Till There Was You


A couple hours later after Michelle left the studio with her ticket and pass from George,she spent the rest of the afternoon at a local clothing shop down the street.Depicting on wither to wear a skirt to the performance,Michelle chose a nice white blouse and a pair of dark dress pants.

She arrived at the stadium around six thirty,hoping out of the waiting cab and loosing herself in the crowd of thousands of teenagers.She anticipated the moment when she saw the four of them walk onto the field,tossing their hands in the air to the crowd.

“Next,”The guards deep voice rang through Michelle's ear.Her head shot up quickly and handed the guard her ticket.He ripped the stub off and handed it back to her, “Your on the field Miss,can I see your pass?”

“Um,”Michelle studdered and rummaged through her purse for the pass that she received, “Here it is,”She pulled it out and handed it to the guard,who nodded and gave it back to her.

“Before you step on the field Miss,you have to show the security guards there—And they'll let you out,”The guard said before nodding to the next person waiting in line.Michelle shoved the pass and ticket back into her purse and slipped through the groups of people waiting inside of the stadium for snacks and washroom breaks.She roamed around the stadium till about seven when they were due to go on,and quickly made her way to the field.

Michelle walked down the narrow yet cramped hallway filled with people where a guard was standing at the end,making sure that no one would pass, “Excuse me—You need a pass if you want out on the field,”

“Alright then,”Michelle said peeling the pass out once again and showing him.His blue eyes analyzed it before handing it back to her, “Alls good then?”

He nodded, “Just step down these steps and take a right-But once your out on the field,you cannot go beyond the barriers,we have the whole police force standing on the field just incase people start to get rowdy,”

“You don't have to worry about me—I'm here on some business,”She replied, “You wouldn't know if these passes work for backstage aswell?”

“No Mam—Only for field seats,”He replied eying a couple girls wanting to get passed him.Michelle sighed then nodded,walking passed the guard and making a right onto the field.The lights above the baseball diamond shown brightly,eliminating the whole stadium.She could see all the fans in their seats stand up and begin to scream loudly,waiting for the four to come out.Michelle took a deep breath and found a secure place near one of the dug-outs,where no police were securing the area.She felt safe,and most of all,she felt like it was a place were she could sit and watch them without doing a job.

The anticipating of waiting rallied up the fans in the stands and Michelle both.She hugged her jacket close to her body as the evening air nipped at her exposed skin.She noticed Ed Sullivan step up to the microphone on the stage in the middle of the field.He exposed a wide smile and looked over the crowd, “Ladies and Gentleman—Honored by their country and loved by America,Here are The Beatles,”

A wide smile spread across her face as a group of police exited one of the dug-outs on the other side of the field,followed by the four.The fans roared as they ran across the field waving to them.Paul lifted his hand in the air,smiling brightly and Ringo strutted with both drumsticks in his hand towards his drumset.Michelle couldn't take her eyes off of them.It was remarkable how much they changed in a year.Ringo,still short,had grown his hair longer then when it once was,same with George and John.They all seemed like they grew out of their so called 'Beatle' haircuts,and finally grew up.The four mounted the stage and tuned their instruments as Ringo sat patiently in his beige dress coat and black pants.John walked up to his microphone first,adjusting it to his height, “Ello 'ello?”

“Ello?”Paul followed suit speaking in the microphone and looking out over the crowd.The two looked at each other before the whole band broke out with Twist and Shout.Michelle couldn't help the smile on her face,that was making the muscles in her cheeks hurt.Throughout the performance,fans would literally jump from their seats and try to run out on the field with police officers running after them.Michelle just stood still,her eyes fixated on them.

A light blush rose to her cheeks when Ringo sang his famous song Act Naturally behind his drumkit.During the middle of the performance,Paul let out an exhausted groan and wiped his forehead.She still noticed his boyish remarks he still had,and it made her blush all of a sudden.She hadn't forgotten the song he did write about her,which became an instant hit with the radio over in America,and she planned to thank him whenever she got the chance.

“This song will have to be our last song for tonight—Yes,well,”Paul spoke into the microphone and looked down at his watched and made a sleeping motion, “So we'd like to say to everybody,thank you very much and goodnight,”Paul stepped away from the Mic and they began playing the last song of the night,which was I'm Down with John pounding on the keyboards.Ringo smiled widely as Paul waled out some of his screams.After the song was done,the four took a bow for the crowd and ascended the stairs of the stage.Paul shoved his bass in the air while the others waved and walked towards a white station wagon surrounded by cops.

Michelle swallowed down hard and watched as the station wagon exited the stadium,leaving a bunch of screaming fans and her behind.She lightly bit down on her lip and thought of what to do.She peeled her pass out and looked down at it with a smile.

She definitely knew which Hotel they were staying in,thanks to George.