If Gerard Signed up at Mibba

chapter nine

Gerard's POV
I got to leave Linda, because I gotta visit Eliza. If you wanna know the truth, I sorta love linda. Yes, there I said it but I can't say it to her. When we're in college she said that she loves me but I just don't know if she's joking I just laughed and it pissed her and she left me. So I reached Eliza's apartment for 10 minutes. And I knocked at the door.

Then she opened it.
"Oh Gerard!" She said then she kissed me in the cheeks.

"Oh hi Eliza, how are you?" I asked while she let me in her house.

"I'm fine, how about you?"

"I'm fine," While I smiled weakly.

"Oh sit down Gee."

"Oh thanks"

"You seem pretty sad, what's wrong?"

"Oh nothing! nothing really." I lied I'm thinking about the teenagers thing.

We talked for hours and hours and then Eliza asked a random question...

"Gerard, when are we getting married?"

Oh shit! that shocked me. My gosh, I'm not expecting Eliza to ask me that.

"Oh honey, uhmm we'll think about it. I gotta go bye...."

"Oh bye honey!! call me when you're home"

comments please...
oh one more thing i'm gunna finish it whether you like it or not with or without comments mwahahahaha!!!