Till There Was You



“Say something,”John whispered to Ringo,causing him to shoot him a weird look.John nodded in Michelle's direction once her and Pattie engaged in conversation.

“I will,”Ringo replied as the waitress came and took everyones orders.She wrote down everyones order in her notebook and left the table.Ringo patted down his jacket,searching for his cigarettes.He peeled the package out and stuck one between his lips,lighting it up quickly and tuned back into the conversation.

“Why do you suppose they give you so many forks?”George asked picking up one of the many forks placed next to his plate.

“To eat a different grain of rice,son,”John replied.

Michelle chuckled and shook her head, “It's stupid really-I don't get why either,but I guess it's classy,”

“We're not classy at all,”Ringo said taking a drag of his cigarette and eyed her. “We're most likely the opposite of classy,”

“Or thats just you,mate,”Paul replied doing the same and peeling out a cigarette,as Jane joined them at the table.She placed her hand on Paul's shoulder and sat next to him.He nearly jumped and greeted her with a warming smile, “You find your shoes alright?”

“Yea,”She replied and looked around the table, “Sorry I'm late—I'm sure you've already ordered?”

Everyone nodded, “Don't worry-I ordered something you'll like,”Paul said dabbing out his cigarette in the tray that sat in the center of the table.

“Nice fish and chips,eh?”John mocked,rubbing his hands together.Paul smirked and crossed his legs underneath the table.He paused for a moment,as his leg brushed up against Michelle's accidentally.It didn't seem to faze her as much as it did him.He dropped his gaze to the table and bit down on his lip.He was tempted to do it again,and see if it'll get her attention off of Ringo.He slickly and slowly reached out and rubbed the toe of his shoe at the base of her leg and worked his way upward.He would briefly look up at her,and see a light blush appear on her cheeks.

Paul smiled and tore his gaze from her as the food arrived at the table.George furrowed his brow and felt and odd rubbing sensation on his leg.He pulled away from the table and lifted up the crimson table cloth to see Paul's leg rubbing up against his, “Paul—What are you doing?”

Paul swallowed down hard and tucked his legs underneath his chair quickly, “I had a twitch-Sorry,mate,”George eyed him weirdly before picking through his salad.Paul sighed heavily and shook his head.

“You alright?”Jane whispered to Paul.

“I'm fine—Lets just eat,”He replied before picking up his fork.After dinner,the group had a series of laughs,courtesy of John and conversations.While the others were talking,John shot Ringo a knowing look aswell as George.

Ringo sighed and rubbed his hands together.His heart began thudding at an irregular pace as he turned to Michelle,who was finishing up her drink, “You wanna dance?”

She placed her glass down on the table and nodded, “Alright,”She pulled out from the table and stood,following Ringo as he took her hand and led her towards the floor.

“Ah-Young love,”John joked batting his eye lashes, “Speaking of young love-Why don't you two get your rear ends out there as well,”

Pattie looked at George pleadingly and he sighed, “Lets go,”He took her hand and led her towards Ringo and Michelle who were already out there.John tore his gaze from the couple and turned to Paul and Jane,who were most likely the last couple to go out there.Paul caught his gaze and shook his head slowly.

“Not likely-I ate a bad prune or something,”Paul replied, “I think I'm gonna be sick to my stomach,”He pulled out another cigarette and quickly lit it.

“I'll be back,just need to use the washroom”Jane said standing up and placing her napkin on the table.

“How was the press conference today?”Michelle asked as both her and Ringo swayed back and forth.George and Pattie soon joined them,as the two couples danced underneath the beautiful chandelier hanging from the ceiling.

“It was alright-Not different then any other,”Ringo replied gripping down onto Michelle's hand.

“Same questions all the time,I'm guessing,”She asked causing Ringo to chuckle out loud.

“Well-Yea,basically,”He said then twirled her out and brung her back to him,pulling her closer to him, “You enjoyed your stay with Pattie,yea?”

Michelle glanced over his shoulder at both her and George.She couldn't help but smile at how cute they both looked, “Yes,we went out for a bit and took in the sights-Came back and got ready,she says I'm her size but I definitely think thats not the case,”

“Bullocks,”Ringo said, “It fits you nicely,if I must say so,”

Michelle chuckled and bit down on her lip, “Thank you”

Ringo went quiet,thoughts filling his head on what to do.His hand lightly gripped onto her waist, “Michelle,could I ask you a question?”

“Go ahead,”She said.

He sighed heavily and glanced at George,who nodded in his direction.That kind of lifted a weight of his shoulders,knowing that his mates were behind him to help him out.He swallowed down hard and glanced up at her, “Well,I was wondering,since you were traveling with us and sorts—If you would,want to you know-See me at all?”

Both of them stopped dancing,and Michelle couldn't help the smile that appeared on her face.She wanted to wrap her arms around him and just hold him. “Of course,”She said noticing the smile toying on his lips.

He chuckled, “You seem more excited then I am,”

“I am-And don't lie,I could tell you were nervous about something,”Michelle replied as Ringo shot her a curious look, “You palms were sweating,”

“I hate when that happens,”He muttered to himself,shoving his hands in his pockets.Michelle chuckled and took them out and pulled him closer to her.He was surprised at her sudden gesture,but didn't mind at all.

“I didn't mind it at all-I found it rather cute,”She insisted rubbing her nose against his,something she'd been wanting to do for quite sometime.Ringo ached for that sudden contact with her as her breath danced along his lips.She was finally his,after nearly a year of absence,with only a picture and thoughts of her consuming his mind.Ringo smiled weakly,leaned down and brushed his lips against hers in a passionate,yet blissful kiss.His hand ran along her shoulder and down to her waist,as she slowly pulled away from him and wrapped her arms around his neck,hugging him close to her.Ringo could feel all his mates eyes burning into his back.George was five steps away,most likely chatting with Pattie about it and John and Paul were probably rambling on at the table.But he didn't care.

Michelle sighed heavily,letting her chin hang on Ringo's shoulder.With his arms wrapped around her and his shallow breaths against her neck,it seemed so right.A smile tugged at the corners of her mouth as she glanced across the room and randomly caught Paul's eye.He seemed to be fixated on the two on the floor for quite sometime as he smoked on his cigarette.Michelle quickly looked away and pulled away from Ringo.

“Do you want to go up to the room?”Ringo whispered running his thumb across her cheek.She nodded,and let a yawn escape her lips.Ringo smiled and pecked her lips gently,clasping her hand, “Come on-Lets go,”

Paul tore his gaze from the couple on the dance floor once Michelle noticed.He took one last drag of his cigarette and dabbed it out,leaning back in his chair, “Something got you tussled,Paul?

“I'm fine-It's my stomach,”He replied taking a sip of his water and glancing back onto the floor.John cocked his brow and followed his gaze,watching both Ringo and Michelle exit the restaurant and head into the hotel lobby.Paul's stomach curdled and he felt sick to his stomach at the least.Watching that scene unfold right infront of him wasn't helping either.

“I have to sleep in the same room as them—Lucky me,”John mumbled.Paul lightly smirked and dropped his gaze to the table cloth.He was happy that Ringo finally found someone,other then that last woman back in Liverpool who nearly robbed him of all his quid.

But why'd it have to be Michelle?