Till There Was You



Michelle looked up from her book as she lay in the familiar king size bed.John ran quickly pass the door giggling, “I've got Patties knickers,” Michelle cocked her brow as Pattie's figure passed by the doorway stomping towards John down the hallway.

“John Winston Lennon-You don't give me those knickers,I'll blow your pretty little face off,”Pattie cursed down the hallway.Michelle chuckled lowly to herself as Paul passed by the door,but stopped once he caught a glimpse of Michelle in the bed alone.

“Is it always like this when you guys are on the road?”Michelle asked as Paul crossed his arms over his chest and lent against the door frame.She placed her book in her lap and sat up against the headboard.

“Pretty much-Hope we don't scare you off,”Paul chuckled,his gaze dropping to the book that lay in her lap, “But no worries-We wouldn't do such a thing to you,”

“Right-You'd only harass me and throw me into a pool,”Michelle replied causing them both to chuckle.Paul bit the side of his cheek and smiled shyly.

“If you wouldn't of fought against it-We wouldn't be in the situation we were,would we?”He asked cocking his brow and smirking.Michelle bit down on her lip,the corners of her lips slowly tugging into a smile.An exciting feeling bursted in her stomach as she eyed Paul leaning up against the door frame as he peered around the room. She couldn't help but take in his lean posture or how his undershirt fit nicely against his toned body,to nicely to be exact.Michelle could feel herself grow hot all of a sudden and peeled her gaze from him.Paul smacked his lips and stood up straight,walking into the room, “But you got the room didn't you—Your lucky we felt bad for you,”

“You should of-For what you put me through earlier,”Michelle replied as Paul made his way over to the piano and sat behind it.He lifted the lid and played a couple notes before looking back up at Michelle, “You guys left me no choice but to jump in the pool myself,”

“Yea-And bringing us along with you,”Paul muttered as he began playing again.

“I told you didn't I?”She replied listening to the soft music Paul was playing.He shot her a knowing look and continued playing,a smirk appearing on his lips.He could feel her gaze towards him and a sudden feeling in the pit of his stomach shot through his body.Something like he had felt earlier but he wasn't aroused with the fact that she was staring at him.At least not yet.

God Paul,you sick demented,lad.What has come about you?

“What are you playing?”Michelle asked curiously glancing over at him.Her gaze drifted towards the doorway where she saw John and George both walked pass with Pattie dragging along.She was surprised they didn't pop their heads in and join along in the conversation.

“A song me dad taught me growin' up,”Paul muttered as he stopped playing and furrowed his brow, “Wheres Ringo?”

“Downstairs making some coffee for me,”She replied leaning back into her pillow and sighing with satisfaction.She closed her eyes and turned her head towards Paul when she realized that he had stopped playing, “Why'd you stop?”

He looked at her deeply,glancing over at the door every so often, “Cos I don't feel like it anymore,”Michelle pierced her lips together and watched as Paul stood from the piano and walked swiftly over to the bed,sitting down next to her. “What book are you reading?”

He picked it up willingly from her lap and looked at the cover. “You like horror stories?”

“You've read it?”She asked surprisingly grabbing the book from his hands.He placed his hands in his lap.

“Just skimmed over it barely,”Paul replied and brushed his fingers over her forehead,peeling her bangs from her face.Michelle didn't oblige or even mind for that matter. “Lets see how your wounds doin'”He held the top of her head,holding back her hair and ran his fingers over the bruise that appeared on her forehead, “You've got a nice bruise goin' there,eh?”

“Yea-It hurts a little,”Michelle winced as he ran his finger tips over her forehead.Paul backed away,sitting in his regular position, “But I'll be alright—How's your foot,”

“Oh-It's alright,still recovering from that stomp,”He chuckled,shoving his foot in the air and wiggling his toes.Michelle chuckled and gazed at him sympathetically.

“I'm sorry-But it had to be done,”She said causing a smile to spread across his face.

“I understand,love,”He said before glancing back at the door, “Do you need me to get you anything before I leave-A wet cloth for your head?”

Michelle twisted her head then nodded quickly, “Thanks,”She mumbled as Paul stood from the bed and made his way into the washroom.Michelle sighed loudly and listened to the tap water run in the washroom and turn off.Her thoughts lingered to Paul as he walked out of the washroom holding on to a damp cloth.He was the type to woo many woman with his looks and charm,but when he was with her,none of that seemed to matter.He was Paul,the shy egotistical member that she had met over a year ago.One she slowly grew feelings for after their departure.

“'Er you go”Paul said,pulling Michelle from her thoughts.He lent forward and placed the damp cloth on her forehead,running his hand across her cheek, “Your gonna feel that in the mornin',you know,”

“I'm well aware of that,”She chuckled as he smiled shyly and looked away from her.Michelle twisted her lip as she glanced towards the doorway,yawning softly.

“You need some rest-So I'll be headin' off,”Paul replied standing up and dusting his trousers off.He clicked off the lamp that sat on the night stand and placed the book down aswell.

“Leave the lamp on-Ringo's comin' up still,”She said making a move to turn it on,but Paul beat her too it.She huffed and fell back into her pillows. “Thank you,”She held onto the damp cloth that hung on her head as it began to slip down her forehead.

“No problem,”Paul said leaning down and kissing her cheek.He noticed that her eyes had fluttered closed and breath became shallow.He wanted to linger closer to her lips,but to risk something like that wasn't necessary.He was tempted,but he somehow pushed the feeling once again,something he's been doing a lot of lately ever since Jane left.

Paul sighed lowly,his breath hitting her cheek.He ran his nose over the bridge of hers and whispered, “G'Night,”

“Night,”She whispered as he peeled away and quickly walked out of the bedroom,leaving Michelle to her own thoughts.Paul made his way towards his room,seeing Ringo climb the stairs with a tray of two mugs and some crackers.He smiled, “'Lo,mate,”

Ringo nodded in his direction and made his way into the room.Paul walked into his room,sitting down on his bed.Running his hand through his hair slickly,he breathed slowly to calm himself.He needed to get her out of his head,or something was bound to happen.The only thing stopping him was his best mate,Ringo.He didn't want to hurt him.

But what he didn't know couldn't,would it?

The next morning,Michelle woke up with her head throbbing.She groaned in pain and peeled herself from the bed.Looking outside the curtains,she noticed that the sun was barely hiding behind the trees.She slid off her night-gown and put on her swim-suit along with a t-shirt and pair of shorts.Hoping not to wake Ringo,she quietly walked out of the room,clicking the door behind her and making her way downstairs.The house was quiet and still dark as she walked through the living room into the kitchen,noticing the kitchen light still on and the curtains to the patio door pulled back.

Paul didn't notice her until he heard the patio door click open.He sat quietly on one of the patio chairs reading an old newspaper from two days ago.His eyes would flutter closed every now and then,but it didn't seem to matter. “Paul-What are you doing out here?”Her soft voice cooed as Paul pulled the paper away from his face.He noticed she was fully dressed and nursing a wet cloth to her forehead.

He cleared his throat and sat up in his chair“Mornin' Mich.Oh,um-I just thought I'd come out here and read,couldn't sleep much,”

“Oh,”She replied noting his outfit and the black rings that began to form around his eyes.She looked around and pulled up at chair next to him, “I couldn't sleep either,my heads throbbing,”She chuckled and winced at the sudden pain.

“I told you,didn't I?”He replied shooting her a warm smile.She smiled back and dropped her gaze to the ground.

“You have a show today,y'know-Your gonna be tired,”She muttered,looking back up at him.Paul shrugged and tossed the paper onto the table next to him,and twisting in his chair to face her.Michelle looked down at his ruffled trousers upward towards his unbuttoned shirt. “You always sleep in suits?”

Paul chuckled and shook his head, “On occasions—But no worries about the show,I have something that'll keep me energized throughout the day,”

“Oh I see—The secret McCartney formula,”Michelle replied.Paul couldn't help the smile that escaped onto his lips and nodded off.

“Have you had breakfast yet,love?”He asked grabbing ahold of her hand.Michelle shook her head quickly, “Well then-Come on,I'll bring you out to get a cup and then I'd like to show you somethin',”