Status: Finished!

Thinking of You

Please Forgive Me

"Hello Rachel." Oh crap. I turned slowly and there stood Kaleb looking cool as ever. I was freaking out on the inside. Dan growled beside me.

"Uh, hey." I said shakily. I felt the fear looking at him.

"How have you been?" He asked. What the hell?


"Where you living." None of your business, you asshole.

"Oh you know, with Matt and Val." Total lie, but he was scared shitless of him and Brian.


"Because I am."

"This doesn't look like Baker, so who is this?" He said calmly. Almost to calm.

"None of your fucking business that's who." Dan said, tugging me to leave.

"See you around Rachel. You can't be protected forever." He said. I felt fear overtake my body as we got in te car. From the corner of my eye, Kaleb was watching us. I felt tears leaking out of my eyes, and knew I was going to lose it soon.

"Baby, your okay. He can't hurt you." Dan soothingly said.

"He's going to follow us. Why can't he leave me alone." I said crying and trying to breath. I needed Zacky, and knowing that he wasn't talking to me sent me into full panic. Dan didn't say anything else the whole ride to Matt's and it pissed me off because he should try to be calming me down.

"We're here." Dan announced pulling me out of the car and up to Matt's house.

"Thank you for tonight Dan. Sorry it ended the way it did." I sniffed. He nodded and kissed me, then jogged back to his car and left. I was furious at that point. I knocked on the door for what seemed like forever, until Matt threw it open.

"Back off my property, it's way to late." He was half asleep and didn't even realize it was me.

"Matt it's me, can I stay here tonight?" I cried out.

"Oh babygirl, I thought you were with Dan? What happened?" He questioned, pulling me into the house.

"I was. And then Kaleb was at the restaraunt and threatened me and stupid Dan didn't know what to do, so he just dropped me off here and left. So here I am." I said in one breath.

"He didn't make sure I was here! What the fuck." His voice boomed. I flinched and he calmed down.

"What is with the yelling." Val calmly said walkind down the stairs. One look at me and she pulled me into a hug. She asked what happened and I told her. She pretty much said the same thing Matt did.

"I think he's outside, he followed us here." I said after calming down enough to function.

"Stay here both of you." Matt said. He walked over to the closet and grabbed what he was looking for, then opened the front door. Kaleb's car was indeed sitting in his driveway. Matt walked out there and had a few words with him, threatening him and all, before coming back in and ushering us into the kitchen.

"I'm going to get you one of these. He won't bother you anymore, but I want you to feel safe." He said revealing the .45 he had pulled out earlier.

"Matt, I don't know about that." I said shakily. It was no secret that one of Kaleb's dealers had pulled one on me awhile back.

"You need it. I want you to feel safe when none of us can be there or we're on tour and you decide not to come." He said in his "final" voice. I just nodded my head and we went back into the living room.

"I have to call and tell someone something." Matt said suddenly. He kissed Val and then walked to where his studio was and shut the door.

"He's calling Dan." Both Val and I said. We sat there just watching t.v. until Matt came back in looking happier than he did. I feel kind of bad for Dan, although he deserved it.

"I think I'm going to go to bed." Val said. Matt agreed and I knew to go to the guest room.

"Is there anything you want Rach?" Matt asked.

"I want Zacky." Simple, even if I knew he wouldn't come. I know I was supposed to be mad at him, but in this situation I needed him.

"Oh honey, how about I call him and see if he'll come over?" Matt said. I nodded hug them and went to the guest room.

I layed there crying out my frustrations over everything that happened to me and for Zacky being so selfish all the time. He was my best friend, and yet seemed like a stranger to me sometimes. All I l knew is thre had to be a way for us to work this out. Throwing away a friendship over Gena just wasn't going to cut it. Just as I was about to fall asleep, I heard the doorbell and then Bella barking.

"No man, she was hysterical when she got here." Mat whispered.

"Matt, she hates me for what I said. She's not going ot want to see me." Zacky said. How wrong you are Baker.

"She wanted me to call you. Go up there and calm her." I heard a thump, which meant Matt pushed him towards the stairs. I heard a knock so I replied, "come in." Zacky looked in the room and the minute he saw me, rushed into the room.

"Shit Rachel, what happened?" He said.

"Dan and I went to dinner, and the minute we left kaleb was standing there and threatened me. Dan didn't know what to do, so he just kind of kicked me out of the car and here I am." I said, crying yet again.

"He didin't even make sure they were home. Are you serious?" he roared. I nodded my head and he pulled me into his arms.

"Baby, I'm so sorry for what I said to you. I didn't mean any of it. I can't believe how stupid and selfish I was, blaming you for something you had no idea or say in. If I have to prove how sorry i am for the rest of my life then I will, you mean to much to me to let go like that." Zacky said. It's what I was waiting for.

"I forgive you Zack. I missed you so much, there were days where I would dial your number, only to remember you didin't want anything to do with me. It was horrible." The tears had subsided and I was starting to drift off.

"Night Rach." He said.

"Night Zacky. Can you stay here with me?" I asked sleepily. I felt him get up and strip to hs boxers, then pull the covers back so we could get under them. I cuddled up to him, hsi arm pulling me closer and just as I was about to drift off I swore I heard him say, I love you more than you'll ever know." But I couldn't be sure, being near him felt so right.
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There you go. Just because she forgives him now, doesn't mean it will last :) Thank you for being patient to. Off to update my other stories. Comments?