I Won't Let This Build up Inside of Me

Sir Poopy

*Still In Zacky's POV*

Olivia cried until she had no more energy to cry. She sniffed.

"How ya feeling, Liv?" I asked her.

"Like shit, angry, bitter," she bitterly replied.

"You know what you need to do? You need to relax." She pulled away and looked at me as if I were crazy.

"And how am I supposed to relax when at any minute a traitor and a whore can come in?" Olivia demanded.

"Like this."

Olivia's POV:

I watched Zacky get up and go to the back. He came back with one of his signature guitars. The yellow and black one that had ZVs all over it.

"What are you doing?" I asked, raising an eyebrow.

"I am going to teach you to play guitar. And the song I'm going to teach you is 'Becoming the Bull' by Atreyu," Zacky replied. He handed me the guitar then stared at the way my hand was positioned. "This is going to be harder than I thought." He paused, thinking. "Got it! You remember that day you decided to be everyone's mirror?" I nodded. I was Matt's mirror for over an hour because he wanted to outsmart me. He won because I started laughing at how frustrated he was getting. "Think you can mirror the way I hold my left hand?"

"I think I can."

"Good." He sat down in front of me and started teaching me. About two hours later, I got it. And I was completely relaxed and momentarily forgot that me and Matt were fighting. In the room that the bus allowed, Zacky and I were dancing around, playing the guitar, and singing "Becoming the Bull".

Back and forth the struggle consumes us all
Trying to keep a level head
In the most unsettling of times
Today I become the bull

Just as Zacky and I finished singing, everyone else decided to make an entrance. Including the traitor and The Skank.

"What are you guys doing?" asked Jamie, looking at us curiously and how close Zacky and I were.

"Just messing around," I replied, handing Zacky his guitar.

"Oh! Sounds kinky!" said Jimmy, smirking devilishly. I rolled my eyes. Matt walked past me with Tiffany, without saying anything to me.

"No, Jimmy," I said. I sat down, Zacky sitting on my left and throwing an arm over my shoulders and Jamie sitting on my right.

"What are you going to do about Sir Poopy?" asked Jamie.

"'Sir Poopy'?" snorted Zacky.

"It's either that or Dr. Dickhead or The Ass," Jamie replied. I let out a small laugh out. However, a little part of me was a little offended because of what Jamie was calling him.

"Sir Poopy it is!" declared Brian, lifting up his beer bottle.
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