Till There Was You


"Where is he--Paul was right behind us at the hotel,"Brian Epstein said as John,Ringo,George,Patti and Jane bounded up the steps towards the plane.

"You know,your right--Haven't heard his whining,he must be somewhere,"John muttered looking down at Brian at the foot of the steps.His gaze traveled towards Jane,who looked distressed and worried, "Do you know Jane?"

"I honestly have no memory of where he took off to--He didn't mention anything to me,"She said shuffling her strawberry blond hair from her face.

"Quick-Check your stockings!"John yelled and shuffled around in his spot rolling up his pant legs.The others chuckled but Brian and Jane.Ringo turned his head right to left,looking up and down the runway.

"You don't think one of the fan girls got'em-Do you?"Ringo suggested looking up at the rest of them.They all eyed the crowd they were escorted through to the plane.It was a bit rowdy and officers were lined up everywhere,they could barely hear themselves.

"Lets hope not,"Brian said fumbling with his tie and looking at the crowd nervously,"I shall call the guards and request a quick search,"

"I don't think thats necessary,son,"John mumbled leaning against the railing.His gaze traveled past Brian and into the crowd which he saw a path being cleared away.Pattie clutched onto George's arm tightly and squinted her eyes in the same direction John was staring.

"Whats that?"She said causing everyone to turn their heads.George shoved his nose in the air and looked underneath his cap as the officers cleared a path through the crowd of screaming ladies quickly.Paul emerged from the crowd unharmed,which took a weight out of everyones shoulders.

"There's ol'Paulie,"John said watching his friend run out of the crowd and wave to them."Come on Paul,"Paul quickly looked over his shoulder and stopped running.He quickly made his way back to the crowd.

"What is he bloody doin?"Ringo asked curiously as he watched Paul make the worst mistake of his life.Paul noticed that Michelle wasn't behind him as he made his way towards the plane and noticed a officer holding her back at the gates.He quickly jogged back towards them.

"Excuse me sir,but she's with me,"Paul said over the officers shoulder.The officer turned his head to the side and his eyes went wide.Paul shot him a sincere smile and eyed Michelle who looked nervous,holding her travel bag tightly to her shoulder.

"I'm sorry-My mistake,"The officer said shuffling aside to let Michelle by.Paul nodded towards the officer and grabbed onto Michelle's hand quickly.

"PAUL,"Girls screamed as both him and Michelle made their way out of the crowd and towards the plane.

"That was close,"Paul mumbled gripping onto Michelle's hand.

"You can say that again--I was almost mauled by all those girls,"She replied causing Paul to smirk in her direction.

"Who's that?"Jane asked lowly seeing Paul come out of the crowd holding onto Michelle's hand.She crossed her arms over her chest and looked at the others.Ringo swallowed down hard as he watched Paul and Michelle,hand in hand make their way towards the plane.She had left early last night without a word,and now suddenly it's all repeating itself.

"Sorry mates,just had to pick up a little somethin' for the trip,"Paul said coming to stand infront of the group with Michelle by his side.He noticed Jane's glare and dropped his hand from Michelle's.

"Your lucky we didn't take off without you--And whats this?"Brian said nodding towards Michelle,"We don't have room on the plane for another,"

"It's Michelle,Brian--And I'm sure we have plenty of room,"John replied placing his hand on his shoulder.Brian shot him a stern look as John wrapped his arm around his shoulder and shot Michelle a wink.She sighed and nodded turning towards the rest of the guys.She noticed Ringo glance towards her with a surprise look.She smiled and walked over to him.

"So your followin' us,are you?"Ringo coughed as the wind tussled Michelle's hair to the side.

"I guess so--Might as well be a knife in the back for someone,right?"Michelle asked as Ringo smiled brightly.He slickly wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her towards him,brushing his lips against her cheek.

"Whats the matter with you?"Paul asked Jane as she glared at the back of Michelle's head.She hadn't removed her arms crossed at her chest as she briefly glanced up at Paul.

"Who is she?"

"Sorry,"He muttered and grabbed her hand,pulling her towards Michelle and Ringo,"Michelle--This is Jane,Jane--Michelle,she is a good friend of ours and I've invited her to come along with us,"

"You what?"Brian asked from behind Paul.He came to stand between Paul,Michelle and Jane,"What did you do?"

"He invited me to come along,if thats a problem,"Michelle said softly feeling Ringo's hand slip into hers.She found it cute how affectionate he was being towards her.She would of though he would've blown her off already.

Brian looked throughout the group and sighed heavily,"Come on Brian,stop being such a nit-How much trouble to do you think Michelle is?"

"She stole my camera,"He said and waved her finger,"And I want it back,"

Michelle chuckled,"As soon as I get back--I'll give it to you,"

Brian nodded,a smile spreading across his face,"Alright then--Everyone on the plane,"Michelle sighed heavily but followed closely behind Ringo as he pulled her up the flight of stairs.She walked in the plane and found her seat with him and George and Pattie across from her.Pattie shot her a wide smile as she sat down infront of her.

"How are you Michelle?"Pattie asked politely.

"I'm fine thank you,how about you?"She replied peeling her jacket from her shoulders.Both Ringo and George came to sit next to both of them,George placing a kiss to Patties cheek.

"I'm alright--I'm really happy you could come with us,was a bit surprising to see you though,"She said clasping her hand with George's.Both Ringo and George tuned into their conversation.

"Yea-Paul asked me last night if I wanted to go over a cup of tea."Michelle replied glancing at George then Ringo.He smiled widely as the pilot announced the planes departure.Michelle gripped down on the handle of her seat as the plane took off.

"Have you ever been on a plane before?"Ringo asked Michelle as she stared out the window.She shook her head slowly,peeling her gaze from the window.Ringo smiled,"Thats hard to believe,"She yawned and snuggled into her seat,"You tired?"

"Yea--How longs the plane ride going to be?"

"A couple hours or so--Go ahead,have a snooze,"Ringo replied grabbing for a pillow in the top compartment.He passed it to her and she put it behind her head,"When we land,we have a press meeting to go to--You could stay with Pattie if you like?"

Pattie smiled brightly and nodded,"It's alright--By the time you boys get back we'll have everything settled in,"Michelle nodded and smiled,her eyes slowly becoming heavy.