Till There Was You


"Everyone ready?"Brian asked as he stood in Ringo and Paul's hotel with the others.They were all sprawled out across the room.John laying on the couch reading a newspaper,George was eating a sand which and Paul quietly slipped out of his room.

"All ready,"Paul replied slipping his coat over his shoulders.He looked around the room and noticed Ringo was absent from the group, "Ey.Where's Ringo?"

"I want to come with you,"Michelle said tugging on Ringo's jacket pulling him back towards her.She wrapped her arms around his waist and snuggled her head into his chest.

"You can if you want-But you'd have to stay in the room.The fans get rounded up,"Ringo said running his hand over her hair.

"I don't care-I just don't want to stay in here anymore,"Michelle mumbled into his jacket and looked up at him, "Is Pattie goin'?"

"I'm not sure-But you can ask her if you want?"

"Alright-Let me just get my jacket,"Michelle said and slipped away from Ringo and grabbed her jacket from the dresser.She slipped it over her shoulders,peeling her hair from underneath the hood. "Okay,lets go,"

"Doesn't take long for you to get ready,does it?"He replied,a smile escaping onto his lips.Michelle shook her head and grabbed his hand,pulling him out of the room.The others whipped around to look at the two.

"There he is.So thats where you've been hiding,"John said swinging his legs over the edge of the sofa and standing up, "Good-We can leave now,"He began making his way over to the door,swinging it open.

"George,is Pattie coming with you?"Michelle asked him.He swallowed the last of his sand which and eyed the washroom as Pattie walked out.

"Does that answer your question?"George muttered as Pattie walked up to him,wrapping her arm around his.

"It does,"She muttered and followed behind Ringo as they left the room.

"What was that about?"Pattie whispered to George,following the rest of them.George shrugged and held on tightly to her hand.

"She just wanted to know if you were comin' with,"He replied.Pattie nodded and kept quiet for the rest of the way to the Amphitheater.Michelle kept quiet aswell,often picking up quick conversations with Ringo and noticing how quiet and distant Paul seemed as he sat beside John in the car.John would often peek over at Michelle with a serious look and look away once she noticed.She knew something was up with him but she didn't want to make it obvious.Perhaps Paul went and snitched to John about their little talk,or should she say argument last night.

"Looks pretty dead out there,doesn't it?"John muttered as he glanced out the window.The area around the Amphitheater was abandoned with not a single fan insight.Instead puddles of water and grasslands surrounded the area, "I think they all came to the show yesterday and couldn't afford a ticket to tonight's,"

"Step out of the car,John,"Paul muttered as the car came to a close.

"Thats it lads-We're finished,fans can't afford us anymore.Might aswell go back to drawing pictures on a bloody corner,"John joked as he swung the door open,but was blown against the car by the screams coming from inside the Stadium.Paul and George followed suit and stood next to him.

"Well-At least we know that their inside,"George said turning to John and helping Pattie out of the car.

John smiled, "So we meet again,good ol' Amphitheater,"

Michelle climbed out of the car along with Ringo and Brian.Paul shuffled nervously and walked ahead of the crowd with Brian.George,Pattie and John stayed behind to wait for Michelle and Ringo.John noticed how distance and awkward Paul had become around the other lads,and it was seriously getting on his wicks.He had told John about Michelle's and his conversation last night,and what it seemed,it didn't turn out so jolly.The poor lad was rattled up about the situation that he didn't go back to his room where Jane was.Poor girl, she left this morning once again with her agent and didn't get to spend anytime with Paul at all.But that was the last thing on his mind at the moment.

Paul had also told him that he had mentioned something to Michelle that really bothered her.When he told him the whole conversation,John had no choice but to tell him about her mum.He felt like the Daily Post for being the bare of bad news to everyone in this bloody group of soap opera actors,but he had to tell Michelle that he had no idea.Paul wasn't the type to hurt another,he was venerable and cared what other people felt or cared about.

John noticed Michelle's hand tightly wrap with Ringo's,but he needed to get her away from him somehow.It was impossible,they would go on stage in about fifteen minutes and his plan would never work out if he didn't talk to her before hand.He walked up to her and wrapped his arm around her shoulder.

"Hello love,"John greeted her, "You feeling alright on this fine gloomy shitty day?"

Michelle couldn't help but smile as Ringo peered around her, "Shitty day John? I guess back in Liverpool it's always a shitty day then,"Ringo chuckled.

"You got that right,son.Raining almost everday there,"He replied feeling Michelle settle within his grip.They were escorted into the Amphitheater by officers that led them to their dressing rooms to get ready.Michelle seemed to loose her grip on Ringo's hand and walk beside him. "You'll see for yourself when you go there-Just like New York,but smaller,"

"Really-Docks and skyscrapers?"Michelle asked curiously.John nodded.

"Yea-But the buildings aren't as big,"He replied as they walked into the room.Brian directed them to their chairs where they would get their hair done and outfit fitting,but John stood at Michelle's side often glancing over at Paul,who looked nervous.John chewed on his lower lip and directed Michelle to the sofa where Pattie was sitting reading a magazine, "Have a seat,love.Stay a while,"

"I want to watch your performance though-Can't I?"She asked looking over at the others.

"It's better if you stay in here-We don't want anything goin' on especially when the lads hit the stage,"Brian said as Ringo turned around fixing his tie.

"You don't think that they'd go crazy and end up throwing chairs?"Ringo asked.

John laughed, "Thats an inside joke,y'know,"John said.

"How?"Michelle asked confusedly.John patted her head.

"I'll tell ye when your older,little one,"John said and looked up at the other lads.He took a seat next to Michelle, "How did the talk go last night-I heard it was a nelly one,"

Michelle sighed and dropped her gaze to the floor.She didn't feel like talking about it at all,but since John asked, "It was.I don't feel like talking about it though.Did Paul go and talk to you about it?"She whispered making sure the others wouldn't hear.

"Yea,"John replied and peeled a piece of hair from her face, "He didn't know about yer mum,love.I know that probably was the issue why you were mad at him.But I told him about it,"

"You what?"Michelle asked. "You told him about my mom?"

"I had too-He needed to understand.I felt like the bloody Daily Post,"John replied chuckling under his breath,"Look-I want you to come to me room tonight so we can talk about it cos I know you can't talk to Ringo about it now you can't talk to Paul-And George would be bloody confused.Poor lad,never done nothin' wrong and you would go scramblin' his mind,"

Michelle smiled.She loved how John would bring up her mood when she was down with his humor, "Alright-I'll come over tonight,"John nodded and smiled as Ringo walked up to the two.

"What are you two whisperin' about over here?"He asked placing two hands on the back of the sofa.Both John and Michelle craned their heads towards him.

"Planin' your doom of course Little Richie,what else is worth whisperin' about?"John said standing from his spot and walking over to the mirrors.

"But I'm the drummer-You can't get rid of me,who would drum?"Ringo asked curiously.

"I'm sure Michelle could do a bang up job drummin'"George commented giving Michelle the thumbs up.Michelle chuckled and turned away from the others while she grabbed a magazine.Ringo grabbed his drumsticks off the table and placed a kiss to Michelle's cheek.

"I'll see you after the show,"He whispered as Michelle placed the magazine down in her lap.

"Alright,"She muttered as she watched the four plus Brian exit the room.She sighed lowly and twisted her lip.Her stomach began to twist and turn for some odd reason.She felt her head for some fever,but there wasn't any signs.Time passed on and she could hear the screams and instruments sounding off down the hallway.Michelle stood from her seat and made her way to the door.

"Where you goin'"Pattie asked curiously peeking over her magazine.

"I'm going to watch the performance,"

"But I thought Brian said to stay in here?"She replied.

Michelle shrugged and swung the door open,glancing over her shoulder at Pattie, "You coming or not?"

"I guess I will,"Pattie replied standing up and throwing the book down on the sofa.She followed Michelle down the hallway towards the stage,and she noticed Michelle rubbing her stomach, "You not feeling good,love?"

"My stomach just started feeling a bit woozy,thats all,"Michelle muttered shrugging the feeling off.As the screams got louder,they neared the entrance towards the stage.The Amphitheater was packing with screaming fans all around.Throwing their hands in the air,screaming at the top of their lungs and holding up signs.All for George,John,Paul or Ringo to notice.

They were just finishing up Baby's in Black as Paul stepped up to the microphone.What was said was barely audio able over the screams that Michelle or Pattie could barely hear him. "If you like too-If you like too join in with us for this next song,would you like to join in,yea?"He asked the crowd and all he got back were screams, "Yes,join in.And if you'd like to clap your hands and stomp your feet or do anything-Go ahead,"He backed away from the microphone and eyed the others before the four began playing Can't Buy Me Love.Michelle's stomach twisted and turned throughout the performance,the sound of their instruments throbbing in her chest.

It came down to the last song,which Paul's sweet voice could be heard throughout the Amphitheater.It almost put Michelle to tears as he sung his famous song Yesterday.She bit down on her lip as the crowd quieted and you could only hear his voice and feel every emotion he was putting into singing.She felt bad for what had happened between the both of them,and regretted every second of it and the song said it all.

Michelle turned on her heel and began walking back to the dressing room holding onto her stomach.Pattie watched her and began following close behind, "The shows not over,"

"I know-I can't stand there anymore,"Michelle mumbled,hanging her head low.She walked over to the wall to hold herself up.She kneeled over and she felt everything that she had ate earlier coming up.

"Are you goin' to be sick-Do you want me to get Brian?"Pattie asked placing her hand on Michelle's shoulder.

"No,I'm fine,"Michelle stood up straight,the sudden feeling going away, "I just need a glass of water,"

"Alright then-Come on,lets get you back to the room,"