Till There Was You


After the show at Balboa stadium,the guys barged through the door exhaustedly with Brian on their heels.Ringo and George quickly escaped Brian's lecture on the bands performance and sound to visit Michelle and Pattie,who had stayed behind for the performance.Instead,they both enjoyed themselves for the day without any of the guys around.They lounged around bringing up past stories of romance and experiences.Pattie would often talk about how she had met George and how their marriage plans were going.Michelle was ecstatic once she found out that the couple were engaged to be wed early next year.

Paul nodded off as Brian continued his rant.His head was throbbing from the performance and the screaming girls all around.To top it all off,he needed rest for the next show which was tomorrow.Paul excused himself from John and Brian's conversation and made his way up to his room.He opened his bedroom door and peeled off his dress coat,throwing it down on the bed.He made his way over to the washroom,turning on the tap and dampening his face with the cold fresh water.Looking up into the mirror,he studied himself closely noticing the dark rings beginning to form around his eyes.

The door clicked shut as John walked into Paul's room and noticed the bathroom light on.He shoved his hands into his jacket pockets and ran his eyes over several books on the shelves that aligned the walls. “Brian done his snickering?”Paul's voice mumbled behind John.He turned around and watched as Paul made his way out of the washroom to sit down on the bed,slowly peeling off his shoes.

“No-I just left,”John replied, “I can at least agree with the lad-The sound was terrible,but it doesn't really matter,it's not like they were listening anyways,”

“Yea,”Paul said lowly dropping his gaze to the ground.He ran his hands through his hair and sunk his head into his hands.The feeling of nervousness tingled in his stomach for some odd reason.He wanted to tell someone about the occurrence that had happened earlier on with Michelle and him,and he'd like to tell no other then his best mate.

John furrowed his brow as he looked down at Paul.He made his way over to stand in front of him, “You alright-You have bags underneath your eyes,son,”

Paul chewed down on his lip and quickly stood up,placing his hand on John's shoulder and guiding him over towards the window, “You have to promise me that you wont tell anyone what I'm about to tell you,alright?”

“Depends on what,”John replied chuckling softly.

Paul shot him a stern look, “Promise on the Union Jack that you wont tell a soul,not even the others,”

“Alright,”He said zipping his lips and taking a deep breath.Paul looked down to the floor,closing his eyes tightly.He didn't know why he would even tell anyone about such a thing,but it had been lingering in his thoughts and bothering him throughout the day and performance. “Come on with it,” John began to grow impatient with Paul.

Paul looked up at John and took a deep breath, “I shagged her,”

John's facial expression stayed the same,with his eyebrow slowly raising, “Shagged who?”He crossed his arms over his chest and leaned more towards Paul, “There's lots of hers out there Paul,gotta be more in depth,”

Paul grunted lowly and shook his head, “Michelle-I shagged her,”

John's eyes opened widely as he stared down at Paul.A curious expression crossed his face, “When-What,you shagged her?”

“Yea,”He responded lowly running his hand over his forehand then shoving it into his pockets.He shuffled around nervously, “I brought her down to the lake we went to last year-And things got a little..”

“Out of hand?”John suggested as Paul shook his head,peeling his dark eyes from him.He sighed loudly and collapsed onto his bed frustratedly.He sunk his head into his hands and ran his fingers over his cheeks, “So thats were you went this mornin'-The lads and I were wonderin' about you,fancy the lie by the way-Gone out to get a cup?”

“Thats actually what we did before I took her there,”

“Oh,well then-Was she willing?”John asked as he walked over to a nearby chair and sat on it's arm.Paul lifted his gaze and looked at John disgustedly.He waited patiently for Paul's response as he sat there with a smug look on his face.

“I guess you could say that—I mean,she didn't stop me,well..”Paul lingered back to his thoughts and remembered that one time where she wasn't too sure,but he did it anyways.

“Well?”John asked.

Paul shook the thought from his head and figured it wasn't worth bringing up, “Nothing,”He chewed down on his bottom lip,zoning off.

“Was she a good shag then-You seemed fixated on the lass,”John said picking at his nails,often looking up at Paul.He twisted his lip and shifted in his spot.

“A shags a shag,”Paul replied, “But there was actually feeling-I felt something strange,like when I first met Jane,”

“I think you just need a vacation,son,”John said standing from his spot and venturing around the room, “I told you not to let your emotions take a hold of you,and now look it,your shagging Ritchie's girl,”

Paul felt guilty for what he did,but something told him not too.He knew Michelle wanted it aswell,and knew it was bound to happen sometime.He just wondered if it's bothering her as much it is him.Is the image of her and him together haunting her mind like it is him?

“Anyroads,you can figure this all out-But don't disrupt me again in me kip,son,”John said walking towards the door, “I barely got any sleep last time you woke up cos' you couldn't find your nighties,”

Paul chuckled lowly and nodded towards John.Before walking out the door,he turned back towards Paul, “'Ey,”He caught Paul's eye and looked at him seriously, “I hope you know what your doin'”

Paul cleared his throat and nodded, “Don't worry about me-G'Night,” John closed the door quietly leaving Paul to his own thoughts.He sighed loudly and decided to venture down to the kitchen for some food before he went to sleep,or at least tried too.

“So what'd you two do all day?”Ringo asked as both him and Michelle lay in bed together.Michelle rolled onto her side and perked her head up.

“We just layed around peacefully,talking mostly about Pattie and Georges relationship and marriage plans,”She paused and placed her hand on Ringo's chest,rubbing it slowly, “Which I'm excited to hear by the way.We went swimming for a bit and just sat around the pool while you guys were playing,”

“Oh I see-Didn't miss me I'm guessing?”He asked pouting out his lower lip and running his blue eyes over Michelle's face.She chuckled softly,leaning up and kissing him.

“Of course I did-But it was relaxing to just lay around and not be on the constant move,”

“I hear you on that one,”Ringo groaned as his foot muscle began to tense up. “Too bad we're back to those bloody hotels tomorrow,”

Michelle moaned and hid her face into his shoulder, “Ugh-I know,I'm going to miss this soft bed so much,”

Ringo ran his hands over her soft hair and held on tightly to her shoulders, “Don't worry-Two more days and it'll be over,”

Michelle sighed heavily,twisting in her position so she was closer to him, “Thats what I'm afraid of,”She whispered softly.Her eyes lingered to the open doorway in hopes Paul would walk pass but it never happened.She never talked about what had happened earlier on with Paul at all,or at least not yet.Even the drive to the house after was awkward being with him,but she didn't want something like that to ruin their friendship.She couldn't lie,the picture played in her mind often during the day.Pattie had to snap her out of it at one point while they were laying by the pool.Michelle just seemed to get lost in her thoughts remembering every kiss and the feeling behind it.

“What do you mean by that?”Ringo asked.

“Your going to be done touring-And your going to go back to Liverpool and I'm goin' to still be here again,”Michelle replied lifting herself up and leaning against the headboard. “Like-I'm not sure,but I don't see myself without you anymore,”

Ringo smiled shyly and peeled a piece of hair out of her face, “I know,love.There's not much I can do about it though,”He replied a sad look passing both of their faces, “But—Come to Liverpool with me?”

Michelle pulled away, “What?”Ringo sat up and pulled her hands into his, “I don't know about that-I have an apartment in New York and my job,what would I do about that?”

“Forget about it-I'll take care of you,”Ringo replied.

“No-I seriously couldn't let you do that,I'd loose my mind without a job,”Michelle said.

Ringo sighed and ran his hand across her face, “Fine-Come back with me for a couple weeks,and if you don't change your mind you can go back”

Michelle chewed on the side of her lip.The thought of going back to Liverpool with Ringo did seem tempting,but she didn't want to leave everything she had and worked for here.She's always wanted to see new places and the opportunity did seem exciting.But what would Nancy think of her absence back at the studio?

She wouldn't even notice,since a new stage director's already been hired.

“Well?”Ringo asked.

Michelle sighed lowly and shook her head, “Alright-I will”A smile escaped onto both of their lips as they wrapped each other into a hug, “But I'm goin' to have to go back to my apartment to get some stuff,”

“No worries about that-We'll discuss that when we're back home,”He placed a kiss to her forehead then to her lips, “I love you,”

“I love you too,”Michelle whispered and kissed him once again.Past the open door and on the side wall Paul was leaning on listening intently to their conversation.He had heard all of it even that she had accepted Ringo's offer to go back to Liverpool with him.Their condolences and I love yous made Paul's stomach curdle.

He lent against the wall and let his head drop back,letting out a low sigh.He peeled himself off the wall and made his way downstairs quietly,rummaging through the refrigerator for something to eat.After noticing nothing in the fridge but bread and fruit,which he wasn't in the mood for,Paul settled with a cold glass of water and made his way out onto the patio.

The sky was dark and clear,making the stars pop out like 3D figures.They sparkled and reflected off the pool as Paul made his way over to the edge,the familiar smell bringing him back to the recurrences at the lake.He took a sip of his water.

Remembering the pleasure that soared through his body at that point was making him loose his stability.It was erotic thinking about it but he doubt that it'd ever happen again.She was in love with Ringo and had no feelings towards him but friendship.They were purely caught up in the moment of bliss.She would go back to Liverpool with him and Paul knew that once she'd been there to see it for herself,shes not going to want to leave.Especially without Ringo.

Paul felt a cool breeze run over his bare arms,hugging them closer to his chest.For once he felt alone and missed a female figure in his life.But there hadn't been a permanent one since the passing of his mum.He chewed down on his lip and shook the thought from his head.

He knew he could win Michelle,but he couldn't wait forever.

Paul sighed defeatidly and tossed the remaining water in his cup into the pool and went inside.