If Gerard Signed up at Mibba

chapter ten

Eliza's POV
He's leaving? What did I say? I just asked him when is our wedding.
I think I shocked him, Or I think he just wanna go home already. Oh well
I'm feeling dizzy today, I'm going to sleep.

So I went to my room and I pulled the covers and tucked myself in.

Gerard's POV
When I was in the car, I was shocked when she asked that? Is she excited and all? I can't explain. Ugh... Oh well don't think about it Gerard.
It will go away, Eliza is random. Or if she wants to say it, She'll say it.

So I went back home I saw Mikey reading comics.
"Oh hi Gerard how's Linda?"

"She's fine..."

"And I went to Eliza..."


"I went to Eliza."

"Two girls in one day ahhh..."

"Shut up!"

"There's sushi in the kitchen..."

"Sorry, don't wanna eat right now..."

Then I went to my room and changed my clothes. I feel like I want to slap myself when Eliza asked that freakin' question. I'm not ready yet. Yeah I'm excited to be with her but that QUESTION she's like LET'S GET MARRIED RIGHT NOW!

oh I'm so nervous...