Status: Finished!

Thinking of You


I first met Zacky Baker in 6 th grade. I was being bullied by Jake Rogan, when Zacky rescued me from him.He said it was because I was wearing a Misfits shirt and seemed cool. Every since then we've been inseperable. I was there when we met Matt, Vall, Jimmy, Michelle and Brian. I sat through every baseball game, band practice and show they played. I was even there when they decided on Johnny as their new bass player. I watched him get his heartbroken, rejected and played. All the while wishing I was the one he wanted to be with, knowing it was unlikely.Why ruin a good friendship? We were always together, thats how everyone knew us that way, that is until 3 and half years ago the guys filmed the music video Beast & the Harlot, and Gena was there. Every since that day, I feel like we've been slowly growing apart. Sure we still hang out and do the usual, but now our time is more directed towards Gena and Kaleb. I met Kaleb 3 years ago after one of the guys shows. He seemed really sweet and cool, so we exchanged numbers, after that we started dating. That's when I really found out the truth. He was possessive and controlling, with a temper worse than Matt's. If the guys really knew what was going on, Kaleb would be dead. I hope soon one of us tells the other how we feel, before it's too late. I don't know how much more I can take Kaleb's abuse.
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Jake Rogan
So this is just a prologue to introduce their relationships, and how their friendship started. First real chapter will be out later today. Comments?