Status: Finished!

Thinking of You

Are You Sure?

"I hate shopping with you, you know that right." Zacky said as we exited yet another store.

"Yeah, but you love me, so you endure it." I retorted with a cheeky smile. He just laughed and pulled me to find food.

"Do you want tacos or chinese this time." He asked. I replied with tacos and we went to a place near by.

"So how are you really doing Rach." Zacky asked. I knew this was coming.

"I'm fine. There are some days were I just want to lay around and cry, but I don't because then that means that I let him get to me you know?"

"That's good, don't ever let him get to you. Your amazing and don't deserve what he did." I just nodded my head and try to keep the tears that came to my eyes from falling.He brushed my hair from my face and gave me a smile.

You have know idea how hard it was for me to refrain from grabbing him and having my way with him. But I just pulled back when the waitress brought our food. Eating in comfortsble silence, we just sat there an enjoyed eachother's company.

"I actually have something I want to talk to you about." Zacky said, breaking the silence.

"Okay, go ahead." I was nervous as to what he would say. I was hoping he would confess his feelings, but this is Zacky we're talking about here.

"I was thinking of asking Gena to marry me." The smile and my heart both dropped when I heard those words. Not what I was expecting.

"Are you sure that's what you want?" I saw different emotions play on his face, but none I could really grab onto.

"I think so, I just wanted to ask your opinion since you are my best friend and all." He said. That's all I would ever be to him. The friend. I had more of a chance dating Dan than I did him.

"Then do it. Are you ready to leave?" I couldn't hear anymore. Whenever a situation gets bad, I run. Except when it came to Kaleb.

"Yeah, are you okay? You seem tense." He replied.

"No I'm okay. I just feel alittle sick right now." He nodded his head and led me to the car. All the time all I could think of was that that was my chance to say something, anything. But my fear was in the way.

As soon as we pulled into Matt's driveway. i said bye and sprinted to the house. I felt tears starting to form and would be damned if Zacky would see. Closing the front door, i turned around to Matt and Va's worried faces. Thank goodness no one else was here.

"Babygirl, what's wrong?" Matt aked.

"He wants to ask her to marry him." I said finally letting the tears fall. He pulled me into his chest and let me cry. Now what was i going to do. I lost my chance, or did I?
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Sorry it not only took so long but it's short. Thank you to everyone. Comments?