If Gerard Signed up at Mibba

chapter fifteen

Gerard's POV
So she's drunk right, so what do I do?? So I assisted her to get in the car and she's mumbling something... Hey but first my mom said if a drunk girl or guy is quiet if they're not drunk they will confess everything to you... So I heard her saying something... "I love you Gerard" She said

"What did you say?" I whispered

"I love you..."

So I started the car and drove our way home. Maybe she can stay first in my house 'till she get better.

So I opened the door, Mikey left a note...
I'm gunna sleep at Mom's I'll come back tomorrow!


Ugh... Mikey, So I placed her in my bed oh, she's gorgeous when she's sleeping... Oh Shit!! I have a fiancee!! don't worry she doesn't know the way in my house so... no worries

Goodnight Linda babe and I kissed her in the forehead.

I left her in my bed and I took a shower and changed my clothes.
And I drank milk and I went upstairs and I slept beside Linda.

*grins* commento please!!