Status: Finished!

Thinking of You

Why did this happen to me

Today was the day I was looking foward to. The guys were coming home and we were all going to meet at Matt's house so I could visit them. I wish I looked alot different than I do now. Bruises covered just about every part of my body. I had made sure that Kaleb was passed out before I even attempted to walk out the front door.

I put on my bikini with shorts and a tank top not caring that it didn't hide anything and slowly went into the garage and pulled the car out of the driveway.I felt relieved that I got away without being noticed.

Pulling into Matt's driveway, I parked the car and placed my forehead on the steering wheel saying a silent prayer.Finally gathering the courage to go inside, I grabbed my purse and walked towards the door. Rather than ringing the doorbell, I just walked inside and instantly heard Brian's voice. Walking that way, I said:

"Hey guys." As they heard my voice, their heads snapped up and I heard gasps and a couple growls.

"What the fuck happened to you Rachel?" Zacky asked.

"Would you believe me if I said I fell?" I questioned. I really didn't want to do this right now. When it came down to it, I was scared.

"How about no. What happened baby?" He asked again.

Sighing, I looked dead at Jimmy since I knew he would be the most understanding and said,"I flinched." Jimmy knew exactly what I meant because his face hardened.

"What the hell does that mean?" Brian then asked. This was getting old.

"Uh, I was sitting on the couch and Kaleb went to put his arm around me-" I was cut off by Zacky asking in disbelief:

"Kaleb did this!"

"Yeah." It was dead silent for a while before all the guys voices boomed, "he's fucking dead!"

"Guys please, I'm freaked out as it is. I need your help, not for you to end up in jail." I practically begged.

"How long has this been going on?" Johnny finally asked. I thought carefully about what I was going to say before I told them the whole stroy.

"You guys can't judge me, or interupt. Got it?" They all nodded their heads, except for Gena who rolled her eyes and I began my story.

"It started about a year and a half ago. One day I came home and was met with Kaleb and a couple of friends doing lines on my coffee table. At first I pretended like I didn't see it and went to walk up to my room when Kaleb grabbed me and started screaming and cursing. I was stunned at first, but figured it was the drugs nad not him. How wrong I was.It started with verbal attacks and threats, and a couple of months later it got physical. No matter what I did I got beat." I stopped to wipe a couple of tears before starting again.

" If I hung out with people he didn't approve of or you guys, it was worse. A couple of times I ended up in the emergency room. I know that I should have said something, but I wanted to believe it wasn't happening, that I didn't let myself get into this situation. It didn't matter if I begged or promised not to go out, I was beaten. It's also why I couldn't go on tour with you anymore and also why I would disappear due to the marks. Yesterday though, was the final blow. He had been going to Anger Management for three months and instead of making him better, it made it worse. After he finished doing this, I started packing and waited for today. I know I should have said something, and I'm sorry." By this time I was in hysterics and noticed the girls crying and the guys with shocked expressions.Abruptly I was pulled into Zacky's chest and grabbed his shirt holding on for dear life.

"This isn't your fault, do you understand me. He had no right to put his hands on you. I'm sorry I couldn't protect you." Zacky said, whispering the last part so only I could hear. I just nodded and soon felt myself being sat down in his lap.

"Babygirl, we need ot call the cops. I know your scared and you don't want to but he needs to get what he deserves." Matt said. Matt was the older brother I never had. All of the guys were, except Zacky for obvious reasons.

"I know, I just I'm scared." Zacky just kept caressing me and placed his cheek on top of my head.

"I think she's lying." Gena suddenly said. That hurt.

"Don't ever say shit like that again do you understand me." Zacky's voice boomed. It reminded me of Kaleb and I immediately tensed. Brian must have seen this because he grabbed me from Zacky and pulled Michelle closer. Zacky grabbed Gena's arm and drug her into the kitchen, where we all heard them arguing.

"I'm sorry guys, I didn't want to start anything." I said.

"You have nothing to be sorry about, shes an idiot okay." Michelle replied. I just curled up more to Brian and Michelle and felt my eyes getting heavier. Brian must have sensed this because he pulled me onto his lap and started slowly rocking me.I pulled Michele closer, so she didn't feel left out, she wrapped her arms around me and Brian. I felt my eyes closing, and before I knew it the darkness took over.
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It's short I know. Sorry it took so long. It was hard to write. Comments please?