Media...or is it Player Relations

Chapter 1

The next morning I got up and took another shower. I got out and put my makeup on then headed out to get dressed. I picked out a mid-length pink skirt and a off the shoulder white top. Putting on my white heels I grabbed a quick breakfast, picked up my purse and headed off to work. I arrived in no time considering morning traffic. I grabbed my bag and pulled out my pass ready to head inside. Once inside I headed down to the ice.

There I saw a note that said that the team would be there in an hour but that I could skate if I wanted to. I threw on a pair of ice-skates and grabbed my MP3 player. I finished skating and heard applause. I turned the music off and spun around only to see the whole team staring at me. I skated over stopped at the bench. I introduced myself and slipped my heels back on.

“And you are how old?” Sidney asked me.

“19,” I replied shrugging. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Jordan’s jaw drop. I sat down and pulled out my laptop. Starting it up I grabbed my planner and jotted down dates form the top of my head. Turning back to the computer I pulled up ‘internet explorer’ and headed to the Penguin’s website.

“Above all else I’m a fan,” I stated blatantly knowing that they were looking over my shoulder. I checked the board then went to MSN to check my email. Satisfied with everything I shut my computer down and turned my attention back to the boys. Jordan was flat out staring at me. Apparently Colby, Mark R., and Sid all noticed this because they chuckled silently. I glanced at them with an amused look on my face.