Status: I probably won't be updating this anymore.

You're All That I've Got

The Beginning

"Ian." I said. "Ian wake up." Ian Snyder, my boyfriend, had once again fallen asleep in Biology.
"What?" He asked.
"Class is over. Lets go. Its gym time!" I said in a fake cheery voice.
"Oh goody." he said getting up.

We walked off to gym hand in hand. We know to stay clear of the senior hallway so everyday we had to take the long way.

"Do you think I should play today?" I asked.
"You know you have to." he told me.
"But Ian its Monday." I whined.

This is a conversation we've had multiple times before since September. The whole first month and a half of school we didn't get changed for gym and we paid the price for it. Two F's for the first marking period.

"But Jess you'll fail." He said mocking my whine. I pouted and he smiled at me. Then seeing his smile, I smiled back. "You know I'm only trying to help. If you fail we might not be in the same class next year." He said now in a serious tone.
"I know. I just hate gym so much." I said.
"Come on, we're on higher elements today, so you don't have to do anything anyway." He said.
"Oh yeah. I'll just climb to the top of that 20 story torture device, get my neck caught in the ropes and end up hanging myself." I said angrily.
"You'll be the next Able Frye." He said.
"Speaking of him, when are you gonna stop this cult shit? It's really starting to freak me out." I said.
"Come on nothing bad is gonna happen to you." He said. We were now stopped in the middle of the empty music wing hallway.
"Its not me I'm worried about Ian!" I said.
"Then what are you worried about?" He asked.
"You Ian! Nothing good can come from this! I don't want anything to happen to you, your all that Ive got!" I said starting to cry a little.
"Look." He said pulling me closer to him. "Nothing bad is going to happen to me. Were on Abel's good side. We'll be OK. I promise. I wont let anything happen to you." He pulled my head to his chest and kissed my head. "Come on. Were gonna be late."

We walked the rest of the way to gym with me close to him. He just made me feel so safe that I didn't argue any further. Ian and I have been going out for a year and 2 months (its May right now) and I trust him completely, but still, there's something about the Able Frye business that makes me feel uncomfortable. I know that something bad will happen.