Dead or Alive


Four days later - The funeral

Today was Emily’s funeral. I dressed myself in my black jeans and a belt. For a top I put on my favourite one. It was pink, not the best color for a funeral but it was special to me. It was one Emily and I had decorated one day when we were about ten, somehow it still fit, and was too big. I didn’t care though, if Em was up there watching down on me she would be smiling.

We arrived at the church and everyone went in and sat down. Our whole school year had come, that was nice of them.

After everyone was seated the priest began his speech’s and other mass stuff a priest does, I didn’t pay attention though, I sat silently only hearing snippets of reading and prayers, of people talking about Emily and how nice and perfect she had been. Then the priest said;

“And now Katie will read a few words given to her by Emily before she died to be read out today.”

It was my turn, I got out of my seat at the front of the church and walked to the stand where the microphone was to read out what Emily had read. I clutched the pieces of paper in my hands tightly. I hadnt even read them so I was wondering just as much as everyone else. Why didn’t I read it you ask? Because Emily asked me not to. I reached the stand and cleared my throat before starting speaking.

“Before I read this, I would just like to make clear I haven’t read this yet so please forgive what I say.” I started. I flipped over the paper and began.

“If this is being read out then its my funeral and I’ve died. Honestly having cancer wasn’t all that bad apart from the going to die bit. But that isnt what this speech is meant to be about. This is about getting one last point across. There was a lot of bad things I did in my life but the one thing I don’t regret was falling in love with Katie. Shes the most amazing person I know. The first time we met each other was completely accidental, we walked into each other one day, literally walked into each other. Then slowly, week by week day, by day we grew closer until the point where we were inseparable. That was when we were around twelve. I always knew I liked her as more than just a friend but I was afraid to admit it because even though we had known each other for over a year she could have been the worlds biggest homophobe, so I stayed quite. Then one day in May when she was thirteen and I was almost thirteen the best thing ever happened. She told me that she loved me. Being the idiot I was back then I said I didn’t feel the same. I still haven’t figured that out. The next week was the hardest, I was confused, so very confused but then, about a week and a half later I finally admitted to myself how I felt and fessed up to Katie. It was the most amazing day ever. Then when I was fourteen the cancer was diagnosed. It was a shock but I had one person there supporting me no matter what. She would hold my hand when I was afraid, hug me when I needed it and most of all she loved me. I promise to you Katie, I love you with all my heart and I always will, even in death, and remember I promised I would haunt you, so you had better not get me kicked out of your house.”

I finished reading and then started crying big fats tears. It wasn’t the best written thing ever and it sounded weird to read it out but I knew how much love she put into that. Emily really was amazing. I left the stand and went back to my seat sitting down and going back to not listening to anything that was said. Eventually the priest stopped speaking and everyone started leaving, to bring the coffin to her grave I assume.

We all arrived at the cemetery and went to the grave where she was being buried. It was a brand new grave so she had the tombstone all to herself. Her parents had decided to let her pick what would be written under her name and date of birth. She had decided to go with.

I got cancer. Ah well could have been worse.

Emily always had had abit of a weird sense of humour. Her parents really regretted letting her pick when she came up with that. But they let her keep it as that.

Everyone crowded around the at present empty hole and the coffin was lowered into the hole while the priest droned on about how she was going to heaven and all that other religious crap. If she got into heaven I'd be surprised, wasnt god supposed to hate gays and all that.

I laughed out loud not realising I had and everyone turned their heads towards me trying to figure out if I had gone mad. A few of Em's older aunts and uncles gave me evil looks. I didnt care, she was my girlfriend. I could laugh if I wanted.

Eventually everything was done, Emily was buried, everyone was leaving and I was still laughing to myself. I bet Em was up there smiling down on me right that second.

"C'mon honey," said my mom, putting her arm round me. "Lets get home."

And so we left the cemetery, my mom sniffing to stop her tears. My dad comforting her and me laughing at the fact that if she was up there she was so causing trouble.

I loved that girl, and I always would. Dead or Alive.