Status: Finished!

Thinking of You

No You Didn't

"What do you mean me?" He questioned after it sunk it what I had said.

"He thinks that I'm in love with you, and kept trying to make me stop talking to you. He thought that I was going to leave him for you also." I replied.

"What made him think that?"

"The way we are around eachother. How, no matter what I go to you for everything, how I was so quick to forgive you after the incident. He doesnt' understand that your my best friend, and I'll always want you around." I was growing tired, and when that happens, word vomit occurs.

"He's just an idiot. He was so wasted that I don't think he was thinking straight." Zacky said to me.

"Whatever. It seems like I'm doomed to forever be stuck with guys who express themselves the wrong way." See what I mean.

"That isn't true Rach."

"I didn't mean you guys, I meant people like Kaleb. I know that you would never do anything to hurt me." I yawned out.

"That's good I guess." Zacky said. I shrugged my shoulders and cuddled further into his chest. I was drained from Dan scaring the shit out of me, and just wanted to sleep.

"Night Zacky." I told him after awhile. He replied back and I fell into a sleep that could only be described as horrible.

Rolling over the next morning, the first thing I noticed was Zacky was no longer there. Second, my upper arms hurt like hell and were purple. I felt tears start gathering in my eyes at the thought of what Dan did, but willed them to go down when I realized that crying wasn't going to help. Deciding I didn't want to lay around, I got up and wandered down to Brian and Michelle's kitchen. Getting close to the kitchen, I heard Zacky and Brian's voices, and stopped at the entrance to hear what they're saying.

"I'm telling you Zack, don't tell her right now, wait until she's healed from what happened to her." Wha the hell are they talking about?

"I'm telling you Syn, if I wait any longer, she is going to find someone else yet again, and then what? I have to sit back and pretend to be happy for her?" Zacky said. I put a hand over my mouth in shock when I realized what they were talking about.

"Then do it. But if she says no or walks away, don't give up." He replied. I decided that now was a good time to walk into the kitchen.

"Morning boys." I greeted them. They both stood straight with guilty faces. Busted.

"Morning Rach, you sleep okay?" Brian asked. I saw him look at my arms and anger overtook his features.

"Of course. I'm kind of ready to go home and shower and stuff though." I replied. More like this is awkward and I'm slathering on concealer, but same thing.

"I'll take you home." Zacky stated. I nodded my head and walked over to give Brian a hug.

"Be careful with her." Brian said in his "stern" voice. Zacky waved him off and we walked outside and got in his car.

"I don't think we should go out today. You've been through enough and just need to relax and settle." Zacky said after awhile. I just nodded my head and sat back as he continued driving to my house.

"You sure? I'm okay." I replied. In reality, all I could think about was what I overheard in the kitchen this morning.

"Positive. Just go home, relax and call me to so I know your alright." He pulled up to my house, and sat there while I got out.

"You want to come in?" I already knew he would say no, since the engine was still running.

"No, I have some stuff I need to take care of." He replied. I just shrugged.

"Alright, I'll talk to you later then?" I offered.

"Yep." For some reason he wouldn't look at me. It was either the bruises or something else. I said bye, and walked up to the front door and into the house. After closing it, I slid down and started crying.

Zacky, is the type of person, who will take out his anger on those closest to him. Like the thing that happened with Gena, I got the backlash. So, if he truely meant what he said to Syn, he's going to hide it and avoid me. I guess, I should get used to him being shady again because he's going to be for awhile.
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It's short, and a filler. I am really bored with this story for some reason. It seems as that tends to happen when i right a Zacky story, they don't do as well as my other ones. I think there might be four chapters left. I appreciate those who read, subscribe, and comment. Comments? Also, I'm thinking of a new story, but I want your opinion on who you want it to be about.