Till There Was You


“Are you sure it fits alright?”Michelle asked Pattie as she analyzed herself in the body length mirror against the wall.She ran her hands over the smooth blue fabric and turned towards Pattie,who sat on the bed strapping her shoes on.She glanced up at Michelle,causing some of her blonde hair to fall out of the neat bun on the top of her head.

“You look fine,dear—Can you breath?”Pattie asked slipping her other foot into the heel.Michelle nodded and pulled the the rim of the dress down to her knees.It kept riding up her thigh,which was irritating, “Then its fine—I knew you and I where about the same size,”

“Same size?”Michelle mumbled and took one last look at herself in the mirror, “I'm a cow compared to you,”

“Stop talking that way—Come on,grab your coat and we'll see what Jane's up too,”Pattie said picking up her dress coat and slipping it over her shoulders.Michelle did the same,but held on to her coat as the two exited George's and Pattie's room and into the living area of the hotel room.Jane was sitting on the sofa,applying a pinkish lipstick to her smooth lips.Her strawberry blonde hair,once straight now in curls bounced on the edges of her shoulders as she rummaged through her purse, “Ready Jane?”

She sighed loudly and zipped up her purse, “You know what—I'll follow you down,I still have to find my shoes,”

“Alright then—See you there,”Pattie replied as her and Michelle gave Jane a wave and left the room. “I don't know whats been up with Jane lately—She hasn't been in a happy or jolly mood at all,”

“Maybe it's because shes leaving soon?”Michelle asked as they stepped into one of the awaiting elevators.Pattie sighed heavily and shrugged.

“I'm not quite sure,”She twisted her lip,but shrugged the feeling away.A smile appeared on her face, “I bet you can't wait to see Ringo,though” She shot Michelle a wink,adding a soft chuckle.Michelle let out a giggle, “He's a gentleman,a real nice person—and he really does seem fancied by you,”

Michelle couldn't help but blush as the elevator came to a halt and let Pattie and her off.

“Look at that,”John said as his eye caught sight of the fish tank when they walked into the hotel lobby. “You don't see many of these do yea?”

“Many of what?”George asked as he came to stand next to John,as he ran his finger along the glass tank, “Oh,come on John,it's not like you haven't seen a fish before,”

“I know,”He muttered,fascinated.He lightly tapped on the glass as the fish swam away from the noise, “Don't worry youngins',we be havin' you for dinner,”

George chuckled and shook his head, “Don't go frightenin' the poor fish now—Come on,”

“I'm knackered,”Ringo said rubbing the sleep from his eyes, “Haven't got a chance to relax ever since the plane ride-Even then,John found a way to disturb me in me kip,”

“Poor baby,”Paul said running his hand over Ringo's hair.He lightly chuckled when he heard Ringo's stomach aswell, “I'm guessing your famished as well?”
“Yes,”He said simply and looked around the hotel lobby, “Were do you suppose they are—They had all day to get ready,”

“They should be down any minute now—Probably stuck on the lift,”Paul responded looking down at his watch.Quarter after seven,a couple more hours till he could finally sleep.Even with that opportunity,he most likely still wont get any,for the second night in a row.

“There they are,”George said as the two exited the elevator and made their way down the stairs.Paul looked up from his watch and noticed it was only Pattie and Michelle,no Jane.He wondered where she was,but it didn't bother him that much when the two came to stand infront of them.Pattie walked up to George,lacing her fingers with his,laying a kiss to his cheek.She wore a knee high beige dress that George had gotten for a birthday of hers last year.

“Look at this,”John said once again coming to stand next to Michelle.He grabbed the strap of her dress and looked up at her, “And where did you get this-Better not be wasting my quid,Miss,”Her eyes went wide and stepped back from John.He chuckled lightly,she actually thought he was being serious.

“John,stop being rude—It's one of my dresses I lent her,”Pattie spoke up,pushing John away from Michelle.She crossed her arms over her chest.

“Oh Pattie,I was just being a joke,”John replied turning back to Michelle, “I was only fooling—The dress infact looks rather dashing on you,”

“Thank you,”Michelle said quietly,shooting John a small smile.John moved next to Ringo as Paul furrowed his brow at him.He actually thought John was being serious towards Michelle aswell.After knowing him for so long,one would think that he would of known he was joking.Paul shook the thought from his head and caught Michelle's eye.She smiled sweetly in his direction, “Hello Paul-How are you?”

“I'm doing fine,thank you,”He replied watching her turn her head and look at the others.That gave him the opportunity to gaze over her features quickly.His eyes roamed over the soft blue fabric that fixated nicely on her body.Her eyes were outlined with black with a slight blush placed upon her cheeks.

“Are we going to stand here all day,or are we going to eat?”John asked suddenly,rubbing his stomach, “You lads can stay here-I'm goin' to the cafe,”After John announced that he was going to the restaurant,everyone seemed to follow suit.

“Oh-Jane said that she'd be down in a couple minutes,”Michelle said as she walked next to Paul into the restaurant, “She had to find her shoes,”

Paul quirked his brow.He hadn't even thought of her even coming till Michelle told him, “That's nice,”He said,and quickly closed his mouth.Paul quickly thought of something else to say so he didn't come off as a ignorant bloke towards Jane, “I'll be waiting for her,”

Michelle nodded as they came to the table suited for just the right amount, “Wait a tic-Ringo,you don't get a chair,mate,”John said.

“Whys that?”Ringo asked curiously as Michelle came to stand next to him.

“He gets the high-chair,”John responded having the others let a light chuckle,even Ringo.He shook the feeling off and pulled out the chair for Michelle.

“Thank you,”She said with a smile as she sat down.Ringo caught John's eye,who shot him a wink in the process.John shuffled over and sat down in the seat beside Ringo.