Till There Was You



“Hey-Why don't we go to the pub to have a few before goin' upstairs,”John suggested to the other guys as they walked towards the lift.The others looked at John exhaustedly after getting done their show at Amphitheater in Los Angelos.

“I'm not to sure about that,mate-I'm rather beat,”Paul suggested wiping the sweat from his forehead.John coughed nervously and nudged Paul in the ribs lightly.Truth be told,John was exhausted aswell and he was only doing this for Paul's opportunity to talk to Michelle without the others around.He had told him earlier that she had wanted to talk to him,but clearly he wasn't getting the hint.

“I'm with Paul-I'd rather go to sleep,”Ringo replied fanning out his jacket.

“Oh,come on-Stop being a bunch of gits and come have a pint or two,”He said wrapping his arm around Ringo, “Besides it's almost the end of the bloody tour,”

“Well I guess one wouldn't hurt,”Ringo said as he looked back at George and Paul, “You two comin'?”

“I guess I'll have a bash,”George said walking up to Ringo and John,leaving Paul to stand by himself. “Paul-Are you comin'?”

John's gaze lingered to him as he stood there nervously, “No-I rather get back up to Jane and get some sleep,”

“That's a good idea-I should do it too,”Ringo suggested trying to wiggle out of John's hold,but he only held on tighter.

“Your comin' with me,son,”John muttered and looked to Paul, “I think it'll do you good-Why don't you two go get us a table and I'll be right behind you,”

George nodded and took a hold of Ringo's arm sleeve directing him over to the pub, “And I don't want to see you trying to leave either Richie,”Ringo scowled in John's direction as he walked into the pub leaving both Paul and John to themselves.Paul sighed and shoved his hands into his pockets.

“Look,son-There's only so many drinks,so you better go talk to her,got it?”John whispered seriously as he glanced over at the pub, “Ringo gets drunk easily and I don't want Mich left to deal with him,”

“Alright-I'm kind of nervous though,”Paul replied.

“Just get your rear up there and talk to her-It wont hurt and get things sorted out,”He said turning Paul around and pushing him towards the lift.Paul turned his head and watched as John walked into the pub,waiting for the lift to open.He was greeted by a tuxedoed man who offered to bring him to his floor.

His hands began to sweat nervously and fumbled with his tie many times thinking about the conversation that was about to occur.He hadn't talked to her in about two days,and every time he had gotten the chance,he would always blow it.He knew what he wanted to tell her,it was practically rehearsed inside his head,but he didn't know how she'd take it.

'Oh yes,and Michelle I hope you know that your the only thing that has been on my mind-Not only after we got together to satisfy ourselves,but for along time now'

That would definitely scare the lass off.She probably slap him and tell him that she'd never want to talk or see his bloody face again.It's happened before.

Paul thanked the man as he opened the doors to the lift and stepped onto his floor making his way to the room.Before he'd go see Michelle,he would have to make one stop.He walked into his hotel room,which was very quiet and dark,like no one was in there.But he knew behind both the doors,both his and Ringo's,was someone he needed to talk to.Paul quietly opened the door to his room and noticed Jane's sleeping figure amongst the sheets.He sighed and made his way over to her in quick strides.She had fallen asleep before he could even talk to her.

Paul placed a kiss to her temple and left the room.Closing the door behind him,his nerves began acting up.He wiped his hands on his trousers and rearranged his tie as he stood infront of Ringo's door.Why the other lads suggested that the two bunk together,was beyond his idea.He took a deep breath and lightly tapped on the door and opened it.

The lamp in the corner was the only source lighting the room.The drapes were pulled back from the window and the sheets on the bed where Michelle sat reading her book were messed.She looked up at Paul and a chill ran up her spine.He gave her a shy smile and walked further into the room,shutting the door behind him.He stuffed his hands into his pockets and rocked on the balls of his feet.

Paul cleared his throat, “You wanted to talk to me?”

Michelle snapped out of it and rubbed her forehead, “Oh-Yea,I did,”She sat up in bed and placed her book on the nightstand,swinging her legs over the side of the bed. “I guess John told you then,huh?”

“Yea-The others are downstairs having a pint,I was too tired,”He replied shuffling nervously and dropping his gaze to the ground.

“By all means-Don't let me keep you from sleeping,”Michelle said.Paul chewed down on his lip,she must have token what he had said the wrong way.

“No,”He chuckled softly and ran his hand through his hair, “It's alright-We need to talk,”

Michelle nodded, “You can sit y'know-I don't bite,”She patted the spot next to her as Paul hesitated to sit down.He didn't want to make her feel uncomfortable in anyway.Her facial expression soften giving Paul a shy smile,he walked around the bed and sat down next to her. “So anyways-Um,I never had to do this before,so it's kind of hard.”

“Me either-But your doing a good job so far,”Paul responded clicking on his charm once again.He shook his head and became serious.

Michelle chuckled softly and ran her hand through her damp hair.The smell of strawberries and vanilla clogged Paul's senses, “Yea,well—Look,Paul,we haven't talked to each other since we last were alone together a couple days ago,”She paused and rearranged her sitting so she was facing him, “You told John about it and I was scared that he was going to tell Ringo earlier on,”

“He told you that?”Paul muttered unbelievably.The bloody bloke promised not to say a word.

“He did-Anyways,he's not apart of the issue here,”She said, “I just don't want something like this to effect our friendship,y'know—I want us to both by pass this and go back to normal,”

Paul furrowed his brow.He quite didn't understand what she was saying, “So,you want us to forget about what happened?”

Michelle nodded slowly,looking down at the bedsheets that were scattered across the bed, “Yea-I guess you could say we were both caught up in the moment at the time.And it would hurt both Ringo and Jane if they ever found out,”

“So it was a mistake..”

“Well-It was,wasn't it.”Michelle asked watching Paul shift in his seat.He pierced his lips together and hung his head low in his hands, “I just don't want to feel like this anymore.I feel so guilty for what I did,especially when Ringo's around,”

Paul grunted at the thought of Ringo.It was all about what he wanted or how he felt.What about him,did she even care about what he felt towards the situation? “So it was a mistake then,”Paul whispered harshly standing up from his seat and making his way across the room to stand infront of the mirror.Michelle stayed silent as Paul searched his thoughts for what to say.

“Yea it was,”Michelle whispered.Paul sighed heavily and hung his head low,looking down at the floor. “I love Rin..”

“Ringo-I know.I get the picture,”He replied,his anger growing slowly.He placed his hands in his pockets and turned on his heel facing Michelle once again, “What happened back at the lake wasn't expected,but it wasn't a mistake-And you'll soon learn that for yourself,”

“Whats that suppose to mean?”She responded offensively.Her brows knitted together as she crossed her arms across her chest. “I don't know why your offended by what I said-I wanted to talk to you to clear this all up,”

“Yea-And when we do talk about it and clear it all up,there will still be that little image in the back of both of our heads,”Paul said and chewed on his bottom lip, “I don't know about you,love-But it's been haunting me like a bloody fan girl,”

“Well,I'm sorry for invading your fuckin' minds privacy,”

Paul growled lowly and clenched his jaw. “You talk to your mum with that mouth,”He glanced over his shoulder and saw that he hit a soft part of her.He had no idea why he was being so cruel,it wasn't him.But she resorted him to no other choice,she was playing games with his affection and leading him in different directions.Paul turned around and walked over to him and placed his hands on her shoulders firming.She pierced her lips together and looked at him angrily, “You can't say that it hasn't been on your mind either-So don't bloody pretend it hasn't,”

“I would think twice before thinking about you Paul McCartney,”She whispered harshly, “Now get out,”Paul swallowed down hard at her request.He chewed on his bottom lip as his facial expression softened,he knew he had hurt her.

“Mich-I'm sor..,”

“Get out,Paul”She replied firmly wiggling out of his grasp.His arms fell to his side as he stood up straight.

“Alright then-You want me to forget about it,I will.You want it to be a mistake,then fine.Didn't mean anything to me anyways,”He replied angrily walking towards the door and swinging it open, “Have fun with Ringo,”

“He's more of a man then you are,McCartney,”Michelle said as tears began to spring to her eyes.Paul stood in the doorway of the room wondering and thinking of what to say. “He don't go around shagging his band mates girlfriends,”

“You didn't seem to mind,now did you?”Paul replied coldy, “So how much do you actually love the lad?”He cocked his eyebrow and on that note walked out of the room.As soon as Paul left the room,Michelle couldn't help but break down into tears.She fell back on the bed hugging her pillow close to her.She had wanted to rekindle their friendship,but one minor screwup and she threw it all away.

Paul sat down on one of the sofa's in the front room.He had never been so angry towards another woman before,but no other woman had rejected him the way Michelle had.He had token all his anger and jealousy out on her,and it wasn't fair.

If he had known that moment would ruin both of their friendship,he wouldn't of done it. But something he had said had really hurt her and he was now regretting even walking into the room.

Paul stood from his seat and was meaning to go to his room,but instead he found himself in John's room,waiting for him patiently.