Till There Was You


It was dark in the room with only the shine of the moon seeping through the window.Paul silently slept on his bed,often twisting and turning to get comfortable.Thoughts of Michelle filled his head even while Jane lay beside him sound asleep.

His eyes opened slowly to see the pale ceiling.He often couldn't sleep with thoughts on his mind.A soft sound tore him from his thoughts as his bedroom door clicked open.Paul tore his gaze from the ceiling and looked towards the door over his dark sheets covering his and Jane's body.

It was Michelle.She was draped in an over sized shirt that belonged to Ringo and her long dark hair toyed over her shoulders.Paul's breath caught in his throat, "Michelle,"He whispered lightly hoping not to wake Jane.

Michelle shuffled quietly over to Paul's side,eying the woman laying next to him."What are you doing in here?"He asked again removing Jane's arm draped around his bare waist.Michelle was silent staring down at Paul,as her smooth hands ran up her bare thighs.Paul slowly sat up against the headboard of the bed and couldn't help but run his eyes over her appearance.He was captivated and a sudden heat rose to his cheeks.

"I needed to see you,Paulie,"She whispered sitting down next to him,placing one hand on either side of him.Paul swallowed down hard as her actions became vivid and his other was laying next to him.Michelle stared into Paul's eyes as her hand wandered up his bare chest and landed on the base of his neck.

"Michelle--I don't think you should be doing this right now,"Paul whispered silently as she placed her finger to his lips.In one swift motion,she swept him up into a blissful kiss,her tongue running along his bottom lip.Paul gasped but willingly pulled her in for more.Michelle quickly climbed on top of him,wrapping her arms around his neck while his lips lefts hers to explore her neck.Michelle softly moaned as she dug her nails behind his neck.

"I need you,Paul,"She whispered seductively in his ear.Paul moaned silently,craning his neck to capture her lips once again.His cold hands ran up the white buttoned up shirt and cupped her breast causing her to moan softly."Paul?"Michelle's head flopped to the side causing her hair to spill across her shoulders.Paul softly moaned and pulled away from her lips.Michelle smiled brightly and kissed his neck all the way up to his earlobe,gently sucking down on his lobe.He shivered,goosebumps flying across his body,"She's leaving,"

Paul shot up in his bed,a pool of sweat drenched across his forehead.His eyes quickly scanned the room.It was still the same and Jane's arm was still draped across his waist.His heart was racing in his chest as the dream he just experienced soared through his mind.

He swallowed down hard and caught his breath.He swung his legs over the bed and grabbed for his pants,shirt and jacket before stumbling out of his room.Paul stopped dead in his tracks when he seen Michelle silently closing Ringo's door and tip toeing towards the front exit.

"Michelle?"Paul called through the darkness.Michelle froze and turned towards him,eyes as wide as saucers, "Where you goin?"

"I--um,I'm leaving,"She studdered,feeling a bit uncomfortable.

"But you just got 'er,"Paul walked towards her,rounding the sofa to come and stand infront of Michelle.He saw that she was nervous.

"I know--And I'm leaving so you guys don't have to deal with me in the morning,"She replied running her hand through her hair.Paul clenched his jaw tightly,remembering the images of her he had recently.

"You don't have to,"Paul mumbled noticing her travel bag hanging from her shoulder, "Why don't you come have a cup with me--Downstairs?" Michelle was hesitant to take up the offer,but Paul looked at her with sympathy, "We haven't talked that much,"

She nodded,"Alright then," Paul shot her a shy smile and guided her out of the hotel room and down into the cafe that was located in the hotel lobby.They both ordered their usual cups of tea and coffee and sat down in a rounded booth for a chat.

"You've guys changed alot,"Michelle whispered pouring some cream into her coffee.She avoided Paul's gaze as he watched her closely, "You really have grown up alot since the last time I met you,"

"You would think that--But,well,atleast I'm still the same lad you knew,"Paul responded twirling his spoon in the cup of tea.He lifted the cup to his mouth and took a drink.He scrunched up his nose and placed the cup back on the table, "Bah--I forgot how..,"

"Darn gritty American tea is?"Michelle said finishing his sentence.

"Grotesque,"He replied having both of them laugh. "I'll tell you--One day,I'm goin' to bring you a cup from Liverpool and you'll see the difference,"

"Is it really that different?"She asked taking a drink of her coffee.Paul nodded quickly,"Well--I'd rather go to Liverpool and taste it for myself,I've always wanted to go to England,"

"If you grew up there love,it wouldn't be a big deal,"Paul mumbled watching Michelle's facial expression drop.

"But I'm sure you coming to America was a big deal--Your always fascinated with places you've never been.New places,new people,cute lads with amazing accents,"Michelle added shooting Paul a wink.He sighed.

"I'm sorry dear,but you can't pull that off,"He replied hugging his jacket closer to him, "Thats my wink,"

"Who says?"

"Well--I do,"Paul argued,"No one can pull off me wink,"He shot her a wink that caused a smile to spread across her face,"See"

"Oh lay off,"She mumbled causing Paul to chuckle.

"Ringo already rubbin' off on you,yea?"He replied folding his hands on the table and gazing at her."Haven't even been with us for five hours and look at you,"

"Look at me--Whats that suppose to mean?"

Paul chuckled and shook the thought from his head.He sighed loudly and leaned against the booth cushions.Michelle raised her cup to her lips once again,stopping to stare at Paul over the rim,"So--Who is she?"

"Who's who?"He mumbled lowly matching her gaze from across the table.

"The woman--Jane,who is she?"She asked curiously taking a sip of her coffee.Paul rubbed the back of his neck and tried to avoid the question,"Paul-You can't say shes nobody,you stumbled out of your room with your pants at your ankles,"

He blushed deeply and realized that she had seen him come out of the room, "I met her last year-She's an actress and following us on tour for a couple dates."

Michelle nodded,"You must really like her then,yea?"

"I'm with her,aren't I?"Paul asked curiously watching Michelle's face mysteriously.She smiled briefly and tore her gaze from his to search across the rooms.It was going on three in the morning and he had to be up around ten for a press conference and off to Toronto to play the Maple Leaf Center the next day.

Michelle yawned silently,covering her mouth,"I think you should come with us,"Paul blurted out,not realizing what he had just said.

"Beg pardon?"Michelle shockingly asked.

Paul swallowed down hard,"Um--You should come with us--On tour"She blinked,"It's only fourteen days now and I'm sure the guys wouldn't mind having you around,"

"I don't know Paul.."

"It's alright if you say no--Ridiculous idea anyway,"Paul replied looking down into his tea.He silently stirred his spoon as Michelle's brain thought away.He wanted her to say yes so he could spend more time with her.See her everyday instead of looking at a bloody picture all the time.Especially when Jane leaves,he would need someone to accompany those lonely nights instead of having those erotic dreams every now and then like the one he had earlier.He tore his gaze from his tea to look up at Michelle deep in thought.Sometimes he wished he knew what was going on inside her head,who or what she was thinking about all the time.Obviously it wasn't him,so it would be a waist of time.

Stop thinking like that Paul,you have someone already!!

Paul cleared his throat and silently tapped on the table,"What are you thinking about?"

Michelle bit down on her lip lightly,"I don't know--I mean,I really want to come with you guys,its not like I have other stuff to do,I'm off on break from work,"She replied running her hand though her hair,"But I don't know,"

Paul twisted his lip and quickly lit up a fag,bringing it to his lips,"Well--Thats up to you to decide,love,"He replied standing up taking another drag and handing it to Michelle.She willingly took it and took a long drag,"I'll be upstairs if you change your mind,"He smiled down at her and turned on his heels,walking towards the stairs.

A permanent smile was plastered on his face.He could feel her gaze burn a hole through his back because he left her with her choices.He also knew that within ten minutes Michelle would definitely be bounding through the door with her answer.If not,she'd be gone.

Michelle grunted loudly finishing her cup of coffee.How could Paul leave her with a decision like this?

She watched him walk away,one hand toying in his pocket,and the other one dangling at his side.Could she possibly follow them on tour--Or leave them and possibly never see them again?

What should she do?