Mayberry Academy

Chapter Six - Posse

Kailey’s POV

“What do you want Mel?” Carter asked. She just smiled and looked at me.

“So it’s true huh? You and Jason? Rooming?” She said. I looked at her and it was obvious she didn’t like me. Why? Because I had a hot-tempered roommate who just happened to be hot and popular. And the headmasters son. Oh please. I nodded.

“What, don’t you speak?” she asked, her tone sickly sweet. I plastered on a fake smile and looked at her getting ready to.

“Get lost Mel, it’s not of your damn business anyways. Jason don’t like you anymore so get the fuck over it,” Carter said. Um hey I could fight my own battles you know. Hey, wait. Jason went out with her? Guess I shouldn’t be surprised. Popular guys usually date popular girls, and I’m guessing that even though Mel was a bitch, she had to be popular. Just the way she dressed explained that much.

She was blond, go figure, and her hair was styled straight and it went past her shoulders. She was dressed in a mini, really short, skirt, and a low cut t-shirt. Her posse were dressed similarly. I looked at my own faded Levi’s and my hoodie.

“I really don’t care about Jason anymore,” she said stiffly. “I just thought I would come over here and make Kailey here feel welcomed.” She smiled. I feel welcomed alright. Not. I plastered on a fake smile and looked at her.

“Well if that’s all,” I said, “How about you leave.” She put on a fake smile, too, and so did her posse. I looked around and noticed that most of the cafeteria was staring at us, waiting for something to happen. Well, so was I to be honest. Then she looked at her watch and looked back at me.

“Let’s catch up later, ok?” she said. “I have a feeling we’re going to be seeing each other often.” She turned around and left before I even got a chance to reply. Bitch.

“That was, well, interesting,” I said as Melanie took off out of the cafeteria.

“Avoid her,” Carter said. “She’s bad news.” I was going to ask him more on Melanie when Ami showed up and sat down next to me. I looked quickly back to Jason’s table and saw that most of them had left, Jason included.

“Hey,” she said. “What was that about?” She looked at me and then looked at Carter and everyone else at the table.

“I’m not so sure myself,” I said.

“Melanie’s pissed cause she thinks she should’ve been the one to room with Jason, not Cami. That much is obvious,” Carter said. Ami looked at him then looked at me.

“Can we go somewhere and talk,” she said in a low voice. I shrugged.

“Why not?” I said and started to get up. Carter glanced my way, questions in his eyes.

“I’ll catch up with you guys later,” I said and walked away with Ami behind me.

Jason’s POV

I had left after I saw that things weren’t going to go drastic. Now I stood outside my father’s office and wondered what exactly I had planned to ask him. Why had he made Kailey and I roommates, or was it really by a mix-up in the computer? Or, Was there something that he was hiding from me? I shrugged and knocked on his office door.

“Come in,” he said. I walked in. He looked up and noticed me. “Jason, what brings you to my office?”

“Yeah,” I started, already feeling my temper rising. Did he really have no idea? “Why am I rooming with that Kailey girl.” I asked. “You do know about that, don’t you?” He sighed and looked at me.

“It was a last minute deal. From an old friend, she’s his daughter. You know how hard it is to get in this school.” he said.

“So, what? You owe him a favor or something, now I’m stuck rooming with her? Couldn’t you have had her rooming with someone else. Why me?” I could feel my voice rising a little.

“What’s the big deal? I haven’t seen her in almost ten years but I’m sure she’s a nice girl. You met her before, but I’m guessing you don’t remember.” He sighed and rubbed his temples. “Look, I have a lot of work to do. Schedules are coming out in three days and we’re starting to get everyone back on track. Just give her a shot and try it out. If it gets bad then I’ll step in. But until then, just deal with it.” This time I sighed. Well, he was right about something. Why was I making such a big deal about this. Any normal guy would be psyched about rooming with a pretty girl. But no, not me. I looked at my dad and saw that he went back to work. Apparently he was done speaking. I told him I’d give it a shot and then I left.

There really was no talking with him. Then I remembered what he said. Kailey and I had met before. Ten years ago, and her dad was a friend of the family. I tried remembering her, but I couldn’t. I really didn’t have any recollection of meeting her at all.

Carter’s POV

Kailey had left with Ami, and five minutes later, I left with Evan and Matt while Steve, Alyssa, Selena, and Ryan stayed. We were walking to the third building of the school. The first one was the main building, where all the classes, cafeteria, and all the main offices were located. The second one was the dorms. The third one was the recreational area. It had almost everything. From gyms and pools, to game systems, to even a few theaters. The first time I came here, almost four years ago in seventh grade, I had been shocked. Now I was used to it and it was where everyone hung out at.

“So what’s with you and Kailey?” Evan asked me. I looked at him and shrugged.

“I dunno,” I said. He laughed.

“You going to try to work your magic on her like you did with half the school?” he asked, laughing again. I smirked.

“Ha Ha very funny,” I said. “I really don’t know. But I think I’m going to try.”

“What about the boyfriend,” Matt asked, joining the conversation. This time I smiled.

“She won’t be able to resist my charm.” I said. They laughed and shook their heads. Honestly, I really thought I could make her like me. And I’d decided already, I was going to try. I wanted to see if I could make her fall in love with me. All the other girls definitely swooned over me, but she didn’t even do anything remotely close to that. It made me want to try, and I honestly believed at that moment that I could make her fall in love with me, despite the fact that she had a boyfriend.

Kailey’s POV

“Okay,” I said as we started back to the dorms. “What do you want to talk about?” I still was kind of made at her for ditching me, but she was one of the few people I actually knew here, so I dealt with it. I felt my self getting a headache from everything, but I ignored it.

“Well, what is going on with you and Carter. Why didn’t you sit with us?” she asked. I shrugged. Like anything would be going on, she already knew I had a boyfriend, didn’t she? And then I remembered that I had never mentioned who I was calling. So she didn’t know.

“Nothing,” I said. “I met him in the hallway when I was looking for the cafeteria. He helped me so I went with him and he asked me to sit with him and his friends so I did.” She looked at me like Uh-huh, yeah I don’t believe it. I sighed and said, “Look, I have a boyfriend, nothing is going to happen. I just met the guy, nothing else is happening.”

“You have a boyfriend?” she asked. Out of all that and that’s what she chose to hear. I nodded. “Really?” she asked again and I nodded again. She stared at me in disbelief so I pulled out my cell phone and showed her the picture I had set as my wallpaper, a picture of me and Jarrod. He had his arm around me and was giving me a kiss on the cheek, my whole face smiling and a little flushed. She believed me after that.

“So what are you going to do about Jason,” she asked. I looked at her.

“What is there to do anything about. We’re stuck rooming. I figure as long as we don’t get in each other’s way, we should be fine.”

I didn’t really believe that, because I knew we would get in each other’s way, someway or another. And as Ami and I reached our floor in the dorms, I decided I’d need to at least have a conversation with Jason, if only to work out and settle on an agreement of sorts. I just hoped he would cooperate.
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Hey ppl! Here's chapter six! Let me know what u think! plz comment and rate and tell me wat i can do to make it better. Ok? Thx!