Status: Finished!

Thinking of You


Kaleb was the last person I wanted to ever see again, and yet there he stood smirking at me. I know what your thinking, why aren't you running or trying to close the door? It's simple really, I gave up. He would have found me eventually and I might as well try to listen to him before I give in.

"What the hell do you want?" I sighed. Like I said, who cared anymore.

"Well hello to you to Rach, I'm also doing good." He scoffed. I glared at him and stupidly lead him into the house.

"Why are you here Kaleb? To finish me off like you wanted to? Go ahead, I don't care anymore!" I whirled around and screamed at him. He looked stunned but he honestly shouldn't be suprised that I would stand up to him.

"Do you honestly think I want to hurt you?" He questioned quietly. I stared at him like he had two heads, did he honestly think otherwise?

"What the fuck Kaleb am I supposed to think? You put me in the hospital twice and beat the shit out of me just about everyday and you ask me if I think your going to hurt me? Even you can't be that dense." I replied.

"Look Rachel, I came here to apologize. I know that sounds stupid coming from me, but I really am sorry for what I did to you." He said quietly at the end. Now I was pissed. Did he honestly think it would be that easy.

"Did you really think you could come over here and I would forgive you that easily? I don't think so. I'll forgive you when I feel like it's right, now please leave." I said walking back through the foyer and opening my front door. He seemed to take the hint and left. After he walked out and I slammed and locked the door, I slid down in it complete shock. I had finally stood up to him. No I didn't tell him what I always wanted to, but I finally let go some of the hate I had felt towards him.

Hearing another knock on my door, I groaned thinking he didn't catch the hint, so as I threw open my door I was beyond suprised to see Gena and Zacky standing there. Zacky, not so much but her yes.

"What the hell are you two doing here? Go back wherever you came from." I sneered about to slam the door. It seems Zacky had more sense than me because he blocked it with his foot causing me to move back.

"Well, Brian showed up at my house a few minutes ago about ready to kick my ass because of you, so I thought what the hell we would pay you a visit." Zacky replied. I really did not want to see either of them, and I was about to punch him in his face.

"Well good for him, someone needs to finally do it. Now if you don't mind I'm tired and want to go to sleep. SO please leave." I said gesturing towards the door. Gena looked nervous and Zacky refused to back down.

"No Rach, you need to hear us out okay. I get that your mad at me but you just need to shut up and listen." Zacky snapped. I sighed and sat down since he wouldn't leave until he said what he had to.

"Fine talk. But make it quick, I'm tired and honestly don't think this is the best time for this." I told both of them as they sat on the opposite couch.

"Now, I know your pissed at not only me but Gena, but you have to understand why we got married." Zacky said slowly.

"Honestly, I don't want to know why you did it, okay. It's your business now and I don't want details." I replied.

"Rachel just shut up and let me talk!" He snapped yet again. Who the hell did he think he was. I was getting more upset by the minute and was close to calling Matt to come get Zacky. Childish,maybe. But I really wasn't in the mood for this.

"Whatever." I sighed.

"Alright. Now you need to understand that I love you, okay. But I'm in love with Gena." He started off. I rolled my eyes, of course I knew this.

"Gena and I decided to get married because she is pregnant. I realized after what happened with Dan and you that I was in love with her, not the way I was with you of course but I loved her none the less. I know it doesn't make sense to you but you need to understand that what I said to you was horrible and unforgivable, but I thought that if we kept going in circles like we were neither of us would be happy."

"I understand Zacky, really I do. I think I was just holding on so hard because I believed we could be something more. But I realize now that we were always supposed to be just friends, nothing more, nothing less. And I'm okay with that." I replied not wavering once. Sure she was pregnant, and yeah maybe he would always love her more.

"I'm so sorry for what you've gone through babe, I know that what Kaleb did was unexcusable and damaged you deeply but you need to know that I love you very much and you will find someone. But I'm happy right now with Gena, and I just need you to accept it." He replied softly. I felt tears threatening to spill and was scared to let them fall. He was right, Kaleb hurt me badly and latching on to someone wouldn't help. I needed to get over it before I could move on.

"Thank you Zacky. And Gena, I'm really sorry for the way I treated you over the years. You never deserved it. I was just afraid that if Zacky really fell for you that I would lose him for good and I wasn't ready for that. But I can tell you make him happy, and thats all I really want. Zacky to be happy." I spoke quietly.

"I'm sorry to Rachel for everything I've ever done to you. The truth is, I was always jealous of you, you and Zacky had this bond I couldn't understand and it drove me crazy. So I'm sorry to." She replied. I accepted her apology. I knew it would take time. But I finally realized that me and him were never supposed to be together, and I would get over it eventually. Time heals all wounds.
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I finally got something out! Next one is the epilogue, I had planned for this to be a short story and I think its best I end it. Comments, please.