That's The Way I Loved You

chapter six - l e t d o w n s -

Laney, I can’t believe you.”
A shot right to the gut.
I looked up and his eyes met mine in a cold, hard, stare. I wasn’t sure what to think, because at this moment nothing would process through my brain.
Trevor flipped his beach blonde hair out of his eyes.
Right then Jared’s arm harshly reached out and pulled me behind him.
“Don’t touch her,” Trevor warned a dangerous look in his eyes.
“Don’t you dare tell me what to do, soccer boy,” Jared said in the same tone.
All right, this did not look too good.
“You think you are some hockey god, don’t you? All hockey players are just the same. All you care about is money, chicks and boobs. Low people you are, and nothing more than players, on and off the ice”
“Shut up!  You don’t know anything!” Jared practically growled.
“OH yeah, is that why all you care about is getting some with my girlfriend?” Trevor shouted taking a step forward.
I felt like I couldn’t do anything, and I was probably right.
“I won’t tell you again soccer boy, you know nothing, so shut up.”
“I know that I’m in love with Laney, I know I’ll take care of her, be there for her,” This was directed at me as he gazed into my eyes. “I know I won’t drop her like a sack of potatoes for some slut, who I think will give me a good time, hockey god.”
Jared stared at Trevor, open mouthed. Trevor thought he had an advantage in this one, and he started to smirk.
“You think you’re in love with her?” Jared said, an evil smile now starting to form on his face.
“You heard me, hockey god,” Trevor mocked.
“Well then, do you know her favorite NHL team?”
“That’s easy, the Red Wings.”
“Okay, how about favorite player?”
“D...” he trailed of trying to think. “Dunkin?”
Jared laughed out loud. “Datsyuk, So tell me this soccer boy, Laney’s favorite time of year.”
Jared threw a smirk at me. “Wrong. Summer, particularly July 12th. How about her favorite movie?”
“Ah, the Little Mermaid”
“Lion King.”
“These aren’t fair questions!” Trevor complained.
“Favorite place to be kissed?”
“Jare-” I started.
“In the rain”
“Wrong my friend, under the old maple tree that has our names carved in it.”
“I’m going to teach you!” Trevor shouted, frustrated, running toward Jared Staal.
He threw a punch, right toward his gut. Jared stumbled back, before reacting fast and connection his fist with his opponents jaw. A loud snap was heard.
“Jared! Trevor! STOP!” I shrieked.
And of course, at that moment the pack rounded the corner.
Marc, Eric and Jordan jumped in, grabbing each of the boys.
Blood was spilling onto the floor. I clasped my hand over my mouth.
Uncle Henry and my dad were now helping too.
“Stop!” yelled Aunt Linda and my mom. But, that didn’t seem to stop anything.
Jared and Trevor wouldn’t stop; they kept cussing and yelling at each other.
Oh god, what have I gotten myself into?
When they finally pulled away Trevor had a bloody nose, and black eye. Jared had a broken lip, and I’m pretty sure his cheek would need some stitching. Trevor’s graduation ring left a huge cut.
At the exact same moment, they both stared up at me. Marc and Jordan had a hold on Jared, while Eric, Henry and my dad were holding back Trevor.
“I-I, I can’t believe the two of you! You sicken me! I’m done!” I shouted, tears welling up in my eyes, before I booked it out of the house and down the street, not knowing where I was going. I just kept on walking, well, running.

I heard the distant calls of the boys, or who I think was the boys, calling for me to come back. But I wasn’t. I just kept on running, I know those guys could probably catch up with me, but I had a feeling they wouldn’t.

This time of year, Thunder Bay was full of excitement. Jesse and her boyfriend of five years Matt, were packing up and moving to a small town in British Columbia, where Matt got a job with Tembec for the summer, Lilly and Daisy were starting to get the annual summer fair up and running, Dave and Justin were driving around town, doing loser laps and bitch cruising, it was an eventful early summer day...

And I was upset, running away from the hardest decision I had to make.

I was at a slow walk when I got to the outskirts of town, wanting nothing more than to stick out my thumb, and have some guy who I’ve never met drive me away from here. However, I knew that wasn’t going to happen.

I had to make a decision.

Thoughts of Jared and Trevor entered my mind as I thought of who was better; well the answer was painfully obvious,


However, that was my brain talking, and sure, all emotions come from the brain, but I felt like I was being torn between my symbolic heart, and conscious. My conscious wanted Trevor,

My heart wanted Jared.

I found a rock that was big enough for me to sit on, deciding that if I walked anymore that my legs would fall apart, I quickly took a seat and got into my normal thinking mode, I had to think this thoroughly, the decision of course wasn’t life or death, but someone would get hurt.

Could I live, knowing I hurt Trevor?

Could I live, knowing I hurt Jared?

The questions pondered in my mind, the afternoon sun was at it brightest and I found myself starting to sweat, wishing I never ran without grabbing my phone...

Wait, I think I have it...

I quickly pulled out my phone, realizing it was on silence and seeing I had 45 missed calls, and 30 new text messages.

10 were from Trevor,

15 were from Jared

2 were from Maddison

2 were from Megan

And 1 was from Marc

I only opened up Megan, Maddison and Marc’s messages, deciding that people starting with the letter M are okay.

Heard Trevor and Jared started fighting and you ran out... are you okay? Woman... I’m actually starting to get worried, text me and let me know your okay, Jordan’s having a freak attack, I just got here, Jared and Trevor are nowhere to be found, what’s going on?

I decided I’d text Maddison back later, and kept on reading.

Okay so heard about the whole fight thing, wow, who thought they would go that far? Any ways everyone is worried sick, so at least let one person know where you are okay? All right, still no word, you better not be in some random guys truck on your way to Nova Scotia, if you honestly want to screw these guys over and marry Sidney Crosby, just go with Jordan to Pittsburgh next time and he’ll hook you up okay? I just don’t want a call from somewhere along the coast of the Atlantic saying your marrying him. I think Jared would literally cry... couldn’t say what Trevor would do, but I’m sure it’s something along the lines of crying too. Any ways, give someone a holler, unless you’re on your way to Nova Scotia, then just call me so I can lie my ass off to them!

I smiled at Megan’s text, her idea of running away and marrying Sidney Crosby was tempting, but it wouldn’t have solved anything, other than the fact that I wouldn’t be single.

I quickly went to Marc’s text.

Okay, running away is not cool, but I guess I can understand why you’re upset. However Laney, you should make a decision between Jared and Trevor. I know, you shouldn’t have too like how come Archie never had to choose between Betty and Veronica? In our sad world though, we cannot do as Archie Andrews did, for jealousy is a huge key, and Jared wouldn’t take it kindly if you went on a date with Trevor also, and from Trevor’s reaction today, I think he would go ape shit on Jared again. Jared’s my brother, but I know what a dick he can be. Remember how bad he hurt you Lane? Dumped you without a second thought and went off with some other girl, do you really think he should be forgiven so easily for that? Then there’s Trevor, and although I should be siding with my own brother, I can’t help but think of how nice of a guy Trevor is Laney, he’s good for you, but the decision is all yours.

I felt tears start to come to my eyes; I couldn’t believe Marc actually cared about my well being. Sure, we were like related, but when it came down to it, we weren’t and he should have been on his brother’s side,

But he cared about me.

I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. When I opened them, I knew who I was going to choose, and heading back in the afternoon sun, I quickly braced myself for letting a guy, who I love, get one of the biggest let downs of his life.

I could only hope he’d get more as time goes on, so he could forget this.