Status: Finished!

Thinking of You

Welcome Back

Zacky only attempted to call me once, after just one try he never called again. I heard from everyone else almost daily, whether it be phone calls or another form, so I knew majority of things that were going on. Everyone assured me that things were going great, and everyone missed me. I heard from numerous fan sites that Zacky and Gena had in fact tied the knot, but if they did I didn't want to know about it. It was their business, as Zacky had made it pretty clear I was no longer part of his life. As much as it shattered my heart, this was my real chance to move on.

I had no set place where I was going, I just drove. I find it funny that I ended up in Boston, which is exactly 2998 miles away. To me, it still didn't feel far enough. But I did meet some cool people along the way. For instance, I met someone that was in a band, who was going through something similar to what I was and understood why I just needed to get away for awhile. So, when I got a phone call from Matt begging me to come back, I decided that now would be a good time to head back, it had been six months. Things had to have settled down by now.

"So your really going to go back?" Martin asked as I started packing up my apartment. Yes Martin from Boys Like Girls. They had just come home from tour and I ended up meeting them at a bar of all places.

"Yeah, I think it's about time, plus the guys really want to see me." I replied. He nodded and handed me more stuff to put into the box I was working on.

"Well, don't forget about us." Paul pouted, it was too cute.

"I won't I'm coming back to visit. Can't get rid of me that fast." I chuckled. They nodded and helped me carry my stuff out to my car.

"Well boys, I guess this is it till you come out to Cali." I said giving each of them hugs.

"Hell yes! Then we can party." Paul replied. I rolled my eyes at him. Martin came up and gave me an extra hug before I got in the car and drove off.

After putting everything in my car, and saying my goodbyes, I started the long drive back. I knew that it would take three days to get back, so I prepared myself for the worse. Truth was, I was over Zacky in a sense. He would always have a huge piece of my heart, but if we were ever to work it out, we would be able to just be friends without the awkwardness and bitterness present from my feelings or his. To say I was scared would be an understatement. I was terrified of everyone telling me to leave, or for Zacky to pretend I don't exist. I knew the guys and girls would never turn me away, but two people would.

----Three Days Later-------

Pulling into the driveway of my house that I had abandoned months ago, I was exhausted from the long drive. Not bothering to grab my stuff since I did leave alot of things here, I unlocked my front door and was saddened at how lonely it felt. Even with Kaleb my other house didn't feel like this. Must be sleep deprivation kicking in. As I headed towards the stairs, I heard the door bell and groaned.

Throwing open the door without bothering was Brian of course. "Rachel!" He yelled scooping me up into a hug.

"Bri! And Michelle!" I screamed when he finally released me from his death grip.

"When did you get back?" He asked.

"Like five minutes ago. I was just about to go crash when you bounced in."

"Oh sorry." Michelle replied sheepishly. I just waved it off and we moved further into my living room.

"So, what's been really going on here since I decided to run away?" I asked them after Brian went and seen if he could find anything to drink, of course he didn't.

"The truth? Not much." Brian replied.

"Wow, I would think more drama would start up. Or maybe since I was out of the equation things quieted down."

"Don't think that way. We all haven't really seen you-know-who since you left. Only the guys when they go to the studio." Michelle replied. I was stunned.

"Wow, so what happened?" I asked. I saw Brian squirm and Michelle shrug.

"Well, we don't really know how to tell you." Brian started off. My heart started beating widely in my chest, I already knew.

"They got married didn't they?" When I got a head nod I collapsed back into the couch.

"We were going to call you, but they had just went down to city hall and got married. None of us knew about it till like a week later." Brian replied.

"Wow." What else could I say.

"I'm so sorry Rach, but she demanded that he marry her right away. And well he did, that's why no one has really talked to him." Michelle said. I shrugged and gave them a half-hearted smile.

"Don't worry about it, he knew what he was doing. I mean he meant what he said when I left, so I honestly don't care anymore." I lied. I did love him still but getting conformation of what Zacky did was the right step in completely getting over him.

"Oh sweetie." Brian murmured.

"No it's okay, I think this is the best news I've got in awhile. I mean I knew that he didn't feel the same way so now is the perfect opportunity to find someone else." I waved my hand at him and finally felt the exhaustion kicking in.

"Well, we should let you get some sleep, you look like your about to pass out." Michelle chuckled.

"Yeah, I didn't realize how tired I was till now." I gave them a sleepy smile.

After giving them both hugs and promising to stop by in the morning, I walked them out and locked up before once again attempting to walk upstairs. However, someone else had to ring the door bell. Groaning, I took my time before opening the door afraid of what I would find on the other side.

And the one other person I never wanted to see stood there, Kaleb.
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I really am sorry for how long this has taken to get out. Truth is, I honestly don't like this story as much. 3 more chapters before it's over. A big thank you to everyone that reads, subscribes and comments.