Status: hiatus, sorry

Lingering Melody

My Favorite

I open my eyes finally, and Webster’s smiling, meaning he’s satisfied with it. Rick talks to me, wanting to perfect a few parts. It takes another half an hour before he’s satisfied, and then I’m done. I’m yawning already and my stomach is growling.

I pick up the sheet music that fell and glancing up, I freeze. Sebastian is here. My hand instantly climbs to my hair that’s pulled back. My make-up can’t possibly look good either, and I’m dressed practically in sweats. I take a breath and get up with the sheet music and sneak in the door.

He’s talking softly to Webster who’s frowning, not happy with what he’s saying. What could he be saying? I’m curious. I inch closer, handing the papers to Rick silently. “Not for long. Of course not all day. Just an hour or so, you know?” They keep speaking.

After a minute, I pull away, and begin putting my things together. Web’s brought me a glass of water and I begin drinking slowly, savoring every drop of it. “Hey! Shy!” Sebastian exclaims and I’m guessing he’s just noticed I’m in here.

I’m not surprised about it. I’m a private and quiet person, moving around on my own. I’m good at not disturbing people and, it seems, I can turn invisible in plain sight. I give a small hello smile and turn back to the glass of water.

A little more chatter, then Sebastian comes over. “Guess what!” He says enthusiastically, but he doesn’t give me time to speak. “I’m taking you out!”

I blink in surprise, glancing at Webster. Is this what they were talking about a minute ago? He doesn’t look that happy- Webster, that is. “Now?” I ask blankly. I have school work…

He nods, wrapping an arm around me. “Once we get you out of those clothes, we can go do something,” he grins. “Did you bring some extras?” Sebastian asks me.
I look down. They weren’t that bad… were they? “Um, no…”

He chews his lip. “All right. We’ll go back to your place,” he starts directing me out of the room. “You can fix yourself up and we’ll enter the world!” He says dramatically and it makes me grin.

It fades after I realize what he said. Go back to my place. MY place. My gut says he won’t accept my place like Lait and Webster does, so I can’t possibly show him. I shake my head. “N- no. It’s… being fixed up,” I think quickly. “How about we shop? Really quick? Then we can do something,” I suggest hopefully.

He frowns, not happy with it. My head starts to droop in shame until he shrugs. “Whatever,” he says. “C’mon, we haven’t all day, it seems,” he says it like a joke and his grin makes me smile. He takes my hand and it feels nice and warm there.

Luckily this is a nice enough part of town where by walking down the street there is a nice boutique. “All right, find something quick,” he urges me. My eyes roam the room, thinking. it has to be Shy. I’m Shy. What to choose… I slowly begin roaming.

In ten minutes, I’ve found two outfits and I head to the dressing room. Sebastian had disappeared but here he is, with some other clothes for me to try on. “Go,” he pushes me into the room and grins, waiting, right outside.

Hesitantly, I lock the door away from him and change into what I have chosen. A sundress in yellow, white and brown. Jean shorts go beneath, barely seen. I step out to show Sebastian.

Cocking his head, he looks. “Not bad,” he shrugs indifferently.

My smile wilts but I turn away in time. I shut the door and look down at the outfit. But it’s so cute and comfortable. I chew on my lip and step into the next outfit, trying on one that Sebastian chose for me.

It’s a midriff halter top in purple and gold. He chose a small jean mini skirt that wouldn’t cover me enough if I sat. Sebastian’s voice comes through, wondering what’s going on. I swallow uneasily, not very comfortable in it, and step out. He grins. “Perfect.”

I look down at the outfit. “But… it’s nothing,” I say softly, frowning. “I feel… naked,” I mumble, my cheeks heating up.

He takes my hand and twirls me. “Hm…” he seems to be thinking hard. “Try on some more,” he says finally and steps back, releasing my hand.

I can’t read his eyes as I return. After another ten minutes I’ve tried them all on and Sebastian is trying to convince me what to get. We finally compromise- he by saying what he wants me to get, and me silently deciding what I’m willing to wear for the day. It’s an off the shoulder tank of purple with a silver lining. He liked that top. I really liked the first shorts I wore, so I get those. Before we get to the cash register, I grab some silver sandals to go with them. I’m wearing the clothes as we purchase them- I purchase them, that is.

We walk out, me carrying my past clothes in my bag. He has his sports car so we put the bag in there as we climb in. “Where are you taking me?” I ask slowly after a while. I had gotten in the car with a near-complete stranger. What was I thinking?

He grins lazily. “My favorite place. You’ll love it,” he promises and takes my hand. “And there’s a good movie out I thought we could check,” he adds after a minute.

I nod hesitantly and glance at my hand that he still holds. I like how his hands are strong yet to smooth and soft and warm. I lean back in the seat, content to just be.

Twenty minutes later the car was stopped and I stared out, to his favorite place. Which just so happened to be La Paris de Amour, just the most expensive place to eat in all of L.A. and that’s saying something. Sebastian had already climbed out and he knocked on his hood to get me out.

That brought me back to reality and I quickly climbed out nervously. He couldn’t possibly be bringing me here, could he? Would he? How did he get so much money? Then I was hit on the head with a sudden realization- this was a date!
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lol, heh