If Gerard Signed up at Mibba

chapter twelve

Gerard's POV
And I saw...

Frank , eating something that I don't wanna know.

"Gerard I need to talk to you!!!" He said

"Why? Where's Mikey??" I asked

"Oh, he went out to buy something."

"Please?" He begged

"Yah whatever, can we talk upstairs? I'm feeling dizzy..." I said

When we're in my room he grabbed his gummy bears.

"What do you wanna talk about?"

"I'm just bored that's all, I'm just gunna ask you..."


I asked while I'm eating gummy bears

"When's your marriage?"



"I don't know!!!"


"Don't ask me!"


"Shut up!!"

"Ohh I see, you're not ready yet right?"

"Yeah, It's just I'm not really ready to have a family. Are you?"

"With who?"


"Oh... yes, I think"

After 3 good hours he left, I d-don't even know why he asked that question...

I'm so nervous, I need Linda. She's always there for me I miss her so much... So I called her on her phone...

"Hello, who's this?"


"Oh Gerard!! WHY?"

"Can I come over to your house?"

"Okay! I'm not dizzy anymore..."

"Okay bye"

So I'm gunna get dressed up see you on the next chapter!!
