Till There Was You


A couple hours later,the plane landed in Toronto Ontario,Canada.They quickly exited the plane and were escorted into a waiting car,while approximately 3,000 fans stood along the sides of the runway.The car quickly took off to the streets of Toronto,dropping the four,Jane,Pattie,Michelle and Brian off at the King Edward Hotel located in the heart of the city.

Michelle paused,gazing up at the old antique building surrounded with windows.Blue covers outlined the doors where they were held open by the valets.She was quickly pulled into the old building by Pattie as the officers escorted the others in, “Come on,Michelle-Don't want to be standing outside in this mess,”

It began to softly ran outside,and still the girls that had been standing there,still stood there unfortunately.It really bothered Michelle how far some of them would go to see a glimpse of either Paul,John,Ringo and George.She never really got the concept of it all,but there hasn't been anything like them or probably never will be.

“Everyone in alright?”Brian asked as they all walked into the hotel lobby.The valet locked the door behind them,just incase one decided to run amuck and stampede inside.

“Everyones 'er—Have all our parts in contact,do we?”John asked padding down several parts of his body.George glanced down at Pattie who came to stand next to him with Michelle.

“You two make it through alright?”He asked briefly looking at Michelle,who hugged her spring jacket closer to her body.

“We're fine—Michelle decided to stop and take in the sights,”Pattie replied giving a light chuckle.

“Well it is a beautiful hotel,”Michelle said as she scanned the lobby and the staircase.Looking up at the ceiling,several different antiques aligned the ridges and railings.Something you wouldn't see in this part of the world,but maybe in Europe.The staircase,a cream ivory colour,was covered in a deep crimson carpet.

“Wheres our bags at?”Paul asked, “Shouldn't we be going up to our rooms?”

“Patience Paul—We'll be up soon enough,”Brian replied unbuttoning his buttons on his dress coat.Paul bit the side of his lip and glanced around the group.John was busy chatting with George and Pattie about sharing a room,but to his luck Paul had already asked the two to share one.He quickly peeled out a fag and lit it,exhaling the smoke and looking over towards the wall of paintings.Michelle caught his attention as she stood there gazing up at the famous french painting.Her eyes were fixated on the colours and contrast,like she's never seen anything like it.Paul sighed heavily,what he would do to go over there and talk to her.But with Jane by his side,it would make everything obvious.He took another drag of his smoke and noticed Ringo already making his way towards her,and his plan slowly slipped away.

“Beautiful aren't they—The french paintings?”Ringo asked coming to stand next to Michelle.She somehow tore her gaze from the painting and looked at him.

“I haven't seen anything like it,”She replied crossing her arms over her chest.

“You should talk to John about this kind of stuff—He went to art school back home,you know,”

“Really,”She glanced over her shoulder at John who was up to his old antic ways, “I wouldn't of guessed,”

“You should see his drawings,”Ringo replied,shoving his hands into his pockets, “I hope you don't mind staying in a room with me—I won't do anything you don't want me too,”

Michelle chuckled and shook her head, “Nonsense,Ringo.It's fine,I'm comfortable enough to be around you,”Ringo smiled widely and nodded.

“Alright,”He said and looked back at the others who were being led off towards the staircase, “Well—I guess we can go up now,”He offered his hand,and Michelle willingly took it, “Come on,”

One of the tours of the hotel led them up to their rooms.Paul,Jane,George and Pattie were dropped off at their room,down the hall from the others.

“Ringo-Do you mind helping me a tad?”George asked as he shuffled around some bags in his hand.Ringo nodded and looked at Michelle,who had no idea what to do.

“Just follow John there—It'll be just a minute,right George?”Ringo said putting his hand on Michelle's shoulder to comfort her.George nodded.

“No worries,He'll come back in one piece,”George replied as Ringo let go of Michelle and helped George with his bags into the room.

“I see we're sharing a room,”John said coming up from behind Michelle.She jumped and almost stumbled into the wall, “Easy love-No need to be goin' breaking bones now,”

“Do that again,Lennon—And I'll murder you in your sleep,”Michelle joked as she lightly pushed him.

“What a lucky lad I am,”He replied as they came to their hotel door.John fumbled around with the key and groaned out loud when he couldn't get it open, “What a piece of shit,”

“Why don't you try turning it the other way?”Michelle chuckled at John's sense of humor.She crossed her arms over her chest as John shot her a stern look.Sure enough,he turned it the other way and the door unlocked. “I told you,”

“Thanks for the information—You should be a bloody locks-man,”They both walked into the room,John collapsing into a sofa and Michelle wandering into each of the rooms.She nearly died when she saw one of the bedrooms.It was huge,and the windows outlooked the city.The bed was big enough for everyone and her to share,but it was only her and Ringo.A smirk spread across her face as her fingers ran across the cream coloured sheets. “Did you die in there,Miss?”John's voice rang from the living area.Michelle stumbled out of the room and sat on the arm of the sofa.

“No-But I found which room I'm staying in,”She said clasping her hands together.John raised his brows.

“Which ever room your staying in love,I'm staying,so make room for two,”He replied,a cheeky smile spreading across his face.Michelle chuckled.

“Sorry John-But Ringo's staying with me,”

John grunted and fell back into the cushions, “I see—How 'bout a slumber party then? I'm sure Ringo wouldn't mind at all”

“Your going to have to ask him that one,”Michelle said slipping onto the sofa next to him, “So—Ringo told me that you went to art school,how was that?”

“Twas a gay ol'time,”He mimicked in a high pitched voice,making Michelle chuckle.He swung his arm on the back of the couch to get comfortable, “I'm pretty sure I told you this already,”

“I'm not quite sure,”Michelle said trying to remember when he had told her.It had to be when they last seen each other,before they had gotten into the argument.Michelle bit down on her lip and a random thought popped into her mind,but she didn't want to bother John with it.

“You nit,”John muttered tussling Michelle's hair.She scrunched up her face as Ringo and George walked into the room.

“All finished,”Ringo said coming to sit on the arm of the chair next to Michelle and John, “Did you find a room?”

“Yes-And it has a huge bed and beautiful contrast paintings,”Michelle said,her face brightening as she remembered the room.

“And she said we three can have a slumber party as well,son,”John replied folding his hands together.Michelle shook her head,having John poke her in the side causing her to chuckle.

“Well I guess we have the better room,eh John”Ringo replied shoving his nose in the air.

“Don't worry about me,mate-I'll be in there soon enough”John said shooting Michelle a wink.Michelle knew that John was joking about being friendly towards her,having Cynthia and Julian waiting for him back home.Which is a question she wanted to ask John.Why wouldn't she want to accompany John on tour with them like Pattie does with George?

“I'll be having none of that,”Ringo replied swatting his hand towards John in a joking motion, “Don't make me put a lock on me door,Lennon,”

“I don't mean to be a bother but—We have a meeting to go to,”George replied and put his hand on Michelle's shoulder, “Pattie wants to know if you'd like to join her in the other room—So you don't feel alone,”

“We have dinner to go to tonight,”Ringo butted in, “Maybe she can help with finding a dress?”

“That'd be fine—I'll go see her now,”Michelle said standing up and grabbing her coat off the cushion, “Maybe we could go see a couple gallery's before you lads get back—Have a jolly time,”She waved and left the room quickly,heading towards George's room.

“That woman's turning British everyday we know her,”John mumbled as Ringo sighed deeply and folded his hands on his knee.George twisted his lip and looked at his friend.He's never seen Ringo tussled up with a lady before,beside that one back in Liverpool which he didn't want to think about at the moment. “Eh Ringo-Why don't you ask Michelle?”

“What?”He replied giving George a weird look.

“Ask Michelle to go with you,son,”John replied, “Might as well,”Ringo hopped off the arm of the couch and looked down at his friends.

“I don't think I could—I get nervous when things like that come up,me palms get all sweaty and it becomes a complete disaster,”Ringo said.

“Oh come on Ringo-It can't be that bad,besides Michelle likes you already,”George said slipping down the sofa,landing next to John.

“You two are sharing a bloody bed—Just do it,”John said standing up and grabbing his dress coat.The door quickly opened and Paul stumbled in,shutting it behind him.John looked over to his friend,surprised, “Paul-You look winded,”

“They kicked me out of the room—Me own room,”He replied trying to catch his breath, “Did I miss something?”He noticed how tense the group was.Ringo stood by himself,arms crossed with a serious look on his face,which he hadn't seen in a long time.

“Watch Ringo—Paul,tell Ringo,he should ask Michelle to go with 'em,”George said letting the words slip from his mouth.Paul had to register what he said slowly so he could understand.Did he want his opinion on this? “They might as well-Right?”

The three looked towards Paul,who was at loss for words.What could he tell them.Yea,Of course,go ahead—Go with Michelle,like it matters to me.To hell that matters to him,it would definitely be the end of everything Paul was working for.Paul coughed and shuffled in his spot, “Are you looking for me opinion on this?”

“Of course we are-Since the lad doesn't get it,”John said coming to stand next to Paul.He noticed that Paul tensed up, “You alright?”

“I'm fine,”He replied giving John a shy smile.

“What do you think Paul?”George asked once again.Paul sighed deeply and looked at Ringo.

He bit down on his lip and regretted the words that escaped his mouth.But he had no choice, “Go for it,mate,”