Status: Finished!

Thinking of You

I feel lost, someone help me find my way

"Rachel, wake the hell up." I groaned and shifted to Kaleb's side of the bed since that was were the voice was coming from.

"No, it's to early."

"I don't give a shit. I'm leaving for a couple days, the least you could do is get up." What an ass, seriously.

"I'm awake. Where you going?"

"I'm going to Maryland to help All Time Low out. I'll see you later." He grabbed my face and pecked my lips before walking out the door. I didn't even say bye or anything. You would think that I would be used to it by now, but I guess I'm hoping that he'll just quit acting the way he does and become the person I first met 3 years ago. Just as I was about to call Zacky, I heard his ever familiar ringtone, so I answered it.

"Hey Zack."

"Hey babe, still want to do something today?"

"Yeah, Kaleb just left so how about we meet up at the pier in an hour?"

"I'll just pick you up in an hour. How about that?"

"Sound's perfect, I'll see you then."

"Okay, love you." Oh, how I wish he meant it in another way.

"Love you to. Bye."

I decided that since I only had an hour to get ready, I should start now.After stepping out of the shower, I plugged in my hair straightener and blow dryer before going to pick out an outfit for the day. I put on denim shorts, my Huntington Beach shirt and bikini underneath, paying special attention to the heart necklace I never take off. The necklace was given to me by Zacky when the guys were first starting out as a thank you for being there through everything. Walking back into the bathroom, I did my hair and makeup, then walked downstairs to find Zacky lounging on the couch. That alone made me squeal because I wasn't expecting it.

"Christ Zack, how long have you been here?"

"About five minutes. What happened to the coffee table?" I flinched when he mentioned it, Kaleb was pissed and I connected with it, causing it to shatter.

"One of Kaleb's friends thought it would be funny to fall on it." He raised his eyebrow, like he could see through the lies.

"Right. So you ready to go?"

"Yup yup." We walked out my house to his BMW, wher we ventured off to the pier. After finally getting to the pier, we got out of the car and started walking along the pier towards Ruby's diner.

"I feel bad that I haven't hung out with you that much Rach." Zacky said, which startled me out of my thoughts.

"It's both of our faults. You've been busy with the band and I've been doing jobs for other ones. It's not you fault." I didn't need to say more because of the fact that the reason I'm not hanging out with him is Kaleb. And the stupid crush I have on him.

"Well, maybe we can try to before the band goes back on tour."

"Yeah that would be good, so when are you guys going back?" Zacky explained that they would be leaving in two months to tour and then would start working on their next album.

I told him that I've just been doing hair and makeup for random bands and photoshoots because it's what I've always done. I even did A7X's till this tour because Kaleb wouldn't let me go at all. And the guys had to find a replacement, with you guessed it Gena. Matt would call and bitch about how annoying she was, which in turn made me cry for two reasons and then he would have to spend a half hour trying to calm me down. Real fun being controlled by the person you love right, not. One day I'm going to get myself out of this situation, the only thing is, is that I need to tell a certain someone my true feelings.

And now you wish that you meant something
And now you wish that you meant something to somebody else
And now you wish that you met someone
And now you wish that you meant something to somebody else

Great Kaleb was calling. I excused myself real quick and answered with a quick hello.

"Where are you?" I could hear the I know where you are, don't lie.

"I went out with a few friends."

"Which ones Rachel?" I could feel goosebumps forming all over my arms from the tone of his voice.

"You know the usual ones. I just needed to get out for awhile." Big trouble.

"Well, something came up, and now I'm sitting at home waiting for you to get here. So hurry up." Shit. Now it was going to be bad. I didn't say anything back because the line went dead. Wasn't he supposed to be away for a week. Walking back to the table, I noticed Zacky texting on his phone, Gena probably.

"Hey Zacky, I need to get home something came up." Lie one.

"What? I thought we were going to hang out today?"

"We were but Kaleb is really sick and needs me to take him to the hospital." Lie two.

"I thought he went out of town?" God Zacky why must you be so curious.

"He was supposed to, but when he got the airport he started feeling weird and they had to bring him back." Lie three.

"Oh okay. Let's get going." I could see disappointment and a hint of sadness in his eyes. Or maybe I was imagining it.

"I'm sorry Zacky, maybe we can meet up again tomorrow."

"Yeah that would be good." Getting in the car and driving the short distance to my house, I could myself shaking from the fear of what was about to happen. It wasn't going to be good.

Pulling up to my driveway, I told Zacky I had fun and he said the same. We said our usual goodbyes and then I walked into the house awaiting the pain that was about to happen.

"About damn time Rachel."
♠ ♠ ♠
This story is only going to be posted on every so often. It's not that I don't want to work on it, it's that it is more personal than my other one and don't want to rush it. Comments would be nice.

Lyric credits go to Escape the Fate :Something.