Mayberry Academy

Chapter Nine - Mistake

Kailey’s POV

The next day I awoke to bright sunlight filling into the room. I yawned and looked across the room. Jason’s bed was empty, but I still smiled. I turned on my phone which I must have shut off last night, and I found I had 5 text messages and 2 missed calls. Three of the texts were from Holly, asking me to explain more and tell her how I was holding up. The other two were from Shane to text him back and tell him how my stay was going so far. One call was from Jarrod, saying that he really missed me and wanted me to call him as soon as I could, that he understood things might be hectic my first day. Little did he know, I thought. The other call, shockingly, was from my father, wondering if my flight went okay and telling me to enjoy my school, that he’d see me come summer. He didn’t say I had to call him back.

I sighed and got up out of bed. My hair was flat and really unkempt, that way it is when u wake up from sleeping. So I brushed it and decided to get changed and go see if Ami was up.

Jason’s POV

I sat in the cafeteria next to Lance who was a bit pissed I didn’t come join them last night. Mel had taken control and she took me to her dorm and we’d just watched movies all night. Really, nothing else happened. She did keep close, though. Honestly, I don’t know why I spent so much time with her last night. I didn’t get back to my dorm until nearly two in the morning, and I had to dodge by the senior prefects. Curfew was midnight on non school nights. Ten on school nights. Then I had left around ten this morning, and Kailey still wasn’t up. She really was a heavy sleeper. I smiled at that.

“What’s put you in such a good mood,” Lance said. I didn’t realize he’d been watching me. I shrugged. I was about to say something when Mel popped down right next to me and gave me a “good-morning” kiss on the cheek. Lance’s eyes widened a bit and then he looked away.

“I Missed you!!” She said. “Last night was soo much fun!” She made sure she said it loud enough for the next couple of tables to hear. Of course they started whispering and staring. She had her arms around my neck and I started to pull her off of me.

“What are you doing?!” I yelled to her under my breath. “I said last night didn’t count, or did you forget that?” She sighed.

“I know that’s what you said. But I was hoping you changed your mind. After all, we did have a lot of fun.” She whispered in my ear. I knew I was going to regret it. I would’ve been fine, but nope, I had to go spend last night with her. I should know by now, Mel takes matters into her own hands, when she wants something, she tries like hell to get it.

“It doesn’t matter,” I said standing up. People were really staring now, and I glared back. She pulled at me. “Look, we’re making a scene, and I’m not sticking around, I said I didn’t want to get back together.” She got that look in her eyes again, so sad, that look of feeling rejected. “At least can we talk outside,” I said in a low voice. Her eyes relaxed and she nodded.
Justin had sat down next to Lance and they were looking at me, almost to say “don’t do anything stupid”. “Let’s go,” I told Mel. She followed me as we walked outside the cafeteria.

Kailey’s POV

I knocked on Ami’s door and she opened it. I smiled. “Good morning,” I said.

She looked at me weird but smiled. “Did something good happen that I should know about?”

“Sort of,” I said and then motioned for her to come with me, so we started walking towards the elevator.

“Tell me,” she said. Her eyes sparkling in anticipation. I laughed.

“You really want to know?” She nodded. I laughed. “Okay, me and Jason had a breakthrough.”

“Really,” she asked. I nodded. “What’d you guys talk about? When did this happen?” I laughed.

“Last night when I didn’t go with you guys. He actually wanted to talk to me. He said we might as well find a way to get along since we’re going to be roommates for the semester.” I smiled.

“That’s great!” She said. “I’m happy to hear that.” And she did seem happy about it, too.

“Me, too,” I said.
We got in the elevator and found it empty to ourselves. Then after a few minutes, it opened and we got off. Ami and I headed to the cafeteria, still talking about Jason, only to spot said person walking out with none other than Mel.

Jason’s POV

“Okay, Mel, you really need to stop,” I said to her as we walked outside. She sighed.

“But I really want you back, Jason,” she said, “I really do, I miss you so much.” This time I sighed and I was going to say something when I saw Kailey and Ami walking towards us, Kailey looking a bit shocked. Mel looked up and saw them. She scowled, then looked at me.

“What, already in love with the new girl, and I thought you told me I moved fast,” she scoffed at me. I stared at her in disbelief. Then I laughed.

“Ha, you think I’m in love with her?! Sorry to disappoint you Mel, but things don’t move that fast for me,” I said, walking off to go say “hi” to Kailey and Ami. I think I might shock a few people, I thought, and then I laughed.
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Hey people!! i just want to say a big THANK YOU to all the people who commented and sent me messages. =]
Your my inspiration !!
i'm sorry it took me longer than i expected to upload this chapter...but i've been busy and i have the misfortunes of sharing a computer with someone who's almost always on it haha.
Same rules apply from the last chapter! i want at least one comment before i post the next chapter, and im really going to make the point of uploading more often, at least once if not twice a week! im really going to try!!
Thanks again and tell me what you like and dont like about the story!!