving, but Brian had his arms around her as a precaution. "You know what? I don't want to have a pointless fight. I'll be in the bus," I snarled. I looked at Zacky. He looked back at me. "Zacky, can you let go of me?"

"Hell no. I'm walking you back to the bus." I huffed in anger. He kept one arm wrapped around my waist as we walked out.
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Damn! Cat fight! Matt is now dubbed a wiener for not believing Olivia and believing the *dramatic music* THE SKANK! Comment por favor! =D