Mayberry Academy

Chapter Five - If you weren't such a jerk...

Kailey’s POV

Carter pulled me through to the lunch line. People stared at us and I looked away. I didn’t want to know what they were thinking of me.

“So where do you sit?” I asked him as I looked around the cafeteria. I noticed Jason, his two friends, and Ami. Ami was sitting next to the one with the light brown hair. They were staring at me. Or well, they noticed me and Jason was staring, scratch that, glaring our way. What was his problem?

“Hmm..? Oh, I sit towards the back with them,” he pointed towards the back, a ways away from Jason’s table, at a table with some guys and some girls. They glanced our way as he pointed.

Ten minutes later we were through the line and with our food. I swear they had everything. I decided to get a slice of pizza, though now I regretted it as I looked around and saw that most of the girls got salads and they were giving me dirty looks. I really didn’t care about what I ate.

Carter and I went to his table and I took a seat next to him. I looked back at Jason’s table and saw Ami looking at me with her eyebrows raised. I shrugged and I went back to looking at the people at the table. They were staring at me and Carter realized he forgot to introduced me. I laughed as he pointed to everyone.

“Cami, this is Evan, Steve, Alyssa, Kirsten, Matt, Selena, and Ryan. Everyone, this is Cami.” He flashed me a smile and dug into his food.

“Hey wait, aren’t you Jason’s roommate?” The one who Carter said was Serena said. I nodded, mostly cause I had just taken a bite out of my own food. The guys laughed.

“You should probably know,” Evan said, “Selena’s had this crush on Jason since seventh grade.” Selena shot him an evil look.

“Yeah, well, don’t worry, I don’t even foresee a friendship in the future, and besides I have a boyfriend,” I said. Carter looked up at that.

“Wait, you have a boyfriend?” he said. I nodded. Steve and Alyssa laughed. They looked a lot alike, I thought, wonder if they’re related?

“You can’t get every girl you know,” Steve said. Wait, every girl? What were they talking about? I looked up at Carter and he was glaring at Steve.

“Wait, what?” I asked, not sure if I wanted to know. Now Steve shut up and Alyssa looked the other way, though both of them kept laughing.

“Don’t mind them,” Carter said. “They sometimes say things they shouldn’t.” Another glare. Ummm…okay. I shrugged.

I felt like someone was staring at me, but I ignored it. After a few minutes though, I looked up and looked back at Jason’s table and sure enough, Jason was staring at us again. Give it a rest already, I thought, it’s not like you like me or anything. Carter glanced back and saw Jason staring at us.

Just then I felt my phone vibrate and I picked it up to find a text message from Holly. Finally! I forgot all about texting during the time I’d been here. We both had unlimited.

Holly: Cami! Hey! How r u holding up so far? Jarrod called

I glanced at Carter and knew Jason was still staring at us.

Me: Um well…not so sure myself…lol…a lot has kinda happened

Holly: Like wat? Tell Me!!

I look around at everyone and noticed nobody was really paying much attention to me, well, except for this table full of girls. They kept glancing at me and talking. Let’s make it obvious you’re not talking about me. In case you didn’t notice that was meant to be sarcastic. I sighed and went back to texting.

Me: Well…ur never gonna guess…but my roommate is a guy plz dont tell Jarrod!

Holly: No way! Watz he like? Im not going to tell Jarrod but tell me y?

So I told her my quick story on what had happened so far that day. I was just getting around to mentioning Carter when three preppy looking girls came up in front of me. This was not, could not, be good.

Jason’s POV

I kept glancing over at Kailey and Carter. What was the deal? How’d they meet? A hundred questions burned through my head. I looked at my phone. About 20 minutes left until it was 7. When I looked back at the table, I saw that my ex-girlfriend Melanie was walking over to Kailey with her 2 wannabe friends, Jessica and Cassidy. Right away I knew it was because of me. The look in Mel’s eyes as she glanced my way told me what I needed to know. She wasn’t ready to let me go. We had broke up a few weeks before summer, and she still wasn’t over me. Could this day get any worse?
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Hey heres chapter 5! its taking me longer now but im going to slow my updates, im going to keep working on this story but im also going to be working on another story! plz comment and rate and tell me wat u think!