Just So You Know


I wake up the next morning extremely early. It’s the dawn of a new day. A day I will receive the courage to leave Jordan. Start a new life, where I’m wanted and loved. Where I have friends who actually care about me. I’ll run away from the life. I’ve never been happy here. I’ve always felt trapped, unwanted. A nuisance. But I will show the people in this town something someday. I will make it big, show them that I am bigger then they imagined I could ever be. I don't care where I'm headed, anywhere but here. I won't waste my life, or even another night in this town.

I pack my few belongings into the only bag I own big enough to hold a couple pairs of clothes, and some essentials like food, money, soap and a towel. Just imagine that your going a a vacation like you used to when you were younger. Remember when you went to France with Jena? Remember how big the Eiffel Tower was? You and Jena went on an adventure! You tried to climb the stairs all he way to the top of the largest tower! Rememeber? I can barely rememeber a time when I was happy. I’ve been in this small town with Jordan for far too long. I barely remember Jena. She was my best friend at Hogwarts, but after we left, we had talked to each other since.

Jena was a tall girl. I remember her as what I thought the prettiest girl I’d ever seen. She had bright blue eyes, with black eyelashes. She also had beautiful long dark brown hair. She always wore it down. The only time I ever remember her hair in a ponytail was when she tried out for the quidditch team in our 2nd year. She made the team sure enough. She was good at everything that she did. I was also on the team. I was a chaser. That was our second year. That year the Ravenclaw team was the best team on the pitch, and later went on to win the Quidditch Cup for the first time in a decade.

I suppose that’s also when I met Oliver Wood and Fred Weasley. Both of them were on the Griffyndor team that year. I remember Oliver was devastated when they lost; he really loved quidditch. Fred was the same age as me, pureblood and very funny. He was tall, and had ginger hair. He looked exactly like his twin brother George. They were the beaters for the Griffyndor team. I really started to like him, until I got to know Oliver better. He was fun to talk to, and could be hilarious when he wanted to be. He was tall and lanky with short sandy brown hair. He was a year ahead of me, but that didn’t change my feeling at all. Remember Caty, please. Remember Olly.

Everything is packed. I’m wearing the nicest clothes I own, that don’t smell like smoke or have beer stains on them. It’s a grey Twiggy baby doll shirt/dress. I wear it with my black leggings and my small silver heels. I pull my hair back into a messy ponytail on my head and pin my bangs up to the side. I don’t over do my makeup, but just wear enough to make my eye’s noticeable. I check my bag over twice, grab the car keys, walk out the door silently and make my way towards the car.

Slowly so Jordan doesn’t expect a thing, I open my driver’s side door, prop my bag into the passenger seat, and am on my way down the road with two hundred dollars in cash, a couple sandwiches and my pride and hope pinned to my sleeve. I’m on my way, not to come back. London here I come.
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Sorry if anything is confusing, but if you don't understand something, or you have any feedback, please message me! This is my first story, and first time I've used Mibba. It's different then Quizilla.