Till There Was You


"Is that better?"Michelle asked as her hands rubbed Ringo's shoulders.He groaned and craned his neck towards her,her fingers loosening all his muscles in his shoulder.

"Mm,better,"He whimpered as Michelle placed a kiss to his forehead, "Why'd you stop?"

"I have to get going to John's room-He wants to talk to me about something,"She said rolling over the bed and standing up.Ringo grunted.

"It's almost twelve-I think the lad might be asleep,Michelle,"He said a pinge of jealousy in his voice.Michelle quickly tossed her hair up into a neat ponytail and slipped on a sweater.

"He can't be-He told me to be there,"She said,"I'll only be a few minutes,"

He sighed heavily and stood up, "Alright-Just watch out for the lad,"

"What do you mean?"

"It's John-Don't really trust the lad when he's around you since last time,"Ringo said lowly shoving his hands into his pockets, "The lads had his eye on you ever since he met you and I don't wanna go loosin' you too him,"

Michelle chuckled and walked up to him.She wrapped her arms around his waist, "I think John's the last person you should be worrying about Ringo,"She nuzzled her nose with his and kissed him, "But thank you for being protective-I could use it,"

"Anything for you,love,"He whispered running his hand through her hair, "Now scurrying on and get back-I need to protect you in more ways then one,"They both laughed as Michelle left the room and made her way to John's.George and Pattie were already in bed,and hopefully Paul was too.She crossed the quiet hallway and tapped on John's door.

"Come in,"His voice mumbled behind the door.Michelle slowly opened the door and noticed John sitting on one of the chairs on the furthest part of the room.He smiled and greeted her,telling her to take a seat.

"Do you usually sit by yourself?"She asked as she walked towards the sofa's.

"Only when I'm reading one of me books,"John replied setting it down on the table and grabbing his cup of coffee.He stood up and took a sip.Michelle chuckled as Paul walked out of his room and into the living area.A cold chilling feeling ran up Michelle's spine as the two suddenly came face to face.They both eyed each other and sent each other dirty looks. "Now come on-Don't be like that you two,you two are arguing over somethin' like this.I'm trying to make the situation better,now get too it and fix it,"

"So you tricked me into coming here to talk to that,"Michelle spat looking over at John.

"Ey,now-You don't have to go completely nutter,I have a name y'know,"Paul growled from across the room.

"English please,"Michelle said.John chuckled lightly receiving a serious glare from Paul.

"It means crazy,"John told Michelle.She fumed and balled her fists at her sides.

"I'll show you crazy Paul McCartney,"Michelle ranted angrily walking towards him.Paul folded his arms across his chest with a smug smile on his face that only infuriated Michelle even more.What she would give to slap it off his beautiful face.John placed his coffee down on the table and went between the two,placing his hands between them.

"Alright now-None of that.You two are goin' to settle this,wither it be your not friends or you are,"John said as Michelle and Paul gazed angrily down at each other.

"I don't care-She started it,"

"Your such a priss,"Michelle muttered.

"Am not,"Paul replied.

"I'm goin' to go down for some more coffee-If I come back here and you two aren't talkin' civilized,your both goin' to have to deal with me,son,"John replied loudly, "Michelle,I won't be there for your problems and Paul I won't be your shoulder to bloody cry on anymore,got it?"

"Rubbish,"Paul whispered turning his head away from John.He glared at Paul seriously, "Alright,"

"Okay then-You two got ten minutes to get this sorted out like adults,"On that note John left the room and walked out into the hallway with his cup of coffee,leaving Michelle with Paul inside his room.Michelle groaned and turned her back to Paul.

"Figures,"Paul whispered under his breath and looked at Michelle.He didn't know what to say to her.He tried saying sorry to her last night,but she hadn't let him.But he had no idea how he hurt her,now he did."Are we goin' to talk or is John goin' to tare our rears when he gets back up?"

Michelle bit the side of her lip and ignored him,finding the piece of art on the wall more interesting then what Paul had to say.She didn't have to say anything,he was the one who started being an ignorant bastard towards her.Paul sighed and ran his hand through his hair.He wanted to just walk away from her and leave her by herself,if it'd make her happy.But he knew it would just make the situation worse.

He chewed on his bottom lip nervously and made his way towards her.She could feel his presence behind her,but hesitated to turn around and look at him.Paul closed his eyes and took a deep breath,letting the words he had to say slip from his mouth, "Look,Mich-I'm sorry that I hurt you,"He began, "I had no idea about your mum,and if I did I wouldn't of said anything about her.I guess you could say I was only jealous.What happened really bothered me aswell,but to me,it was somethin' that was special,"Michelle sighed as Paul placed his hand on her shoulder and turned her around to face him. "When you told me to forget about it or that it was a mistake,I took it the wrong way and began to loose control.I'm so bloody confused,you were leading me in directions and I was lost,"

"I wasn't leading you on,"Michelle whispered lowly.He fingered her chin and lifted it so he could look into her eyes.

"I thought of it that way.But perhaps it was me."Paul said lowly then chewed on his lip, "I wanted you,and when it happened it ruined everythin' we had."He sighed,"I was feeling insecure and needed someone-You were there for me,but I didn't mean to hurt you and thats the truth,"He ran his hand over her cheek and placed it on her shoulder, "I'll forget if you like,so everything will go back to normal.But it won't be a mistake,"

Michelle swallowed back the tears that sprung to her eyes quickly. "I'm sorry,Paul,"She whispered,wrapping her arms around his waist and hugging him.He wrapped his arms around her shoulders and rubbed her back as she cried against his chest. "I'm sorry for being a total bitch towards you,"

"Wait a second,love,"Paul said pushing away from her, "I deserved it,I said something that really hurt you.Don't apologize for that,"Michelle nodded and nuzzled her head into Paul's chest once again.He sighed and hung his chin on the top of her head, "I'm sorry for making you cry.It's just-When I see both Ringo and you together...you two look happy,and I don't want to ruin that,it's what I want,"

Michelle swallowed down hard and wiped the tears from her cheeks, "I'm going to tell him tomorrow before we leave-So he knows,"

"By yourself?"Paul asked curiously pulling away from her.Michelle nodded.

"Yea-I'll tell him it was me.I don't want you two arguing,"Paul was about to say something but Michelle placed her finger to his lips, "Don't worry about it Paul.It's alright.As long as I got to see you guys again,I'm fine,"

Paul pulled her back into another hug,running his hand over her hair.He didn't want Michelle telling Ringo by herself,but she insisted. "Paul,"Michelle mumbled into his chest.


"If anything happens tomorrow-Can you tell me at least one thing that has been bothering me,"She asked.

"Go on,"Paul insisted as he hugged her closer.

Michelle swallowed down hard and gripped onto the back of his navy shirt," That song you wrote,was it for Ringo or for you?"She whispered into his neck.Paul knitted his brows together and peeled away from her.He looked down at her seriously,running his hand over her cheek.

"Every word in that song,even the melody love,was intended for you,"Paul spoke softly, "And it was how I felt towards you-And it's true,"

Michelle chewed on her lip and nodded,"Thank you,"

Paul smiled softly as Michelle held her hand out to him, "Friends?"He placed his hands into hers and shook it.

"Mates,"He replied as a shy smile escaped onto her lips.She yawned softly,letting her arm fall to her side, "Now that we got that settled-You should be gettin' back to the lad or he'll be goin' completely.."

"Nutter?"Michelle said causing Paul to laugh.He nodded, "Alright-I guess I will.Good night Paulie,"

"G'Night Mich,"He whispered placing a kiss to her forehead and watched her walk out of the room.He sighed happily and folded his arms across his chest.He felt better that he got some of the stuff he wanted to say off his chest.No longer was he tired,but he wanted to actually go down and get some tea with John.But that was ruined once John walked through the door,noticing Michelle gone.

"She left fast.Did you talk with her?"John asked sitting down in his chair once again.Paul nodded and sat on the arm of the chair.

"Yea-We got it all cleared up.But there's something else.."

"Goddamn-I am the fuckin' miracle worker,"John replied happily taking a sip of his tea, "Well what is it son?"

Paul cleared his throat and looked down at John, "She's goin' to tell Ringo tomorrow before we leave,"

"Are you goin' to do somethin?"

Paul shook his head,"She doesn't want me too-She wants to tell the lad herself,"

"Like thats goin' to happen-No,I wont let that happen."John said,"Wait.You won't let that happen.See,I've been gettin' bloody involved with you two so much,I'm getting meself involved,"

Paul chuckled and rubbed his forehead that began to throb, "Don't worry,mate.I have somethin' up me sleeve,but I need your help,"

"Tell me where to sign,son,"