Status: Finished!

Thinking of You


"Kaleb stop, let go your hurting me." This was a typical thing if i went out with anyone other than him. Today, I went lunch with Val and here I am now.

"I told you to stop hanging out with them, what is it going to take for you to understand!" He shouted throwing me to the floor. I felt a slap to my face before he said something about going out, and left me lying there thinking of what excuse I was going to come up with for the marks this time. I know what your thinking, why do you stay? Why don't you end it or tell someone. Honestly I don't know. Everytime I go to, Kaleb comes up with a sorry and is sweet for at least a week before the abuse starts up again.And yes, I have told someone.

That person didn't know how to help and was from outside the group. Slowly getting up off the floor, I wait till I hear the door slam and go upstairs to change and visit the guys. I put on dark skinny jeans,a white camisole, a blue striped sweater and flip flops since the sweater would cover the marks on my arms, slathered on concealer on the black eye and bruise on my cheek, then did the rest of my makeup, straightened my hair and was ready to go.

I decided that I was going to go visit Brian and Michelle, knowing that everyone would be over there because they traded off who's house they went to, and today was his. Pulling up into the driveway, my thoughts were confirmed when I saw 6 other cars, which meant Danny and the Berry's were here and walked up the path to the front door, I didn't even knock, going straight in to see them all spread out in various places.

"You know, you shouldn't leave the door unlocked, you never know what fan might be ready to walk in." I stated directing it mostly towards Brian.

"I already knew you were coming, so moot point." Sure. I walked around giving everyone hugs, finally getting to Zacky who was carefully observing me, and I knew what his question would be.

"Why are you were a sweater in the middle of June?" Yep, I knew it was coming.

"Because I felt like it, plus it's really cold, brr." He was still eyeing me, trying to get me to tell him why, and that wasn't going to happen.

"Sweetie, leave her alone, if she wants to be weird let her." Gena said. I so wanted to hit her for calling me weird, everyone must have noticed because Brian pulled me away before I did something stupid.

"Don't let her get to you Rach, shes just jealous." I saw Michelle walking up to us, who I love to death cause she would totally put Gena in her place.

"I'm not, she just gets annoying, I mean I'm not weird am I? What would that make the rest of you?" I saw Brian start scowling, which made me and Michelle crack up. As he was turning to leave, I yelled, "you know I love you Bri." Which he returned and went to mingle with everyone else.

"Hey Val and Matt, haven't seen you for like an hour." This caused them to crack up because it really was only an hour ago I saw them. We talked some more before I was rudely pulled away by Zacky.

"I was talking Zack. That was rude." I said in a harsh tone.

"I'm sorry babe, it's just I'm worried about you. I haven't heard from you all day and you show up here with a bruise on your neck. I'm your best friend just talk to me." I could feel the tears, I totally forgot about the hand print that was fading around my neck. And seeing the love and concern in Zacky's eyes, I wished I could tell him.

"Babe, I'm fine. I burnt myself with a curling iron. I was going to call you this morning, but my phone wasn't charged. How about we go do something tomorrow, yeah?"I had to think of something fast, and a curling iron seemed like a good excuse.

"Yeah, that would be good. Just remember you can tell me anything. So, hows Kaleb." I could here the sneer towards the end when he said Kaleb's name. I just told him he was doing fine and was working for a new band. Did I forget to mention he was a tech. I quickly hugged him and told him that I would call him to do something tomorrow because I felt my phone start vibrating, and of course the name on the screen was his.


"Where the hell are you!" I had to pull the phone away from my ear that's how loud he was.

"I was getting some food. I should be home in a few minutes." Great, now I have to go find something and get back there quickly.

"You better hurry up then." He didn't even say "bye" or "I love you". I wished right then and there I could speak up, tell Zacky how I feel and get away from this mess. But right now I'm to afraid to do anything. I returned into the house to find the guys with their eyebrows raised and the girls with understanding looks.

"I have to go guys. It was nice seeing you. I'll see you later." I walked out as fast as I could so I wouldn't be asked questions, I couldn't handle them right now. Getting in my Chevy Tahoe I went to find food fast and get home to face Kaleb.
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First real chapter. This story is going to be more serious than anything I've ever wrote. So the first few chapters might seem different. Stick with me though.