Till There Was You


August 26th 1965

The sun rose on the horizon,spilling through the cream curtains and into the room.The room was silent as the ocean waves crashed against each other and the birds chirped outside.

Michelle stirred in the bed,peeking one eye open slowly.She sighed heavily,smelling the familiar scent coming in from the beach.Rolling over onto her side,her hand ran through the empty sheets where Ringo layed hours ago.She propped her head on her elbow and looked around the room.No clothes or note showed any sign of him anywhere.

Michelle gathered up the sheets and wrapped them around her body and threw her legs over the bed.She stood up and made her way over to the open balcony door that only Ringo could've opened when he woke up.Michelle poked her head out the door and looked around,only seeing the ocean view from the doorway.She sighed as stepped out and walked over to the railing,gazing out onto the beach and having the wind tussle her hair.Thoughts of the previous night flooded her head as she stood there hugging the bed sheets close to her naked body.A smile slowly creeped onto her face as she remembered and felt the passion that went through both her and Ringo.How he touched and kissed her with ease and care,how he whispered those beautiful words to her.It was only the 26th of August,a couple days before they would go back to Liverpool.

Michelle bit down on her lip as she felt two warming arms wrap around her waister.His cool lips ran across the flesh on her neck,causing all the hairs on her arms to stand on end, “Your awake,”He whispered softly entwining both of their hands together.Michelle smiled and turning her head to the side so she could see him.He hung his head on her shoulders and lent his head to the side, “I left the door open,if you didn't mind,”

“I didn't,”She replied noting that he was already dressed in a black t-shirt and jeans. “Your already dressed?”

“Mhm,”Ringo mumbled,nudging his face into the crease of her neck.Michelle giggled once he hit her sensitive spot, “Brian wanted to talk to us about something—Nothing big,”

“Did you guys go out and get breakfast then?”Michelle asked,praying that food was already made.She rubbed her stomach as it growled.Ringo chuckled and kissed her neck softly.

“No,love,”He said rubbing her stomach, “But I brought you some tea-Thought you'd still be sleeping,”

“Well,I woke up to a bed with you gone,”Michelle said as Ringo smiled and gazed down at her lips.He tore his gaze from her and looked down at the beach and sighed. “What are you thinking about?”

“Things—What I'm gonna do when this tours done with,”

Michelle sighed and lent her head against his, “I know,”She whispered lowly as Ringo kissed her shoulder and pulled away from her.

“When your ready-The lads and I are in the living room,”Ringo said before walking off the balcony into the room.Michelle waited till the door clicked shut to let out a heavy sigh.She turned back towards the beach and gripped down on the railing.So it wasn't just her that was thinking about the day 'till they left for Liverpool,or the day 'till they leave her again.

Michelle shook the thought from her head and made her way back into the room,searching through her travel bag for a nice fitting pair of shorts and tank top.She pulled her raven hair up into a messy bun and slipped into some flip-flops,grabbing the tea Ringo had left her on the dresser.She walked out of the room and made her way downstairs,hearing the curses from John and George coming from the living room.

“You won this round,son-Now deal again,”John said watching George shuffle the cards in his hands with a wide smile.Ringo and Paul were gathered around them both,sitting on different sofas.John tore his gaze from George and smiled up at Michelle once she entered the room, “Mornin' love—You sleep well after the night you had?”

Michelle blushed,but chuckled as the others looked at her.Ringo pinched John's shoulder causing him to shuffle away and glare at him, “It was alright—So,who's winning?”She poked her head between both George and Paul's head and it seemed like George was winning,but John didn't want to confess.

“I am-But John's being a nit,”George said passing out the cards to the rest of them.

“Of course I am-You bloody cheated,son,”John said gathering his cards and sorting them out.Michelle chuckled and rolled her eyes,as she pecked Ringo on the cheek.

“I'm guessing no ones cooked breakfast?”She asked watching all the guys shake their heads.She sighed and took a drink of her tea, “Alright-George wheres Pattie?”

“Upstairs sleeping still,”He replied staring at his cards intently.Michelle nodded and made her way into the kitchen,peeling out some pans under the sink.She started humming to herself as she swiftly made her way around the kitchen,cracking eggs,frying some bacon and flipping the pancakes.The sound of plates banging together made her turn in her spot from the stove to see Paul peeling out some plates from the cupboard and placing them on the table.She cocked her brow as he shot her a warming smile.

“I'd thought I ought to help,”He insisted placing the plates in different places on the table.Michelle smiled and nodded,turning back to flip the pancakes.Paul bit down on his lip and walked over to her,peeking over her shoulder at all the food she was making.He swallowed down hard when he saw the bacon sizzling in the pan, “I'm afraid I can't eat that,”

Michelle turned her head, “What-The bacon?”

“Yea-Don't really eat much of it,”He replied seeing her eye the bacon.

“Don't worry then-I'm sure you can have eggs,or one of these pancakes,yea?”She asked pointing to either pan.Paul nodded, “Good then. I'll make them extra special then,” She shot him a wink and turned back to flipping the pancakes.Paul smirked shyly and dropped his gaze to the floor as he grabbed the forks and knives that were nicely placed on the counter and sorted them out on the table.

“Could you go get them-It's ready,”Michelle said over her shoulder to Paul.He nodded and quickly left the room as Michelle walked over to the table,sliding some eggs and bacon on to each plate except Paul's.Her stomach growled loudly and the food nearly made her salivate in her own mouth.

“Lads-Comed,foods ready,”Paul said as he peeked his head in the doorway.The guys heads shot up and they dashed towards the kitchen,leaving their cards on the table.

“Food?”John asked taking a waif of the smell, “Smells good in 'er,”He took a seat at the head of the table and eyed what was on his plate,rubbing his hands together, “How many animals you butcher to make this?”

“Just eat it,”Michelle said placing some more food on Ringo's and George's plate.She grabbed Paul's plate that sat on the counter and placed it infront of him.He smiled widely and chuckled as he stared down at his pancake that had a smiley face out of syrup.He glanced up and her and nodded in approval.Michelle shuffled around the kitchen,tossing the empty pans into the sink as the rest ate at the table until she took a seat with them.She received comments from them while they ate and they all indulged in an interesting conversation.She turned to George as he finished the last of his eggs,dabbing his mouth with a napkin, “There's some more food up there for Pattie when she wakes up,”

He nodded and stood,grabbing his plate and tossing it in the sink, “I'll go wake her,”He said and placed a kiss on the top of Michelle's head, “Thank you,” Michelle smiled as the guys finished their food and deposited their plates into the sink.She stood from the table and made her way to the sink to wash the remaining dishes.

“Me stomachs about to explode,”Ringo stated rubbing his stomach, “But it was a well made meal,”He placed a kiss to Michelle's cheek as John and Paul threw their glasses in the sink.

“It was-Thank you much,Michelle,”John replied giving her a bear hug, “We should have you 'round more often-Beats eatin' at those bloody hotels,”He stretched out and cracked his back and looked at both Paul and Ringo, “Anyone up for some more cards?” Both Paul and Ringo shook their heads and nodded off, “Fuck it-I'll just have a smoke then,”John mumbled and walked out of the kitchen into the living room.Ringo looked down at his watch.

“I'll be upstairs,love,”Ringo said to Michelle as he walked out of the room.She sighed and turned the tap on as she began washing the dishes.Paul stood beside her and grabbed a dry cloth from the window sill.

“Helping me still,are you?”Michelle asked passing him a plate to dry.He placed it on the counter and grabbed for another plate.

“You made us food—I might aswell,”He replied.

Michelle smiled and eyed him before turning back to the sink.They both chatted and finished up the dishes as Pattie and George walked into the kitchen,interrupting Paul and Michelle's giggle-fest.

“Did I miss something?”Pattie asked eying both Paul and Michelle cleaning the counter.Michelle placed her hand on her chest,trying to catch her breath.

“Your breakfast is right here-I saved you some,”Michelle said pointing to the plate that sat on the stove.Pattie smiled widely and eyed the food.Michelle threw the cloth into the sink, “Thanks for the help Paul,”

“Anytime,love,”He replied shooting her a wink and walking off into the room John had disappeared into.She sighed and excused herself from George and Pattie to make her way upstairs to see Ringo.She opened the door and saw him stuffing his clothes into his suitcase.Michelle furrowed her brow and walked further into the room before Ringo looked up at her, “Where you going?”

Ringo tossed some hair from his face and chuckled, “You mean,where are we goin'?”

“Ugh,yea—Thats what I mean,”She replied moving to sit on the bed next to his suitcase.He turned his back to her and kept shoving things into his suitcase.

“We're leaving-Might as well start packing in advanced,”He said grabbing some of his things on the dresser.

“What-We're leaving already?”Michelle asked a look of shock crossing her face.Ringo glanced around the room before looking back at Michelle and nodding, “Well-Where are we going?”

Ringo sighed and sat down next to her, “We're going some place else—Brian rented a mansion on the hills outside of San Diego,”He paused and ran his hand up her arm, “It'll be easier to stay there then here,”

Michelle sighed.She didn't want to leave this place,remarkably it had grown on her over the pass few days, “When are we leaving?”

“Tomorrow mornin',”He said and placing a kiss to her cheek, “Don't worry,you'll love it there,”

Michelle chuckled, “Not as much as I do here,”