The Ridiculous Title Of This Story Is To Long!

Spying On A vampire Is Impossible.

~Cassie's pov~

I woke on my bed. My first thought was what the fuck happened, then it hit me.
Every thing from the day prior flooded back into my mind. I groaned.
I was such an idiot! I had fainted, right in front of a vampire.
Big mistake! I felt my neck for any wounds or puncture marks, and felt extremely relieved when i found none.
I decided to get up and eat something. I quietly opened my door and walked towards the mess hall. Now, im not like the other patients here. I'm actually sane, and most of the guards know this. I get more privileges than other patients for my good behavior.
Dr. Salaman is the only one i really had to play crazy with.
She has a condescending air about her, she's about sixty three and she is very gullible! I don't even have to use my expert acting skills on her.
I loved to act, in fact, i had been in several elementary school plays.
But i can kiss that dream good bye now, no one would want to cast a mental patient as their lead actress!
As i was walking around the corner, i saw him again, the newbie.
Better yet, the vampire.
I scurried back behind the corner and peeked around it. Apparently he noticed this, and turned his head in my direction. H got up from his seat and walked toward me. Then i started to freak out.
"Spying on a vampire huh? Hows that working out for you?" he smirked, showing one of his fangs.
"just perfectly. Why?" I wanted to say something witty, but my head went blank at the sight of him.
"Oh, and here all along it thought that spy's were experts at espionage." he retorted.
"Yeah, well you thought wrong vampy" My brain was finally working again.
He frowned when i said vampy, so i thought i should call him that from now on.
"Watch the name calling, i may be a blood sucking freak, but damnation comes with some amazing perks."
Then he disappeared and reappeared right behind me, putting his arms around me restraining my arms. He put his mouth by my ear and whispered.
"If i wanted to, i could suck you dry right now." I knew he was trying to scare me, and he knew it had worked.
"I already know that Count obvious!" I was getting mad at him. He was just being a bully trying to scare me. I was struggling against him at this point, but it was pretty useless.
He chuckled and put his mouth to my throat, grazing his fangs down my neck.
I squeezed my eyes shut, waiting for the pain of his fangs piercing my skin, but it never came. Then he just let me go. The movement was so sudden i stumbled backwards and almost landed on my butt. He caught me by my left elbow before i hit the ground and chuckled again. It was a very seductive sound.
I mentally slapped my self for thinking this.
"Well that's rude, i just kept you from falling on your ass and you call me yet another name!"
I just stuck my tongue out at him.
"Yeah, that's really mature"
'Stupid sarcastic gorgeous vampire!' I thought.

We walked into the mess hall together and i walked to the line to get some pancakes. Then with my pancakes in hand, went to sit at my usual table in the back of the room.
I was, unfortunately, accompanied by a smirking vampire. I gave him my famous 'what the hell is your problem look' and he just looked at me, probably wondering what he did.
"What?" He asked exasperatedly after a few seconds.
"Why are you sitting with me? Go find some other poor soul to bother." i said while pouring syrup on my yummy looking pancakes.
"But i like bothering you! Besides, you seem much more sane than most of the other patients here." I scoffed at that.
"Your the only person here that i know, but i guess that's not really saying much."
"And why is that?" I asked, slightly perplexed at his sentence.
"I don't even know your name!"
I stuck my hand out for a hand shake.
"Hi, i'm Cassandra, i'm fifteen, and i don't give a fuck!"
♠ ♠ ♠
YAY! finally i got a long chapter out!
And i would like some comments to go with its epic proportions please!
much love peoples!