If Gerard Signed up at Mibba

chapter three

Chapter 3

Gerard's POV

"Hey Gerard, remember that time that we went to Milan and there's so many girls screaming and you're not smiling at all and you're just smoking and yer not paying attention are you."

Bob said yeah I'm not really paying attention 'coz I'm thinking about that site what is it again, Oh yeah Mibba. Yeah.

"Gerard are listening to me? You dumbass!"

"Uhh.. yeah,"

"Oh really?"



"Uhmm yes we went to TRL and all..."


"Hey guys where's my Skittles?! I put it in the fridge yesterday!!"
FRANK said

"Oh, Mikey ate it." Ray said while surfing the net in his laptop.


"No it was not me!! it was...BOB!!"


"No!! It was Gerard!!"

"Huh, no 'twas not me, 'twas BOB."
Actually it's me, Yeah I ate it yesterday when they're watching TNBC.

"Maybe you just didn't recognize that you have no Skittles left." Bob said

"Oh, yeah I'll just buy skittles!!' Frank said

"Oh, here's your sunglasses." Ray said

"Oh yeah, thanks..." Frank said