If Gerard Signed up at Mibba

chapter six

Gerard's POV
So I clicked Send a message
and I wrote...

Stella is it true? The suicide thing thingy, I'm so confused.
Is it really true many girls commited suicide oh please tell me.

Then I sent it and 5 munites later I got her reply.

Yes, It's TRUE don't you watch television?
I'm sorry it's really true. It's not your fault
It's their fault I was shocked too but don't worry,
it's not your fault!

Is it my fault? think Gerard you dumbass!!
It's my fault!! so many fans I made to kill themselves...

Stella's POV
He's not guilty, Nobody's guilty except the girls who commited suicide.
It's their fault, not Gerard's. He needs to relax.

So I sent my reply, I think he is worried right now.
I wish he's okay, I really wish that he's okay.