Till There Was You


August 31st 1969

Last day on tour and stuck inside a dressing room,Michelle thought to herself.She sat across from Pattie on the sofa once again while the others got ready for their last performance in America,and it'd happened to be in Francisco.Michelle's eyes fluttered closed as her head bobbed up and down as she slowly began to loose consciousness.She hadn't slept all night with her stomach twisting and turning.Her nerves began to get the best of her once they left the hotel room and made their way to the stadium.

She had to tell Ringo.

"Hey love,"Ringo's voice cooed in her ear, "You've been zoning in and out all mornin',you alright?"

Michelle smiled shyly,"I didn't get much sleep last night,"She lightly bit down on her lip and watched as Ringo made his way around the couch and sat next to her,"Can I talk to you about something?"

"You can talk to me about anythin',"He replied becoming serious.Michelle noticed Pattie peek over her book at the two curiously,as did George and Paul across the room.Paul knew what was coming and his stomach flopped, "It's nothing serious,is it?"

Michelle cleared her throat, "Kind of-Can we go somewhere private?"Ringo nodded and stood up,grabbing Michelle's hand and leading her into another room.Michelle quickly glanced over at Paul who was watching the two intently.She smiled lightly and his direction before entering one of the rooms with Ringo.

Watching Michelle and Ringo disappear into the room,Paul turned to John, "Come on,"He whispered.

"Where we goin'?John asked curiously running a comb through his hair.

"What we talked about last night,"Paul replied grabbing onto John's arm sleeve and pulling him towards the door.He dropped the comb on the floor and grunted as Paul let go of his arm.

"No need to be violent about it,son,"John fixed his jacket, "Now what are we doin'?"

"Sh-Listen,"Paul hushed as he lent his ear against the door.John rubbed his hands together and looked around the room catching George's eye.

"Go about your business George,"

"Your eavesdropping' on the lads conversation,"George replied.

John shrugged, "Can't be too nosy,"

"Do you want to stand or take a seat?"Ringo asked as they both stood next to each other.Michelle quietly made her way to one of the chairs while Ringo grabbed one and placed it in front of her.He sat down laying his hands into his lap nicely, "Alright-Whats this all about?"

Michelle sighed and began fiddling around with the zipper on her jacket.Ringo noticed her nervousness and furrowed his brow.He lent forward in his seat and captured her hands, "Mich-Is it that serious,babe?"

Michelle cleared her throat and looked up at him, "Yes,"Her voice cracked as she nodded. "I've been meaning to tell you for a couple days now,but I didn't know how you'd take it,"

"Tell me,"He whispered.

"Before I do-I'd just want to thank you for bringing me along on this tour,it's been a great experience,"She muttered out,feeling tears spring to the corner of her eyes, "I don't think I deserve going back to Liverpool with you or any of the guys,but thank you for being there for me and loving me,"He rubbed his thumb over her hand caressing, "Anyways-I found out something a couple days ago that really bothered me and you can say I was caught up in the moment and I'd believe you,but I would only be lying to myself. When we were at the mansion a couple days ago,you and the other guys were sleeping but me and.."

"Just letting you fella's know-That we're on in fifteen minutes,"John interrupted swinging the door open and standing in the doorway with Paul behind him peeking over his head.

"Alright-We'll be done in a couple minutes,"Ringo coughed and nodded towards the door.John cocked his brow and remained standing there.

"HM-Whats goin' on here?"John asked curiously.

"I'm trying to talk to Ringo,John-Do you mind?"Michelle said cocking her head towards him.John pierced his lips together,hiding his smile.

"Oh really-About what you told Paul and I?"He crossed his arms over his chest.Michelle glared at him as Ringo's hand dropped from hers.

"Told them about what?"Ringo asked.Paul pushed passed John and nudged him in the ribs lightly.

"You've gone too far,mate,"He whispered to John and looked over at Michelle and Ringo.He made his way next to Michelle and kneeled next to her and in front of Ringo, "You mean you haven't told him yet?"

"I was about too until you two decided to burst in,"Michelle said lowly looking down at the ground.She didn't know what he was up too,but whatever it was it was really irritating her.

"Can somebody tell me what the bloody hell is goin' on?"Ringo asked anger filling his voice.Michelle's head snapped up and her eyes filled with sadness and tears.She bit down on her lip and stood up,excusing herself from the three and walked out of the room.Ringo sighed and shook his head, "Well-At least one of you can tell me,whats goin' on with her?"

Paul looked to John who shrugged his shoulders,"Out with it Lennon-What have you been doin' with Michelle?"Ringo asked.John furrowed his brows and stood up from the wall.

"What are you ramblin on about?"

"She's hidin' somethin' from me,mate-And somethin' tells me it has somethin' to do with you,"He replied standing from his seat and walking over to John, "I knew this would happen-Ever since you met her,you've had yer eye on her,"Paul's eyes grew wide,he never expected for this to happen.

"Now why would I do somethin' like that?"

"You don't have Cyn here with yeh,"

"She has nothin' to do with this-And I haven't been shaggin your girl,"John dropped his hands to his side,"I see her as bloody sister,"Paul and Ringo both cocked their eyebrows weirdly,"Thats right,I do.And I should be rather offended for you blaming all this on me,"With that he turned on his heel and left the room,slamming the door.John fumbled with his tie and fixed his jacket,as a wild smile crossed his face.

"You smiling,John?"George asked.

"I should win a bloody Oscar for this,"He replied and looked around the room,"Where'd Mich go to?"


Ringo sighed heavily and paced the room, "Why don't you sit and I'll tell you,"Paul said softly watching Ringo.He bit the side of his cheek and nodded,taking a seat in front of Paul.Paul swallowed down hard, "Look Rings-I don't know how to say this too yeh,but last night Michelle came to John's room and we talked about some..things,"

"Things-What kind of things?"

"Let me finish,"Paul replied.

"Michelle?"John called out as he opened the door.He saw her knelt down hugging the toilet bowl closely to her, "You gettin' sick,love?"He walked over to her and knelt beside her,grabbing a handful of her hair and rubbing her back.

Michelle wiped the residue from her face, "I suppose you two told Ringo then,"

"Actually-We didn't,"John replied grabbing a cloth off the counter and wiping her face, "He went completely nutter and started blaming me,"

"Why would he do that?"He dabbed her face gently and shrugged.

"I don't know,love.Paul's talking with him right now,though,"John replied as the door slowly opened and Ringo stepped into the room.A cool chill ran up Michelle's spine and she resisted to turn around.

"John,can I talk to Michelle alone please,"Ringo asked politely.John nodded and placed the cloth on the counter and stood up,"I'm sorry for blamin' you mate,"

"No worries,"John left the washroom to leave Michelle alone with Ringo.He sighed heavily and made his way over to her slumped figure.He knelt before her and grabbed the cloth John was using to wipe her face.

"Look at me,"Ringo whispered as Michelle tried to avoid his gaze.He fingered her chin and lifted her head up.His blue eyes gazed into hers,like he was searching for something serious, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I was scared-But I'm so sorry,"She cried as tears spilled down her cheeks.All she wanted to do was crawl into the corner by herself.

"Don't be sorry,love.It's not your fault,"Ringo replied which took Michelle by surprise,"Now stop yer cryin',"He pulled her into a tight hug and whispered against her neck, "I'll be there for you-What did you think,that I would actually leave you behind?"

Shocked and confused,the only words Michelle could mutter out was, "What?"

Ringo smiled shyly and caressed her face, "We'll talk about this later on the plane-I need to go do this show,"He lent his forehead against hers and rubbed his nose against her cheek.His hands lingered down her forehands and rubbed her stomach then grabbed onto her hands, "Just promise me one thing?"


"Take it easy,"