Till There Was You


The radio was turned up as Paul took a long drag of his cigarette and guided the steering wheel.He briefly looked over at Michelle,smirking as she sat comfortably in the passengers seat of Brian's car with her feet hanging out the window,her head bobbing to the beat.

“So are you sure Brian wont get mad that you took his car?”Michelle asked twisting her neck and looking at Paul.He shrugged and turned back to the road as they made their way up to the hills.

“Not sure-But we'll come up with something,”Paul suggested looking out his side window and gazing down at the lake.He chewed on his lip and hoped for an entrance way that he could pull into.

“Most likely-Thanks for the breakfast though,my stomach is stuffed,”She replied rubbing her stomach.Paul tore his gaze from the road and looked towards Michelle.

“No problem,”He said as they both exchanged shy smiles and looked away from each other.Michelle glanced out the window at the cliffs and trees that felt like were running beside her.The cool summer air seeped into the car,erasing the smell of food and cigarettes for the familiar scent of flowers.Michelle sighed lowly and twisted in her seat,glancing over at Paul every so often.He sat in the drivers seat,one hand on the wheel with his finger tapping to the beat often and glancing in the rear view mirror. “Something on my face?”

Michelle snapped out of her thoughts and shook her head, “No-You just seemed lost,”

“Lost?”He replied curiously as he perked up in his seat.The car came to a slow stop at an intersection as Paul turned onto a secluded dirt road that led down a hill towards the lake. “What do you mean by lost?”

“Never mind-I'm not quite sure myself.Where are we?”Michelle asked as she looked out the windshield window and watched as the lake came closer into view, “Your not planning on mass suicide,are you Macca?”

Paul chuckled loudly, “Definitely not.I just thought I'd show you,it's quite beautiful,”

He parked the car under a tree,several steps from the lake was.He left the keys in the ignition and turned up the radio full blast before sliding out of the car.Paul looked back through the window at Michelle,who still sat in the passengers seat,unsure wither to get out or not. “You goin' to stay in there all day?”

Michelle glanced at him,his dough like eyes pleading for her to finally come out. “Come on”He said before taking off towards the lake.Michelle watched him through the window peel off his white shirt and throw it into the grass and slip off his trousers and socks.He looked back to the car in only his briefs and smiled as Michelle got out and began walking towards him.Paul turned back to the lake and placed his hands on his hips,running his eyes over the scenery.

The sun began to peek over the trees surrounding the lake and the dark water.The sweet smell of nature and royal oak filled the air,and for once,Paul felt relaxed with no pressure. “Are you going in there?”Michelle asked behind him.He glanced over his shoulder at her,she looked uneasy as she stared at him.Like she didn't know what to do.

“Of course,”He replied before walking into the water.His feet sunk into the sand as he stood knee length in the icy water.

“Your mad,”He heard Michelle mutter from the shore.Paul laughed and splashed his chest and dunked his head in the water.

“Oh-Come on Mich,it's not cold,”Paul replied dunking down further under the water.He began to tread and started getting use to it,his body no longer feeling numb.Michelle sighed from where she was standing and began peeling her shorts and shirt off,tossing it along side Paul's clothes.She walked along the lines of the water and toed it.She gasped and backed away. “You should of just walked right in,love-You'll get use to it,”

“It's freezing,”She said.Paul sighed,running his hand through his wet hair,having several droplets of water leaked down his face and onto his chest.

“Stop being a git-Your worse then George”Paul mumbled watching her fumble around in her spot.He backstroked out a little more until he was on his toes in the water. “Watch me-If you come in and just flop in the water,you'll get use to it,”

Michelle watched as Paul took a deep breath and sunk underneath the skirts of the lake, “Yea-And why don't you go and drown yourself while your at it,”She crossed her arms over her chest and ran her eyes over the trees and rocks surrounding the lake.It was a beautiful place and she wondered how Paul would of known about it.She hummed softly to herself as her eyes lingered to where Paul once was treading water. “You can sure hold your breath,McCartney,I give you that,”A couple seconds lingered on and a feeling curdled in the pit of her stomach when he hadn't surface, “Alright Paul-I'm coming in,”Michelle slowly walked into the water,feeling cold feeling spark through her toes all the way up to her chest.She resisted the urge to run back onto the grass until she got knee high in the water.She looked around but there still wasn't any sign of him, “Paul this isn't funny,” She swallowed down hard and a concerned look crossed her face.The thought of telling the other guys about Paul seemed to flood her mind quickly.

“He just went under and never came up,”Michelle cried as she held onto Ringo's shoulder.The other guys huddled around her,a look of sympathy crossing all of their faces.

“You bloody killed Paul,”John muttered anger filling his system.

“I did not-He drowned in the lake,”She replied through tears.She kept telling him over and over again,but he never seemed to get the picture.Ringo's furrowed his eyebrows and looked down at her.

“Why were you at the lake with him anyways?”

Michelle shook the thought from her head and cocked her head to the left.She shrieked loudly and covered her mouth with the back of her hand. “Paul,”She screamed as her vision became blinded with tears.She dove into the water and began stroking towards his surfacing body.He lay head down in the water,drifting like a motionless stick.Michelle swam up to him,stepping on her tip toes and turning him over, “Paul-Come on Paul,this isn't funny anymore,”Michelle cried slapping his cheek.He didn't move or budge,but just float infront of her.Her bottom lip began to quiver as her head sunk into his chest,tears spilling down his side, “Paul”She whispered.

Paul couldn't contain his smile any longer as it spread across his face.He peeked one of his eyes opened and glanced down at her crying on his chest. “Why you crying,love?”His voice cracked.Michelle's head flew up and stared at Paul amazed.Paul laughed as she stumbled over her words, “Oh-You finally decided to come in,have you?”

Michelle's jaw dropped and glared at him as he began swimming through he water, “Don't tell me that was your sick idea of a joke,”Paul chuckled lightly and shrugged.Michelle scoffed and began swimming back towards the shore. “Your a darn right asshole,McCartney,”

“It was just a joke,Mich,”Paul confessed,failing to hide his own laughter as he began following behind her.Michelle ignored him as she made her way back to the shore,hearing him mumble out words she didn't care to hear. “Wait,”He quickly grabbed her hand and pulled her back into the water.He turned her around to face him,a smile still appearing on his lips, “It was just a joke-No harm,I've got all me limbs in place still.”

“You nearly gave me a heart-attack,”

Paul chuckled and shook some of his hair from his face, “Fine,alright-I'm sorry,”He replied.Michelle pierced her lips together with a stern look on her face,but it seemed to soften when he apologized.

“Alright-But next time you do that,I'll personally drown you myself,”Michelle replied stabbing her finger into his chest.He winced and began rubbing his chest.

“I don't think you got the heart too—Besides,It got you in the water,didn't it?”Paul said with a cocky grin on his face.Michelle glared at him and pushed his shoulder playfully.Paul chuckled, “Then I guess it's goin' to get you back into the water,”

Michelle furrowed her brow, “What?” In a swift motion,Paul wrapped his arms around her waist and lifted her in the air, “Don't you do it,” She looked down at the water,and before she knew it,she was belting out a piercing scream before colliding with the waters surface.Paul laughed evilly,rubbing his hands together and placing them on his hips.He sighed and waited for her to surface to do it again,but she never seemed too.He saw the water ripple behind him as two hands held onto his shoulders.

“Don't turn around,”Michelle whispered lowly,her breath running across the base of his neck.Paul bit down on his lip as all his hairs on the back of his neck stood on end.He was tempted to turn around until he felt Michelle grip down onto his briefs and pull them down.

“'EY”Paul yelled as he scrambled through the water to pull them back up.He dunk down quickly as Michelle fell back,roaring with laughter, “I see you find that funny,”

Michelle caught her breath,letting out a little chuckle, “I saw your bum,Paulie,”

“Alright-You want to play it that way then,come on,”Paul said,standing back up in the water and rearranging his briefs.Michelle looked at him curiously, “What are you waiting for-Be done with it,you saw mine now lets see yours,love,”

Michelle smiled widely and swam closer to him, “I'm sorry,but I can't do that,”

“And why not-It's not fair,y'know,”Paul replied crossing his arms over his chest.Michelle twisted her lip and ran her eyes over his body,mostly how his briefs clung to his toned thighs.Paul cocked his brow and let his eyes wander over her body aswell.

She cleared her throat,glancing back up at him, “I'm afraid it doesn't work that easy,”

“Oh really?”He asked quietly dropping his arms to his sides.


Paul coughed and wrapped his arms around her waist once again, “Alright then-Then I have no choice but to throw you back into the water,”

Michelle chuckled and slid her arms around his tightly, “If I'm going in-You are aswell,I thought we've already been through this?”

Paul smirked as his dark eyes ran over the bruise on her forehead,dropping to her lips.Her dark hair was glued to the sides of her head,flowing down her back, “I have a bad memory,”He whispered playing with the fabric of her bathing suit.Michelle smirked and watched him fumble around with her in his arms.Paul licked his bottom lip,slowly leaning down running his nose against hers and brushing his lips against hers.He pulled away quickly like the kiss burnt him and looked down at her.She didn't seem unfazed about anything,with her eyes closed.Paul sighed leaning down once again,he brushed his lips against hers,but this time more hungrily.He moaned into the kiss as his tongue ran along her bottom lip,hoping that she'd open her mouth for him.Michelle's hands left his shoulders and tangled through his wet hair as both hers and Paul's tongues danced together in a sloppy kiss.Paul grunted lowly and couldn't help but push her up against him,feeling everything that she had.He bent down in the water and picked her up,locking her legs around his waist.Michelle moaned and broke away from the kiss,leaving Paul to linger down her jaw towards her collar bone as he directed them both towards the shorelines.Michelle ran her tongue along Paul's jaw towards his ear,gently nibbling down on his lobe.Paul groaned,and the sudden feeling made him grow between the legs and through his briefs.He cocked his head to the side to capture Michelle's lips once again as he reached the car and sat her down on the hood.His hands ran up the sides of her arms and held onto the sides of her face as he kissed her deeply,putting every feeling he had for her into it.

She whispered his name huskily into his lips.He chewed on his bottom lip,as pure lust filled his eyes.He let his fingers linger down her hips and inbetween her legs,ripping the fabric and revealing all of her to him.Paul smirked seductively down at her as he slowly slid one finger into her.Michelle's face scrunched up in pure satisfaction flopping her head to the side.

Paul clenched his jaw and loved the feeling she gave him.He lived off of it and now he was going to show her how he felt.He slickly sunk in another finger,hearing Michelle moan.She gripped down onto his shoulders and pulled him down onto her,as his fingers slowly slid in her.He pulled out and rummaged through his briefs,pulling himself out, “Mich,”He whispered into her lips and kissing her deeply.Michelle moaned once again,feeling him penetrate her.She pulled away and looked up at him.

“Wait-I don't think I can do this,”She breathed.Paul paused and looked down at her quizzly.He knew she wanted this.He leaned down capturing her lips once again and pushed himself into her.Michelle broke away from the kiss and let her head flop back onto the hood of the car.Pure pleasure flowed through her body with each thrust and kiss Paul gave her.Paul's face squinted in pleasure as he chewed on his bottom lip.With each thrust,he went deeper and sent him over the edge.He pulled Michelle back up and held her against his body,running his hands over her back.Their eyes connected and breaths cool and husky against their lips.Michelle hid her face into the crease of Paul's neck as she felt herself explode in the pit of her stomach.

“You can scream,love-No one will hear you,”He whispered in her ear.Coming to her peak,Michelle howled loudly quivering against Paul as she held on tightly to his shoulders.With one last thrust,Paul wrapped his arm around her shoulder and ran his hand through her wet hair.He kissed her passionately as he too finally reached his peak.

He smothered his forehead against hers and pleasure filled his eyes as he tensed up against her.Paul groaned and panted against her lips as he felt himself spill inside her.They both stayed like that,eying each other unbelievably before Paul brushed his lips against her shoulder then kissing her lips.He quivered against her,trying to keep his balance so that his knees wouldn't buckle.

He pulled away from her and all she could do was stare at him.She had no words to sum up what had just happened and either did Paul.He sighed and kissed her forehead,running his hand over her hair and pulled out of her,shoving himself back into his briefs, “Come on,”Paul whispered and grabbed their clothes from the ground.He handed Michelle back her shirt and shorts, “Their goin' to be wonderin' where we are if we don't get back,”

Michelle nodded and slipped on her shorts and shirt and got into the car.She eyed Paul as he slipped his own clothes on outside the car and climbing into his seat.He turned down the radio and started the engine,pulling out of his parking spot and speeding away from the lake.Michelle sighed and took one last look of the lake before it disappeared behind the trees.

Paul glanced over at her as he quickly lip up a cigarette,catching her eye and shooting her a warming smile.Michelle smiled back and looked out the window as they both made their way back to the house.