Status: Finished!

Thinking of You

He really is amazing

Not being able to talk to Zacky was starting to wear me down. He had made no attempt to contact me and I refused to beg him to. The morning after the incident, I had woke up smashed between Danny and Johnny G, to see my necklace, new chain and all, on the coffee table. I chucked it into my jewelry box and haven't looked at it since. I also found someone who was a good catch and we have been dating for about a month.

"Zacky still feels pretty bad about what he said to you." Val said. We were having a girl day which meant we all sat around and gossiped.

"Yeah, Bri said that Zackt told him it was one of the shittiest things he's ever done." Michelle added.

"Somewhere deep down, he meant what he said. He's made no move to apologize or talk to me. He's not my concern anymore." I didn't feel like talking about him.

"Matt gave him a black eye, you know that right." Val said. Although I really didn't care, it was pretty funny.

"So, how are you and Dan doing? Is he really that amazing or boring?" Lacey finally changed the subject. Thank God.

"At first I wasn't sure about dating him, with the drama and all, but he's sweet and caring. He
s very respectful and has helped me out with all the Zacky crap." That's right, I'm dating Dan. I deicded that he was really interesting, something I didn't tune into because I was to busy chasing Zacky, and we just clicked.

"He's really cool. Although he helps keep the guys in trouble. But are you sure you really like him." Leana asked. I knew what she meant by it.

"I honestly do. I asked myself the same question, but I like him, I could possibly fall in love with him to." That idea alone scared me. They all said how cute to which I waved them off. I heard my front door opening, then nine very different being heard. One of which I didn't want to.

"What is this? Talk about us while we work hard day?" Jimmy questioned. This earned him a punch in the chest from Leana. It was funny because she was so tiny.

"We have to have something to talk about. But it wasn't about you, sorry." Lacey said. The guys rolled their eyes and plopped down in chairs.

"Hey babe." Danny said, leaning over to kiss me. I could see Zacky out of the corner of my eye scowl. His loss.

"Hey, you have fun with that lot." I asked, earning a not funny from all of the guys.

'Someone has to keep them in line." He said. I nodded my head and saw everyone engaged in a conversation. All except Zacky who kept staring at me.

"Problem Baker?" I questioned him finally.

"Not a one Andrews." He said smirking.

"Quit staring then. It doesn't suit you." I said. He scowled and got up and left.

"That was mean." Johnny repremanded me. I didn't care.

"So, he was mean to me. It's called a taste of his own medicine." I replied the guys just shook their heads and decided to go home.

"How about we go to dinner tonight." Dan asked me, breaking me out of my thoughts of the person they shouldn't be on.

"Sure, that sounds good right now. Should I change?" I asked him. I'm not sure if a denim mini and plaid shirt was appropriate. The necklace was from all of the guys, due to the other being gone.

"I think your outfit is cute. Were not going anywhere fancy. Let's go." He said. We walked out of my house, I locked the front door then got in his truck. After driving to the main part of town, we pulled into the parking lot by the beach and got out to find a restraunt. After much debating, we just went into one and got seated.

"I don't think I've been here in forever." I said looking around.

"I've never been here. So, cheers to that." Danny said. I could tell something was bothering him, and I think it had to do with a certain guitarist. We placed our orders and just sat there looking around. Talk about awkward.

"Are you sure your really over Zacky?" Finally.

"Do you think that I would be sitting here with you, right now if I still liked him?" I questioned. Yes, I still liked Zacky. But I needed to get over him and the pain I still feel from what Kaleb did to me.

"I guess. I just don't want to be the rebound from all the stuff that has happened to you. You never deserved what that asshole did to you." I said thank you and finally got my food.

"i think that Kaleb was just confused. He thought that the guys were trying to turn me against him, so he thought by hurting me, the guys would think I was to much trouble and leave me be. Thank God that didn't happen." I had never told anyone that this was one of the reason's that he started abusing me.

"Are you serious? Haven't you known the guys since you were really young." He said bewildered.

"I've known Zacky since sixth grade when he rescued me from a bully. I met Val in seventh grade, and matt also because he followed her around everywhere. Then Jimmy, Brian because of Jimmy, and Johnny because he knew Zacky's little brother. Michelle I met when I met Val, and the Berry's in eighth grade. So I have known them for a long time." I said. I never really looked back and noticed how long I've known them.

"That's insane. I met Brian through Johnny(G) and have known him since then. I met you guys through him. I've always found you charming, never thought I had a chance though." he said. I blushed and continued eating.

"Well you do. You almost done." He nodded and we got the check and left. Just as we were walking out of the restaurant, I heard the voice I never wanted to again.

"Hello, Rachel." Oh crap.
♠ ♠ ♠
oufit choice

Short. Drama in next one. Comments?