The Ridiculous Title Of This Story Is To Long!

Harboring Curiosity.

~Cassie's pov~

The vampire shook my hand, smiled and introduced himself.
"Hi! I'm Shayne, i'm eighteen, and i want out of this dump!"
I just giggled.
He was grinning, and i just couldn't hold my smile back. His happiness was contagious, he was contagious!
"Aren't you going to eat?" I asked after our smiles had faded.
"Nah, i'm not really hungry. I'll probably be okay till lunch." he concluded.
We talked for a while and some where along the way the topic got changed and i don't have a clue as to how it came to this but we were arguing about pirates and ninjas and which would win in mortal combat. He was defending pirates while i was arguing my case for the ninjas, so far i was winning.
"..And they could just throw their shuriken at the fat drunken pirate and they would be dead! Ninjas would win no matter what, they'res no competition!"
"Damn you and your ninjas!" He said, finally giving in to my extremely logic reasoning.
I just smiled, victory was mine and i was going to bask in it!

After breakfast, i walked into the garden, which was fenced in behind a twelve foot high brick wall. The wall was covered in vines and the top of it was the only part that could be seen.
I knew quite well i could climb it, but if i did what would i do then? Where would i go?
I knew i was never going home, that's the exact reason i kept up this charade of insanity.
My parents loved me and all, but i just felt so isolated and caged in at home. They thought they were protecting me, when in actuality, they were oppressing me.
I was never allowed to go out with my friends, i wasn't allowed to date, i hadn't even been allowed to use the computer or have a cell phone!
When i say they were trying to protect me, i mean they were trying to keep me from going insane, like my grandma may was was.
When she was in her thirties it was discovered that she had schizophrenia. i always loved seeing her. She told some of the funniest stories!
Simon, the guard that usually watches over the patients in the garden let me outside, but he stopped Shayne from going any further.
"Its okay Simon, I'll keep an eye on him."
Simon glanced at me then back at Shayne, and back at me once more before letting go of
"Thanks! I've been dying to get outside lately." I turned to him to explain a few rules.
"Ok, so heres the deal vampy." He gave me a warning look when i said that.
"i like my privileges, and if you want some too, you had best behave your self! There are rules as to what you should and shouldn't do out here. Never struggle with the guards, don't cause a ruckus, only look the guards and Dr. Salamander in the eye, and never come within three feet of the garden walls, understood?"
He nodded briskly.
"Dr. Salamander huh? Now that is a nickname that fits!" he laughed.
"Did you come up with that one?" He asked.
"Actually, Melany came up with it. She was my best friend here, she was like a sister to me.
She was the only person here that would even talk to me when i got here. I miss her."
I told him.
"What happened to her?" When he asked this, i almost started crying.
"S-she...she died. She got in a bad car wreck and went into a coma. She died in the hospital a few weeks later. Can we not talk, just walk in silence?" I didn't like to talk about Mel's death, it just made me sad, and i didn't need that.
Walked for a while, then i decided to go in. Shayne escorted me to my room, and left me to my thoughts. For that i was thankful.
♠ ♠ ♠
Hey, most of the chapters will be in Cassie's pov, and i will put ~Shayne's pov~ at the top when called for!
please message and comment!
much love!
P.S. good songs to listen to
the undeveloped story by anberlin
we'll sleep when were dead by bless the fall
and lastly
not good enough for truth in cliche by escape the fate