Till There Was You


“Welcome back to hell,”John hollered as they climbed out of the car and made their way towards the hotel.The others groaned as they pushed past the guards.Ringo held on tightly to Michelle's hand as one guard guided him pass the crowd into the hotel lobby.Once inside,Michelle loosened her grip and slipped away from Ringo walking up to John.

“John,give me a piggy back,”She asked.

“Are you mad?”He chuckled as the guards cleared away from them and stood near the doors.Michelle nodded with a smile on her face.John looked back at Ringo,who shrugged, “I believe your off your rocker,”

“Please?”She folded her hands together against her chest.John shot both George and Paul a weird look before sighing and giving in to Michelle.

“Alright,”He said before bending over and waiting for her to hop on, “Well,come on” Michelle clapped her hands together happily and hopped onto his back,wrapping her arms around his neck. “Where would you like to go,Madam?”

“Lets see,” Michelle pondered as they stood in place while the others stood nearby.

Paul looked down at his watch.It was about half past twelve,a couple of hours till they would have to head to the stadium to play.His head throbbed for sleep and his stomach ached for food since last night.They began walking towards the lift that would take them to their rooms with John leading the way with Michelle on his back.

“I heard your bringing Michelle back to Liverpool with you,”Paul asked Ringo as they both walked next to each other.Ringo chuckled at John as he wobbled to keep his balance.

“Yea-How'd you know?”Ringo asked curiously cocking his eyebrow, “Eavesdropping in me room were you?”

“I just walked pass the door to go downstairs-No eavesdropping,”Paul chuckled stuffing his hands into his pockets, “You need to learn how to close your door,”

Michelle groaned, “I don't want to go up to the room,”John stopped suddenly almost loosening his balance and knocking Michelle off.She held on tightly causing John to nearly gag, “Sorry-Oh,lets go to the bar-I'm thirsty from the ride here,”

“You mean the pub?”John asked, “Its nearly one and you want a pint?”

“Not an alcoholic drink-Some coffee or water,”

“Alright then-Where is it?”John said glancing around the hotel lobby and noticing a dine-in station where they could get beverages and food.He slowly turned around facing the others and made his way past them often hoisting Michelle back onto his back.

“Where you two goin'?”Ringo asked as they made their way past him.

“Goin' to get a drink-If you want to come along,”John said as Michelle slowly began slipping down his back.He hoisted her back up and held on firming to her shins.Ringo shook his head and felt that it was better if he got some sleep before they left.

“It's alright-I'll be up in me room,”He told Michelle.She nodded and gave him a little wave.

“Paul,George?”John asked looking at the two.George glanced down at Pattie then shook his head slowly.Paul shook his head quickly and looked down at his watch once again.

“I'm goin' to do the same as Ringo,”He replied before taking off towards the lift.George,Pattie and Ringo followed him as John shot them dirty looks behind their backs.

“Well I guess its just you and me then,love,”John said as he turned on his heel and began walking once again, “My bloody backs goin' to be sore tonight from this-I'm not young,y'know,”

“Oh stop your bickering,”Michelle replied as they entered the small cafe.She slowly slipped off his back and made her way to the counter,ordering herself something to drink and a small side order of ice cream for both her and John, “Your getting a separate spoon-Your not feeding off mine,”

“Oh come on-Be a team player,Mich,”John joked as they both walked to a table in the corner of the room.She chuckled and took a bite of the ice cream and sat down. “Is it good?”

“Surprisingly,yes-I might just live off of hotel ice cream for the rest of this tour,”Michelle chuckled passing John his own spoon.He dug into the ice cream and took a bite,a look of satisfaction crossing his face. “Good?”

“I haven't had ice cream in a long time-So yea,it is,”He mumbled taking another bite.Michelle sipped on her juice and watched as John played with the ice cream with his spoon, “I heard your goin' back to Livy pool with Richie,”

“How'd you find out?”She asked curiously placing the cup down on the table.John shrugged and sat back in his chair.

“Paul-Why was it suppose to be a surprise on the plane where you pop out of a bloody box yelling,”John threw his hands in the air with a smug smile on his face, “ 'Surprise,I'm goin' back to Liverpool,”

Michelle chuckled and shook her head, “No-It's not like that,I just thought Ringo would've told you instead of—Paul,”

“Whats got you so tussled about the lad?”John asked causing Michelle to shift in her seat nervously.John knew he was making her uncomfortable with asking her about Paul.She had it written all over her face that she didn't want to talk about him.

“I'm not tussled over him-I was just wondering,”She replied taking another bite of the ice cream and noticed that she had drank all of her juice, “I'm out of fluids-I'll be back,”She wanted to get away from the conversation to be honest.John placed his hand on the cup and put it on the other side of the table out of Michelle's way.She shot him a curious look as he stared at her intently, “What was that for?”

“I know Michelle,”John said plainly.Michelle swallowed down hard and dropped her gaze to the table,where her nails were engraving into it's surface, “Paul told me the other night about you two-And I'm just wondering if Ringo knows?”

“He doesn't,”She whispered lowly watching the ice cream slowly melt inside the bowl.

“Don't you think he deserves too?”He asked seriously.Michelle chewed down on her bottom lip,a pinge of guilt flowing through her stomach.

“He does-Look,it was a mistake,I told Paul not..”

“No pleadings goin' to get you anywhere,Mich,”John argued standing up and dusting his trousers off, “I think he deserves to know before he brings you back to Liverpool,”

“Your not going to tell him are you?”Michelle pleaded feeling tears spring to the corners of her eyes.John shrugged.

“I might,””He replied before walking past her.Michelle sat there teary eyed as John left her alone.She sunk her head down onto the table rubbing her stomach.Her chest became heavy and she could barely breath.John was probably on his way upstairs to tell Ringo himself.It'll all be over soon enough.

My god Paul,can you ever keep your mouth shut.Your worse then a goddamn woman.Michelle thought to herself.

She noticed a blur walk past her and sit across from her in the seat where John once sat.She slowly lifted her head and saw John sitting across from her once again with a smug expression on his face, “Did I get you all nervous-Your crying,” He asked leaning over and wiping the tears from her cheeks.Michelle stumbled over her words as John gently placed his hand on his, “I'm not goin' to tell Ringo-It's not me place to.I'm just goin' to tell you what I told that git upstairs.I hope you know what your doin',this is Richie's heart your foolin' with-The lad doesn't fall in love too easily,”

Michelle nodded sadly and wiped her cheeks, “I know-I didn't mean too,”

“Have you talked to Paul about it?”John asked placing the full cup of juice infront of Michelle.She took a quick swing of it,feeling the cool liquid go to down her dry throat.

“Not since-But I should,”Michelle pondered biting down on her lip, “Could you tell him for me?”

“That you want to chat with him?”John asked as Michelle gave a slight nod, “Alright-But it'll have to be later on.Don't want to disturb them in their kip”

“Thats alright-Thank you,”Michelle said feeling the weight drop from her shoulders.She no longer needed to worry about John telling Ringo,she needed to tell him herself.

“Somethin' else botherin' you,love?”John asked watching her doze off.She sighed and ran her hand through her hair. “You look stressed”

Michelle chuckled, “You think?”She paused, “No-I'm not stressed,it's just..”She looked around and leaned over the table towards him, “I've been having some dreams lately,about my mom”

“Oh really-What about?”

“I can't remember most-But I'm certain shes in most”She said leaning back in her chair, “I can't get to sleep because I always seem to have a recurring dream,”

“Well when you remember,tell me,”John said picking up his spoon and taking another bite of the melting ice cream. “Or better yet-Come see me,and we'll talk about it.Don't go see Paul,thats probably the last person you'd want to talk with 'bout now,”

“Alright-Why would I go see him?”Michelle asked.

John was hesitant and regretted the words that seemed to slip from his mouth, “You see-Paul's mum died aswell when he was fourteen and it's hard for him to talk about,”

Michelle was token back,she had no idea about his mother.She dropped her gaze to her lap and fiddled around with the strings of her coat.A cheery familiar voice interrupted hers and John's conversation, “Hello John,Michelle—Fancy seeing you two down here,”

“'Ello Jane-Fancy seeing you've joined us once again,”John replied looking up at the strawberry blonde.She smiled widely.

“Paul called me last night and told me where you lads were staying,so I decided to come along for the last two shows,”She said, “Would Paul be up in his room?”

“Yea,hes up there sleepin',”He said noticing how quiet Michelle had become.She took another sip of her drink and peeled some of her hair from her face and placed it behind her ear.

“Alright-Thank you,”Jane mumbled before turning on her heel and making her way out of the cafe.John sighed lowly and shook his head.

“That was awkward,wouldn't you say so?”John asked Michelle as she glanced up at him and nodded.

“Most definitely,”She said.

Having the guys around especially Paul was awkward enough,now having Jane back along with Paul was definitely worse.