Till There Was You


“Does this thing actually work?”John asked kneeling down infront of the radio.He twisted the nob and grunted when the old radio didn't turn on, “A piece of garbage,what this is,”

“Press the button down,John,”Michelle said,watching John tap on the old machine.He pressed down on the grey button and it turned on,tuning into the local radio station, “There you go—Wasn't hard,”

“Yea yea—It had me fixed,”He mumbled standing up and dusting his trousers off.Michelle giggled and picked up her cup,taking a sip.She peeked over the rim of her cup at Paul who sat across from her,cross legged and looking at her with dark eyes.She noted his expression and put her cup down on the table,smiling at him.He smiled shyly and broke his eye contact, "How are you Paul?"

He sighed,"I'm good,thanks--A little deaf from tonights show,"

Michelle chuckled and ran her hand through her dark hair, "Me too,a little--Is it always like that?"

"At every show,"Ringo butted in walking over to his jacket that was hanging on a coat rack.He rummaged through his pockets,pulling out what looked like a cigarette, "We can barely hear ourselves play"He walked around the sofa,collapsing down beside Michelle.

A record breaking attendance at Shea Stadium tonight where Liverpools own,The Beatles performed to a crowd of more then 55,000 fans.If you weren't there to see the historic event,it was broadcasted on CBS through the Ed Sullivan Show.

Everyone looked at each other as the radio host pumped through the speakers.Ringo slowly lit up his stick,having a strange smell seep pass Michelle, "Whats that smell?"

Ringo took a drag of it and passed it to her, "It's really good,I promise,"She cocked her eyebrow and took a drag.

"Don't exhale to quickly,love,"John replied watching her.Michelle held her breath and exaled a couple seconds later,feeling light-headed.She coughed loudly and handed it to Paul.He gladly took it.

The door slowly opened and George walked in, "Did I miss anything?" He asked leaning against the back of the sofa between Michelle and Ringo.He eyed the stick hanging out of John's mouth and chuckled, "Giving Michelle drugs I see?"

"You cut your hair,"Ringo said softly running his hand up Michelle's arm and fiddling with the ends of her hair, "It's nice,"

She smiled shyly, "Thanks--You've grown yours?"

"Just about--You don't like it?"He asked giving her a stern look.George broke the conversation by coming and sitting down inbetween Paul and John.

"Enough of that--Michelle,what've you been up too?"He asked picking up a crumpet on the silver plater and shoving it in his mouth.John leaned over and dabbed the stick in the ashtray on the table before standing up and walking over to the mirror,"Oh--Jane will be over in a couple minutes,Paul.She's just finishing up some stuff with Pattie,"

"Alright,"Paul said lowly looking at George then glancing at Michelle,who wore a look of confusion,but tried not to show it.Paul twisted his lip and sat back against the sofa.His fingers gently tapped against his thighs as George and Michelle talked amoungst themselves.John was amusing himself in the mirror and Ringo sat mildly close to Michelle listening to her talk to George,butting in every chance he could.Paul sighed and stood up,making his way over to John.

"This is down right gritty,"John said noticing Paul at his side.He peered down at the comb and ran it through his hair, "Doesn't even go through my hair,try it"

"I'll have a bash,"Paul replied taking the comb from John and running it through his hair."It's not the same,"

"There you go,"He replied knocking over a couple cans on the dresser.Sounds of laughter came from Michelle,Ringo and George on the sofa.John and Paul peered over their shoulders in their direction, "Don't tell me your telling stories about our intuction with the Queen,George?"

"Either that--Or you falling on your face in front of her,"George chuckled.

"How many times must I tell you--I was tripped by the bloody guards,"John said, "Don't be a swine George--We only have room for one,and thats Brian,"Ringo chuckled and stood from his spot,walking into one of the rooms that he was staying in.Paul watched him closley,catching Michelle's eye watching him go inside.He swallowed down hard and continued combing his hair.

Ringo walked into his room,running his hand through his hair.His heart was pounding with each step towards the window he took.His head was nearly spinning sitting that close to Michelle.The smell,her look and the feel of her around him made him go literally insane.It's been a long time.He braced himself against the window and looked out at the familiar city until his silence and train of thought was broken by the door opening.Ringo peered over his shoulder at Michelle,slowly closing the door behind her.She smiled shyly.

"I thought you could use some company,"She whispered standing at the door awkwardly.Ringo slowly turned around and took in her beautiful appearance.

"That'd be nice,"His voice cracked as she moved closer to him.

"You were awfully quiet out there,didn't seem to want to talk much,"Michelle confessed looking down at her hands.Ringo licked his lips and took her hands into his.He still remembered the day when she confessed about her self-consciousness hands.He never really understood why,she had beautiful hands.

"I just didn't feel like talking infront of everyone else,"Ringo said softly looking up into Michelle's eyes.She smiled shyly and wrapped her arms around his waiste,pulling him close to her and placeing her head on his chest.She could hear his heart pulsating in his chest as he placed his chin on the top of her head and his arms around her waiste.

"I missed you so much,"MIchelle whispered into his chest and looked up at him.His blue eyes studdied her face, "Seeing you guys on television and in the pictures--It wasn't the same as having you right beside me,"

Ringo swallowed down hard and searched for something to say.Her statement had him tongue tied, "I know the feeling--We have your picture in the studio album,and seeing that picture of you everyday on the runway only made me frustrated,"He chuckled,"It wasn't the same"

Michelle took a deep breath and smiled.Without thinking,Michelle gripped onto Ringo tighter and leaned up,brushing her lips against his quickly.She pulled away slowly and studied his expression.Ringo looked down at Michelle.He wasn't shocked that she had kissed him,but so soon into meeting him again.But the feeling that soared through his body the first time was present at the moment.

Michelle felt awkward and backed away from him,but felt him pull her back.He hooked his finger underneath her chin and pulled her up,kissing her passionately.Michelle moaned silently,feeling the jolt of electricity from the kiss.She ran her hand along his shoulder and gripped the back of his neck,deepening the kiss.

They both pulled away breathlessly looking up at each other.They both cracked out into smiles and wrapped their arms around each other once again.

"I'm bloody exhausted,"Ringo muttered into Michelle's hair.She nodded into his chest and hugged him closer.The feeling quickly surpassed when the thought of them leaving her once again,came not even twenty four hours away.