If Gerard Signed up at Mibba

chapter eight

Linda's POV
Ah.. tsk tsk tsk Gerard. It's not his fault it's the teenagers' fault.
Sheesh... Nah I'm just kidding he's bit depressed.

"Oh Linda thanks for your time," He said

"Oh do you wanna stay here first till dinner?"

"No thanks, I gotta visit Eliza."

Eliza, that made me jealous. Since he met Eliza, we're not close to each other anymore. But yeah I'm still his best friend, But I hate Gerard seeing him with eliza. It kinda sucks you know.

"Oh okay then, take care Gee!!"

"Okay, thanks"

Then he closed the door.
Then I suddenly cried, because I miss him so much.
I missed him, he's with me everytime when we're in college.
If you want to know the truth I have a crush on him. I like him, i love him. but he doesn't know that I love him. I never showed that I loved him.

But once I told him that but he just laughed and it pissed me.
I hate Gerard leaving me, I just wanna say right infront his face that I love him so much.