Till There Was You


Michelle walked into the familiar hotel lobby after dashing out of the cab and running through the rain.The lobby seemed empty to her,like nothing at all was different.A couple of officers stood to the side talking amongst themselves,the employees behind the desk worked away signing guests into their rooms and there stood an odd but attractive looking woman in the far corner of the room.

She hugged her coat closely to her body and made her way over to the blonde woman standing in the corner.She was gazing down at her nails,like it was the only thing interesting to her.As Michelle got closer,she noticed the same pass hanging on the woman's neck.They both made brief eye contact and smiled.

Michelle cleared her throat, “Hello—I noticed that we both have the same passes,are they for the hotel greet?”

She smiled widely and fumbled around with the pass around her neck, “Yes-They should be here anytime now,they were suppose to go to some press conference,”She smiled cheekily.Michelle nodded and turned her attention some place else,but kept looking at the woman from the corner of her eye.She seemed very familiar for some reason.

“So are you here to meet them or are you a news reporter of some sort?”Michelle asked breaking the awkward silence.

“Oh neither—It's a long story,”She replied, “Are you?”

“Neither,”Michelle chuckled and ran her hand through her hair as the car outside pulled up,catching her attention, “I work at CBS studios downtown—And they kind of gave me a pass,”

“CBS studios—Where the Ed Sullivan Show is taped?”She asked curiously as Michelle nodded, “I'm a big fan of the show—I'm Pattie by the way,”Pattie shoved her hand out for Michelle to take.

“Michelle,nice to meet you,”Michelle shook her hand lightly before the doors busted open with officers spilling in,while cameras outside flashed their cameras.Her breath caught in her throat as John,Ringo,Paul and George stumbled into the hotel lobby.She couldn't take her eyes off of them.

“That press conference was bloody terrible,”Paul whined fixing his collar as the officers spread across the lobby.The brightness of the room made his eyes squint,or it possibly because of what him and the others smoked before walking into the hotel.He still felt quite light headed.

“Don't complain Paul—You and your immature antics to the press doesn't help,son,”John replied shoving his hands into his pockets.His stomach gave out a low rumble,causing him to rub it gently.

“Was that your stomach,John?”George asked curiously raising his brow.

“Yea,haven't had nothing since the ride to the stadium,”He replied looking over at Ringo who walked quietly next to him.He seemed oddly quiet,but the lad was usually quiet when he had to much to smoke.

“I think I lost one of me rings,”Ringo mumbled out looking down at his hands.

“How so?”George asked scanning the lobby.He smiled widely when his eyes fell upon her as she starred wide eyed at them.

“This fan girl grabbed onto me jacket when I was walking out onto the field,”Ringo complained noticing the distance in Georges eyes and the smiled plastered on his face. “I liked that ring,”

“Many more to come,son,”John replied as George took off from the group towards the corner.Paul gathered near John's shoulder as the three peered behind Georges walking frame to see what he was so fixated about.

Michelle smiled widely as George escaped the group and began walking towards her.He smiled widely as the blonde stepped out infront of her and wrapped her arms around his neck, “Pattie,”He whispered into her hair and twirled her in the air.The smile from Michelle's face dropped and she was left with confusion.Who was she?

“How was the show?”She asked him as they parted ways.He placed a brief kiss on her lips and turned towards Michelle,his smile never leaving his face.

“It was amazing,”George replied, “Michelle,is that you love?”Michelle shyly nodded and dropped her gaze to the ground.George chuckled and walked towards her with open arms.

“Aw,it's good to see you again—I reckon you got me package then right?”He mumbled into her shoulder.

“Yes I did-Picked it up this morning-Thanks for the roses,they were beautiful,”She replied glancing at the others on the other side of the room.The three stood their confused at who she was.But she knew,by the look on Paul's face,he knew.His hands were shoved in his pocket and his eyes never seemed to leave hers.He leaned over to John and whispered in his ear,and he slowly turned his head towards Michelle while Ringo nodded off.

George peeled away from her and turned to Pattie, “I didn't send any flowers,”He chuckled and wrapped his arm around Patties shoulder, “Pattie,this is Michelle,and old friend,”

“We've met already,”Pattie budding in and shooting George a smile.

“Ah I see—Pattie and I are goin' together,we met last year while filming..,”

“Thats where I know you from—A Hard Days Night,yea?”Michelle said shoving her finger in the air.Pattie chuckled and nodded as the others came to stand behind George and Pattie.

“Who've you found 'er,George,”John asked peering over his shoulder.His pupils dilated and he took a step back, “Looky who we have here—Michelle,”He walked around George with a smile plastered on his face.

“John Lemon—Nice to see you again,”Michelle scoffed shoving her nose in the air playfully.John chuckled and wrapped his arms around her.

“Lets not go there,”He whispered,hugging her tightly.Michelle sighed into his shoulder,it's been to long since she'd hugged any of them.Besides,John felt different for some reason.More bony then ever.John slowly pulled away from her and looked down at her appearance, “Still classy as usual,you look good,”
She smiled, “Thank you,”John shot her a cheeky smile before Ringo and Paul pushed him out of the way.

“Way to push,”John mumbled fixing his jacket and slicking his hair.George laughed.

“Well—Pattie and I are going upstairs,I'll be in the room in a bit,”He said placing his hand with Patties, “I expect you to be there Michelle so we can catch up,”

“Alright—I'll just go up with these fellas,”Michelle replied as George and Pattie made their way upstairs.Michelle smiled brightly at Ringo as he stood shyly infront of her, “Hello love,”She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled him tightly against her. “How've you been Ringo?”

Ringo sighed into her shoulder, “Haven't been better at the least,”He replied,feeling how normal the feeling of being in her arms was.He missed it.To be honest,he had no idea that she was 'Michelle',she's changed to bloody much for him to remember,and the pictures he had did no justice.Ringo still felt that something there when she placed her arms around him. “You?”

“I've been excellent,”Michelle chuckled when she pulled away from him.His eyes,a brighter blue then before and his hair a bit longer.She spotted a smudge on his cheek and licked her finger, “What kind of dirt did you get into today,Ringo?”She wiped his cheek,causing him to scrunch his nose.

“You don't wanna know,”John said from behind Ringo causing the four to chuckle.

“How'd you know we were here,Michelle?”Paul softly spoke crossing his arms over his chest.

“There was an add on the radio,and George sent me and ticket and a pass,”She replied fumbling with her pass in her hand, “Oh and by the way,” She lifted her pass and showed them, “I have a pass,”

“Give me that,”John said yanking the pass out of her hand and ripping it, “Now you don't--”He wrapped his arm around her shoulder and lead her to the staircase, “As long as your with us,love.You don't need one,” Michelle glanced at both Ringo and Paul before they followed her and John. Paul stayed quiet and shoved his hands in his pockets as the rest chatted all the way up to the room.

“Is that right?”Michelle asked.

“Most definitely,”John replied throwing the door to the hotel room open for Michelle, “Home Sweet Home lads,”

“Wheres Brian at—I haven't seen him yet”Michelle asked curiously walking into the room and throwing his jacket on a hanger.

“Don't worry about him—He'll be along shortly,”Paul quickly added before John could say anything.He watched her closely walk around the room,just like old times.But this time,it was different.
He quickly peeled his gaze from her when she turned around and flopped down on a sofa.

“Nothing like comin' in and making yourself at home,”John mumbled walking passed her.Michelle chuckled and lightly punched him in the leg,causing him to fumble back onto the other sofa.

“Your a down right hog,John,”Ringo muttered combing his hair in the mirror and staring at him through the mirror, “Hogging Michelle all to yourself—Paul and I barely said two words to the lass because of you,”

Michelle blushed a deep crimson as John leaned back on the couch and smile confidently, “It's not me fault you two are tongue tied,son,”