Status: hiatus, sorry

Lingering Melody

Miss A Thing

The question surprises me so much I start laughing. It takes a minute before I can breathe. “No!” I cough. “No,” I say more calmly. “You know I don’t like to. Nothing. No drinks, smokes, drugs, kisses, guys, or sleepovers,” I recite- I’m always telling that to people, for my own protection and such.

He sighs. “I don’t see why not. But remember who you are, what your fans expect and… just be careful. Especially the drinks- everything will be spiked. Just drink water from the spout and let no one get it for you but yourself, okay?” He tells me, trying to imprint it on my mind.

Like I’d do anything else. I nod, and then realize he can’t see me. “Yes, Web. Thanks- I’ll see you in the morning.” I hang up and put the phone away. I decide on a quick shower, which will take more time. Then quick make up and hair. All of that is taking a lot of time, unfortunately.

But lucky me, cause I already knew what I would wear. I had been saving it for a while, actually. It was an adorable strapless green knit top with sparkles of gold. It went a little long past the waist with a tie right there, but small that you didn’t pay much attention to it. There were matching arm sleeves that clutched my arm just enough to stay along.

Below I wore a short black straight skirt that didn’t reach my knees- so I was thankful for that last trip in the sun, right before that one photo shoot so I didn’t look pasty white. I added knee high black boots for a lasting effect, and I wore my usual rings and added some ribbon bracelets.

“Which one?” I ask myself, trying to decide between two necklaces- I wear both. A black choker and a gold chain with a small rainbow on the end. My earrings are gold hoops. My hair looks sort of boring just down with the small wave, so I put them in two long braids but not too tight so some still falls out, a little scattered.

I grab my wallet and shove it in my boot. If you aren’t paying attention, you can’t even notice it. I finally decide on a light beige jacket with fur on the hood. Something Shy would wear.

It’s enough, so I put three breath mints in my mouth and head out. Ten minutes later I find the street and bench. I’m only waiting a minute before I see Liam’s car.

Car? Understatement. Jeep of the century, more like it. Perfect for rugged country and I had no doubt he probably loves hiking, outdoors and camping. It was probably going twice the speed limit, too. I jerked back when it came to a sudden stop right in front of me.

The windows roll down to show a grinning Liam. “Get in, you can take shot gun,” he adds, jerking his head there. I cautiously go around in front of the car. He opens the door and I get in.

“All right, so Lait and Brac are in the back snoozing,” he says and starts the car again. “Seb and Pete will meet us there.”

“Why didn’t they come with you?” I ask, and am partly surprised at my boldness. Usually I nod and stay silent. But Liam is nice and comfortable. I don’t feel that shy around him- it’s like he’s an older brother or something.

He shrugs. “Rooming- Lait and I have stuck together since we were five and we met Pete through my last girlfriend. Seb and Pete are cousins who were already rooming and all, so it just came together- or not,” he adds with a chuckle and I grin.

I peak back. True, both guys are back there. Brac snores loudly, his mouth hanging open. It’s a little funny and I grin wider- I turn to look at Lait, but he’s awake and looking out his window- he’s sitting right behind me.

Obviously feeling my eyes on him, he turns to me solemnly. It’s almost as though he doesn’t recognize me- or doesn’t want to talk with me. “Hey,” he gives a small smile and turns back to his window not waiting for a reply.

“Hi,” I mumble and turn back, feeling a little confused.

Liam glances back. “Don’t get worked over it,” he mutters, playing around with the radio and trying to find a good station. “He hasn’t been having a good day. Big fight with Seb and he’s failing in some school stuff.”

I give a small nod. Liam finds a station and turns the music on loud, leaving me to my thoughts- if I can hear them. I can’t help wondering how big that ‘fight’ was. If Liam said it, being a big guy and all… it had to be really big.

We get there in another twenty minutes. A reserved parking spot, of course. Sebastian and Pete are already there in a spot next to ours, the familiar red car right there. “Come on,” Liam grins excitedly and hurries us out of the car and towards the line. He pushes me forward and I fall against Lait’s back.

“Sorry,” I mumble, my cheeks heating up as I regain my balance again and we continue on. He doesn’t even look back.

Before we get any farther, Seb comes up out of the party. “Been waiting for you!” He does the traditional… man-shake with Liam and Brac but ignores Lait as he drapes an arm around me. “You came!” He says, his joy obvious.

“Looks like it,” I give a half smile as we go past the bouncer who lets us in easily. I glance around. Everything the very best, obviously. Sofas, cushions, tables, chairs, rugs are scattered everywhere. There’s a bar to our left and surrounded by people. To the right is the dance floor where people are shaking their booties to the pounding music. The rhythm sinks in my bones and I can’t help but tap to it, even though I don’t like this song very much.

Looking closely from the fog machines going, I can name most of the people here, other celebrities. My stomach starts to feel funny, like I’m sick. It’s not that I’m scared of these people; it’s just… maybe intimidation. I don’t know. I’m not comfortable around these people. Most are wasting away their lives in the career, which starts fading after they start doing drugs. Most of them are so pathetic…I get sick thinking I might actually become like them one day.

“You okay?” Seb asks suddenly.

I glance at him and struggle to pull on a smile. “I think so. Yeah. Just… just a moment thing,” I mumble.

He nods. “Okay, good to hear- you won’t want to miss anything,” he grins, takes my hand and starts pulling me along. He starts again in an endless stream of chatter and I’m dragged through the crowd, trying not to touch all these sweaty skimpy bodies pressed in the heat.

“I could easily skip out on most of this,” I mutter to myself, but Seb doesn’t hear- I barely could, for that matter. It was so loud! The floor was pounding to the music and I winced as rap came on. It was also my ring tone for my cell.
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eeep. Its been forever, I'm so sorrry. I'll post one more, okay? comment, please?