I Hate You...No, I Wasn't Being Sarcastic

The News

Chapter 2

I drove to work in my old 1997 Honda Civic while rocking out to ‘I feel Good’ while imitating Garfield’s moves. All of that, while driving. Try and beat Samantha.(On the other hand, this can only be done by professionals so don’t try it.)

“I feel good. Tadadadadadada, So good, so good, I got you!” The red light is always my hang out, I can dance without worrying about actually hitting other cars. People do give me weird looks but it’s not like I care. They look at me like I just walked into a party naked. (Don't do that.)

“Stop! Take some time to think, figure out what’s important to you, sto-“ Now I can say I was rudely interrupted by Mr. It and his boring-ness.

He sighed aggravated as I tried kicking him, “Please do stop, follow the song’s advice.” Alex let go of me and I kicked him, where the sun don’t shine. “Ha! Who wins now bucko!” He faked a pained face.

"OMG, it hurts so much!"he sounded like a drag queen, in response I started dancing with him like a maniac just to embarrass him, “Please Sam, you’re scaring away the costumers away.” Alex murmured. I wonder if he skipped class to get here early?

Mark stood next to Alex in his usual white shirt and black skinnies, looking ravishing I must say, probably discussing the girl in the extra-mini-skirt and almost non-existent piece of cloth called a shirt. I can imagine their conversation (To graphic to insert here)

“Sam, dude, nice shirt,” Mark pulled me into one of his amazingly bone crushing hugs, even though they are good, I'm considering wearing a body suit while I'm around him. My shirt of course was of my psychotic but cool and somewhat lovable #2 boyfriend, the Joker.(Let’s put a smile on that face!)”Have you ever danced with the devil on the pale moonlight? Okay, maybe there’s no moonlight, but let’s dance I like this song.” Crazy Mark, making me dance to Rhianna’s ‘Disturbia’. I'm starting to hate that song. It's everywhere!

After our ridiculous, but fun dance session, Mark finally spoke, “Well guys, I have some good news and some bad news. Which do you want first?”

“Bad news first, then the good news will cheer us up.” Alex spoke nervous. For once, it made a good decision.

Mark shifted his fingers from the counter, “Well you know that when I first opened I had 8 workers because that’s all that the owner of this place permitted me right?” Mr. It and I nodded silently. I don’t like where this is going. This conversations usually lead to trouble. “I thought I could handle selling tickets, books and clothing with just 8 workers but then MultiRocks became popular and I needed more workers. And you two came through the door, and even though I couldn’t hire you, I did.”

My eyes widened, “But if we knew you couldn’t have us here we wouldn’t have come. I’m sorry Mark, did anyone punish you or something? Because of us? “

“Well, the owner permitted me to have 1 more worker and nothing more, so I have to fire one of you, bu-“

“What?!?” I can’t believe he’s firing me! Well, I don’t know if he’s going to fire me persay but everyone has to love that jerk Alex. Damn him and his good looks. You did not just think that Samantha. I'm officially going insane.

Alex’s eyes widened and he pinched me, Ouch!, “Let him finish.”

If you touch me again, not even God will find your body, “Idiot.”

“Thank you Alex. But to fire one of you me and the team are going to put you two through some tests.” What kind of tests? “ Since you’re probably wondering what type of tests, well they’re competitive tests. You’ll have to fight for your job and the one who accumulates more points will keep the job.” Mark sighed.

“And the good news?” I asked hopefully.

Mark smiled, so cute! Shut your hormones Samantha, “I was just getting to that. There’s good if you lose because you’ll get free tickets to 3 concerts, and if you do win, you’ll keep your job, be promoted and you’ll also get free tickets, so I personally suggest winning!” You only say that because you’re not the one having to compete for your damn job. Don’t get me wrong, I love my job a lot and I wouldn’t give it up for anything, but, fighting for your job through tests, is just plain weird.

I think my face must have been very freaking priceless because Mark burst out into laughter. “What?”

“Oh nothing.” O-kay? I think I'm missing something. “You start working tomorrow at 3:30 . Oh! And bring old clothing, not something that you value. “

“Why?” Mark’s seriously getting me nervous. Cute boys and their talents to make me nervous.

Mark grinned, “The tests remember?” Uh-oh.

“Well Mark, save that place here for me. I will win this competition.”

I edged on closer to his face glaring, “What makes you think that?” You little asshole.

He edged on closer, “I’m Alexander Walker.” I kicked him in the groin.

He had on a pained face, and this time, I'm sure he wasn't faking it, “I guess there’s not much left of Alexander Walker now is there?” I grinned. With that I took my purse and ran away.

“Come back here you-!”

My first reaction was to threesome(call, don't get the wrong idea) Mikey and Emily.

They did not take it well.

Remind me not tell them this things while I'm not wearing headphones.

"WHAT?!?!?!!?!?!?!" If I still have any hearing abilities, it's a miracle.

"But who?how?Why?When?Where?"

"It was Mr. Mark, next to the cash register, with his lips, after our crazy dance session."

I could feel Emily phone glaring, " It's not Clue. And I'm ignoring the dance session shit." Please do.

Michael was singing 'Fall for you' by Seconhand Serenade. "He's talking to cute Asian girl?"

Emily sighed, "Yes he is." Typical Mikey.

"Well I have to go."

"I'm going to have a serious conversation with Mark, how can he eve make you compete, he knows you're the best."

"Fine, -"Crazy bitch hung up on me.

One effed up day.

It sat down next to me during English period,“I can get more people to buy at the store so you should probably start looking for a new job Samwise.” He smirked at his own declared victory. That jerk (Even though that jerk is pretty damn hot.) Shut it Samantha!!!

I glared( I hope my face doesn’t get stuck like this), “First of all, I’m not a hobbit, and second, by people you mean daily girlfriends right? Not that I would consider them normal people, they do date you, knowing how and who you are.”

He looked insulted(He has emotions?), “For your information I have been dating Becca for the past week and I’m pretty charming. “

“Yeah, sure, whatever you say. The same Becca, or did you decide to date different girls all named Becca?”

He glared arching his brows, “The same Becca. Though the dating different Beccas doesn't really sound all that bad.”

“How many Beccas have you dated in this past year?”


I sighed patting his ash black hair, “Oh, It, you and your unstable relationships.” I looked away not really caring about it’s love life, if you could call it that. (Not that I have one either.)I feel sorry for the it. And me. Especially me.

“I’m an It now?” He looked rather confused, I wonder why?

I looked at him, “Duh. You are Alex, why wouldn’t you be an it?”

I went to work listening to Framing Hanley’s cover of Lollipop, I love Kenneth Nixon, too bad his girlfriend’s a sweetheart. “She said he’s so sweet, I wanna lick the wrapper. So I let her lick the wrapper. Shorty wanna thug. Ohhhhh.”

“Bottles in the club. Shorty when I hu–“

Not a bad singer, “Alex, I think you are unaware of the little innocent girl standing next to you.” That idiot.

“Oh sorry, I wasn’t aware.”

The girl’s mother stared at Alex’s face in awe, “It’s no problem really.” I think I lost another one to the dark side of the force. (Luke, I am your father. *makes Darth Vader noises *)

“You see Sam, my charm goes to ladies of all ages.”

“Oh, shut it.” Not like I didn't know that. My mom would probably marry him if she met him.

“Hey guys, “ Mark greeted, “Since today’s going to be pretty slow, how about we get to the first test directly?”


“Do we even need this?” Alex asked.

Oh it’s on.
♠ ♠ ♠
This is the second chapter which I wrote a while back, I'm not so sure about this story, it's just not me. I don't really enjoy writing 'teen romance' So, tell me what you think!